Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

No one wants to agree with Gong Min's suggestion.

I don't know when there has been a forest, and there is a reason for him. Never try to use his own cognition to untie him.

"Are you sure, there are discoveries in it?"

"I came out from inside, you have to believe me."

Gong Ming has prepared everything and plans to go in.

Long Aotian looked at Ye Xuan, maybe there would be a harvest in it, but he just didn't know how big this harvest was.

Moreover, these people are not ordinary people, maybe the jungles in this area cannot help them.

"Go in and see!"

Long Aotian directly turned on the headlights, the woods directly ate all the light, and the headlights of the car could not be seen far away.

Ye Xuan sniffed his nose: "What is this smell and why is it so stinky!"

Moreover, several people in Dragon Warfare also smelled it, and it was a very strong smell, which felt that the nose could not stand it anymore.

"This is the taste of evil energy." Gong Ming explained to several people.

"Taste of evil energy? Isn't evil energy a power? How can it still smell?"

Perhaps the explanation doesn't make any sense, only to let them see it in order to believe it all.

Long Aotian had no road in front of the car, and several people had to come down and walk in.

As soon as he came down, Long Aotian didn't know what to step on, and it felt sticky like stool. He began to dislike it. When he looked down, the green things in the beach were not as good as stool.

"Fuck, what is this, how disgusting!"

"Evil energy!" Gong Min said.

"This is evil energy? A disgusting thing?"

Long Aotian wanted to get rid of his shoes, but just grabbed the hand and shouted: "I am grass!"

He grabbed a hand, still the sticky, disgusting thing.

"Damn, why is this evil thing so disgusting!"

Longao weather only scolded, but the dragon battle was carefully observed. There are things that are invisible here, seeming to float in the air, and although the trees here are still growing, they have changed, for example, Long Zhan carefully observed a tree, it must have moved the position.

"You come and see." Ye Xuan discovered the New World. It can be said that this is the strangest and most magnificent landscape he has ever seen.

Through the dense woods, it is a bottom of a deep valley.

At the bottom of the valley, a majestic building is quietly standing, with green, viscous liquid flowing everywhere, like a waterfall, pouring down from all sides, below is a large pond filled with this Liquids, and do not know where they will flow.

Is this evil energy?

"Yes, this is evil energy!"

"You said that evil energy is based on absorbing life as energy, but these trees ..." Dragon Battle directly pulled off a branch, and the green thick liquid would also flow out of the wound, as if he had replaced his blood.

"Yes, evil energy is to destroy life and obtain powerful power, but at the same time, he can also give the absorbed life a new way of survival and obtain powerful power."

Long strategy nodded thoughtfully.

"Is it a transformation of life?" Ye Xuandao.

"Yes, but this is the evil energy controller can easily absorb or endow through the evil energy!"

Fel controller?

Gong Ming pointed to a very large-looking object. His body was simply a pile of two balls. His limbs were also quite developed. The goal was not obvious. The two eyes were also distorted and had no ears. Without hair, he held the whip in one hand and the huge machete in the other, facing some guys with dog heads and bodies, urging them to build the building at the fastest speed.

There are dozens of such evil energy controllers, and there are even more kobolds!

"What are they building?" Ye Xuan asked!

"Portal Palace!"

"Welcome their master from a different world."

Seeing that their construction period is approaching, who they want to greet to come to this world, why should they build such a huge project.

"It's too late, I need you to help me, enter the palace and destroy the portal."

"Is the portal already established?" Long Aotian suddenly surprised.

"Huh, how do you think these things come from ..."

"However, their portal is still very small, and they will not come over too powerful demons. As long as their master comes over, then the power of him alone can open the portal in this world. By then, This world is all demons! "

Ye Xuan squeezed his forehead, and felt terribly painful. He didn't think that his enemy was far more than Xuanwu City, but he also had to fight against this kind of evil energy!

"Come with me!"

"What should we do, can we just go on like this?" Long Aotian looked at the dense things below, and the disgusting "evil controller" wanted to go around their eyelids, but It's not an easy task.

"It doesn't matter, now your strength can handle these things easily, these are just weak demons, they are only labor, or the evil controller will take some effort!"

Perhaps this is a good choice. Gong Xuan can tell the truth from the beginning. Ye Xuan can feel it. From the beginning to the end, Xuan Xiao has not spoken. He seems to be thinking about something.

"I'm leaving!" Xuan Xiao said suddenly.

"Why, are you afraid?" Long Aotian asked in surprise.

Ha ha!

When was Xuan Xiao scared? However, he has realized that the opening of the evil energy has been opened. Perhaps he should go and find his brother withered wood. The withered wood has been tracing the matter of evil energy. found it.

"I have to leave, and I will leave it to you here."

"Well, go find him." Needless to say, Xuan Xiao also knew who he was looking for. Xuan Xiao could guess that Ye Xuan had already guessed, but he was still taken aback.

"Okay, I hope to bring him back as a friend, not as an enemy."

The figure of Xuan Xiao flashed and disappeared directly, leaving the remaining few people, found a relatively gentle place and prepared to go on.

"But I want to tell you in advance, I don't know what is going on in the palace, I hope I won't have any trouble."

Kaka Kaka!

Long Aotian pinched his joints and kept ringing: "Don't worry about this matter."

Maybe Long Aotian didn't win in a fight, but if he fought, he never feared, who wouldn't fight a fight.

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