Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

After listening to Lin Na's introduction, this Jiazhi was like God in the Salvation Army.

Moreover, Lin Na suspected that the western plague was planned by Jiazhi.

And no one has seen Jia Zhi's own appearance, and all of his appearances are his avatars.

"Avatar? What do you mean?" Ye Xuan thought this was very important.

"It's the clone. Every time Jiazhi appears, it's a clone. He may be by our side."

Do not! He appeared once, on that way, Jiazhi was himself. Ye Xuan could still be quite certain.

"Maybe it is, but it may also be a high-quality clone!"

The high-quality clones in Lin Na ’s mouth are those that have the same thinking as her own, and are even smarter and stronger than the deity. This clone may not even know that she is a clone, and the forces that Lin Na uses now. Unlike Xuanwu City's troops, after they were produced, they were implanted with a kind of memory called "memory brain donor", which is similar to a chip.

But the two are different. The troops of Xuanwu City are just some puppets. Lin Na still left some people's feelings, but only a part.

Lin Na believes in people. If it is just for fighting, or fighting because of fighting, it is no different from the machine, and the fighting power will be greatly reduced.

In fact, it has also been well confirmed that Lin Na ’s army of 30,000 people defeated 50,000 people in Xuanwu City. The dragon battle can directly flood the 500,000 army of Xuanwu City. If some people think , They will definitely run.

Ye Xuan is not good enough to comment on whether Lin Na is good or bad for fighting with clones. Is n’t it unfair? But one thing Ye Xuan must admit, he allowed Lin Na to attack the Griffon City, which is to acquiesce in his practice of continuing to make tea clones.

"City Lord, you should come and see this."

Long Aotian didn't know how to find it, holding a document-like thing in his hand.

Ye Xuan looked at it: "What is this?"

This is a recent report on the total population of Dixuan City!

Emperor Xuancheng will conduct a census every once in a while. This is not a major event, it is just a need for development, but the above division is still very detailed. Ordinary people, martial artists, martial artists and grade division are actually inadvertent It was wrong, it was sent, but Long Aotian found one of the weird places.

Ye Xuan looked at it, and the population of Dixuan City has grown to nearly 5 million. This is because with the cooperation of Tianjizi and George, more food, and the improvement of the lives of the residents here, both began Flooded to the Emperor Xuancheng.

Ye Xuan found nothing!

"Look at the next page!"

Ye Xuan turned over and found that the total population was less than 500,000.

Ye Xuan was also surprised: "Why are there so many people suddenly missing?"

After seeing Long Aotian, he also felt puzzled, so he had checked with Li Yaoyao in the city, and it was indeed reported by many missing people, and all disappeared in batches.

Because they have been preparing for a war against Xuanwu City, these missing people are listed as dead or missing on the battlefield.

Ye Xuan returned the information to Long Aotian. This thing looked normal, but it was not normal at all.

So many people have gone there?

"Maybe it left, this kind of trouble will happen." Xuan Xiao said.

Ye Xuan immediately ordered Long Aotian and got up tomorrow to return to Dixuan City. This matter must be investigated.

When Ye Xuan returned to his residence, he was surprised to find that someone was squatting at his door.

Ye Xuanlen was awkward. Wasn't that the person who believed in the "Holy Light" when he was in the "Diago Brotherhood" prison?

He just squatted at the door, Ye Xuan was going up, but Xuan Xiao stopped him first. This person was a little different.

Although he was squatting, the man's body sprang up with a huge dark energy, as if he had lost himself.

Xuan Xiao went up and tentatively patted Fear on his shoulder. His body seemed to be covered with thorns, so that Xuan Xiao immediately pulled his hand back.

At the same time, the black gas has also spread to his hands. This black gas is more like a black flame. Xuan Xiao looked at his hand, but didn't feel anything!

"dark Fire?"

Long Aotian shouted in wonder.

Ye Xuan and Xuan Xiao both looked at Long Aotian at the same time, remembering that, during the battle of Qishan Camp, Long Aotian played a trick "Black Dragon Flame" very similar to this black fire.

"What is black fire?"

Long Aotian also didn't know very clearly, but after his arm was replaced with an artificial vibrating gold arm, when he practiced again, he suddenly found that he could manipulate a black flame, and this flame was very powerful. Everything he encountered burned out, and it would never go out ...

"Wait, did you change Zhenjin's arm?" Lin Na was suddenly surprised.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. Although Zhenjin is used for a lot, it is definitely not for adult body construction ..."

Lin Na said.

But Long Aotian did it really. In fact, it was only to change his arm. After he grabbed it, he directly put himself on it.

But Ye Xuan thought of another thing.

"No, the twins around Jiazhi are made of Zhenjin."

Lin Na knew that because they were robots, not clones.

Zhenjin is quite repulsive to the human body.

Perhaps Ye Xuan has always wondered why one of the arms that Long Aotian broke off, he can take it and put it on directly, and whether it is blood veins or bones, they are directly absorbed and born.

"Can you give me some of your cells?" Lin Na's relentless request, but Long Aotian is still very rational. If you give her her cells, maybe Lin Na will clone a person exactly like herself that day. .

Decisively refused.

"Okay, I took the liberty, but Zhenjin is very harmful to the human body ..."

This is Lin Na's heartfelt words, because she really tried to use vibration gold to synthesize the human body, but they all died very miserably.

At the same time, somewhere in Xuanwu City.

Bing Qingya inadvertently asked the dead tree a question.

"The stone tablet left by Dugujian you have been talking about, where is he now?"

Withered tree suddenly glanced at Bing Qingya, this is a spiritual stone, which is definitely not worn on the body.

So withered wood said: "He is in the sword gate, and the most prominent place."

Bing Qingya once went to Jianshengmen, and suddenly shouted: "Doesn't you say that the stone tablet is ..."

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