Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Dark clouds spread out in the sky, and the rays of the sun shone on the earth.

"City Lord, you are resurrected!" Long Aotian was excited.

Looking at the traces on the ground, that was what Yan Tianqiang left behind. He used the strength of Ye Xuan, who had used "Extremely Immortal Skills", to return to him.

Murong didn't go to see Ye Xuan, but Ye Xuan said to him: Thank you.


"Thank you and say thank you to me!"

Withered tree looked at Ye Xuan, knowing that this person was reborn, his strength greatly increased, and he already felt that he had the domineering power that was thousands of miles away.

"Withered wood, are you still fighting, you surrendered, I won't kill you!"

Ye Xuan did not immediately resurrect because his spirit sea needed time to repair, and here there was a "continuous life circle" Ye Xuan quickly absorbed again, and the dry wood smiled. He was looking forward to the appearance of a master who could let him show The real strength comes with a hurry.

"is it?"

No one saw how Ye Xuan got behind the dead wood, and then a slight wound appeared on the dead wood.

The dead wood was shocked. Suddenly it appeared that a real bomb was buried on the body and exploded together.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

The dead wood's body could not stand.

Luo Lijian forcibly supported the body.

How can there be such a powerful force in rebirth?

Xuan Xiao looked very surprised, you know, withered wood's strength is very close to the existence of God.

Does Ye Xuan have the ability to kill God?

"There is a mysterious person who told us that as long as Ye Xuan is killed to regenerate him, he will gain new power."

At this time, Xuan Xiao reminded me of a practice that could be said to be the world.

Beiming reborn?

This technique, I just heard that it has not been used a few times in legend.

That is impossible.

"Who told you?" Xuan Xiao suddenly startled.

Long Aotian shook his head and looked at the others.

This is a voice in our minds.

In the previous battle, the strength of the dead wood was absolute, but Ye Xuan had no power to fight him back, and he couldn't even keep up with the speed.

"Withered wood, I saw your heart, come back, this world will change."

Ye Xuan didn't know why. When he was in a coma, he saw everyone's heart and knew many things.

Withered wood, fallen, changed. All of this has a reason.

As a sword saint of Yunhuang, he is also the head of the next term, but after knowing the war between the Zhenlan Empire and the Snow Kingdom, he looked at the devastated Yunhuang, the violence and politics of the Snow Kingdom. The lofty ideal saint, suddenly began to think about a problem.

What is justice!

Later was the chaos of monsters and beasts. The more monsters he killed, the more suffering he felt inside.

He secretly learned the language of monsters and beasts. The more he knows about monsters and beasts, he knows that monsters and beasts have no distinction between high and low.

They just want to get along peacefully with the people of this world, and the people of Yunhuang only want to enjoy their bodies, delicious meat, and tough armor.

When they showed the friendly side to humans, they set a trap. Only a few so-called nobles, after discussing the negotiation, came to the conclusion that the monster is cunning.

Even if they want to return to the sea and always want to live on the bottom of the sea, humans have sealed them.

As the ancestors of human beings, human beings have almost killed the monsters.

The monsters in the Central Plains are only part of it. They did not expect to occupy the world. They just wanted to return to Yunhuang from here to rescue their own kind.

However, the dead wood still acted as a human executioner, slaughtering the return of the monsters again and again.

Until then, Luo Li appeared.

This woman may not be very beautiful, Ye Xuan can only see a ghost, but there is a gentleness.

When the dead wood was most confused, Luo Li accompanied him.

They only have a small house in the forest, with mountains and water, woods, dead trees and abandoned swords. The two live a happy life of men plowing and weaving.

Withered wood thought, this is his life, such a simple and beautiful life.

But suddenly one day, Luo Li put poison in the food he ate.

Luo Li is a member of the Kash tribe and one of the five major families in the Snow Kingdom.

The Snow Kingdom has been secretly monitoring the Juggernaut. As a powerful existence, the Juggernaut has always been very afraid of them.

When the country of snow knew the confusion of the dead wood, it started to kill heart, and the five old stars at that time also watched the sky at night. This dead wood is not a thing in the pool.

Must be disposed of this morning.

Luo Li is a chess piece. When she really fell in love with the dead wood, she had to kill him.

Therefore, Luo Li took the meal with poison.

Before his death, Luo Li had only one request to help him avenge himself, destroy the Kash tribe, and destroy the Snow Kingdom.

Extremely sad withered wood, in order to be with Luo Li forever, he cast Luo Li's soul into the sword.

He went to the Sword Saint Gate and told them all this, but at the time he thought he was crazy and wanted to wipe him out.

In order to complete the agreement with Luo Li, he could only escape to the mountain gate, leave Yunhuang, and give Luo Lijian his favorite brother, Xuan Xiao.

Xuan Xiao is also a good friend of Luo Li, who has been guarding him so much.

These fantasies are floating like a slide in Ye Xuan's repeated attacks on the dead wood.

How much withered wood has withstood.

Xuan Xiao's eyes were very wet.

In the end, the dead wood couldn't stand it anymore, and the whole person was lying on the ground. His failure, even the fate of the sky, could not help him.

Luo Lijian fell onto Xuan Xiao's hand.

Thousands of monsters and beasts couldn't drain the water surrounded by the Tianmen, and at the same time, they uttered trembling wailing.

The only person who could understand them and was willing to help them fell under Ye Xuan's sword.

"Brother ..." Xuan Xiao stepped forward and hugged the man in his arms.

The dead wood looked at him, showing a satisfied smile.

Xuan Xiao called him Brother, and he was content.

"My business hasn't been finished yet!" Drywood spit blood.

"No, you should rest." An unreal woman appeared on Luo Lijian.

He had a plain dress and a long sleeved dress. Elegant hair.

"Luo Li, are you here, come to send me?" Withered wood no longer has the domineering before, but now he is more respectable.

"No, I'm here to save you, your mission is not over!"

Although she couldn't touch the dead wood, she reached out and tried to touch it.

Xuan Xiao picked up the sword in his hand, and he never felt the same as before, that is, an ordinary black sword.

"Loli ... sister."

"Xuan Xiao, long time no see."

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