Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Xuan Xiao's expression was not as excited as the old man met.

Xuan Xiao became nervous.

He looked at Luo Li's afterimage and said, "Who are you?"

The Qilin sword in Ye Xuan's hands began to become restless, and this matter is not over yet.

The dead wood lay on the ground. Because of his failure, it was all over, including Liu Piaopiao's humiliation, which was actually an illusion created by the dead wood in order to inspire Ye Xuan's potential.

Withered wood has been known for a long time, and it has long been seen that it can save people, but the person who changed the world is not him, but Ye Xuan.

"Xuan Xiao, what's wrong with you, don't you know me anymore?" Luo Li's remnant became doubtful.

Xuan Xiao smiled: "Well, Sister Luo Li, but never call me Xuan Xiao!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" A piercing laugh came from Luo Li's residual image, but it was no longer an residual image. After a black gas emanated from her body, the whole person became an entity.

It looked like Luo Li, but there was a burst of black gas all over his body.

"Haha, I really can't think of it. Are you smart? You guessed it at once. Of course I'm not my fool sister. I'm a blood rose."


The whole Tianmen began to tremble. The mountain where Tianmen is located is called Jiuzhong Mountain. It is an independent and standing peak on the mainland plate. It is also one of the eighteen great mountains, but it cannot be shaken by easy force. .

But the blood rose's laughter was so powerful.

"Are you a blood rose?" Ye Xuan said in surprise.

Xuanwu City, the most mysterious city!

He has a city owner, but he is a puppet, and the real power holder is an organization called the "shadow council."

The composition of several people in the Parliament is unknown, and they have not seen each other.

One of these three organizations is called Scarlet Rose ...

And this woman is called "Blood Rose!"

"City Lord Ye, really don't come unharmed!"

Blood roses say "don't come unharmed", what does it mean?

While everyone was actively preparing for war, suddenly the monster beast under the Ninefold Mountain issued a painful wailing. The Seven Saints of Tianmen did not know when they came here, and cast spells in the sky at the same time.

At the same time, they were thinking of the curse of not knowing what it meant. All the monsters in the world had begun to degenerate rapidly. All this is incredible.

"Seal of the Tianyi tribe!" Xuan Xiao yelled out his voice.

"Don't kill them ... they don't want to be sealed anymore ..." The dead wood, who was badly injured, stood up struggling. He was covering his head with great pain, but he was still struggling to support.

Blood Rose floated over, he seemed to have an entity, as if it were a shadow. Xuan Xiao could not let him hurt his dead wood brother, went forward to block it, but was blocked by a black wind directly, Ye Xuan jumped out, The Qilin sword stretched out into the air, and when Blood Rose touched it, he was forced to retreat a few steps by the burning gas above it.

"Haha, the Qilin sword is really powerful, but are you still my opponent when you let go?" The woman was very cunning, and Ye Xuan's mouth smiled slightly: "How about letting go?"

The Seven Saints in the sky are still working together. The monsters in the world have all become their most primitive eggs. You must know that the monsters have been hatching from the eggs for hundreds of years ...

"Long Aotian, can you guys still fight?"

Long Aotian and others were also deposited in the joy that turned into the original look. When Ye Xuan shouted so much, his whole body was hurried!

The ability may not be as hardened by the blood of the monster, but the power of the past is still there, and the battle can continue.

"City Lord ... we can!"

Long Aotian, God's operator, winning the world and Xiongbatian are all in unison.

"Well, you stop the woman, Huo Qilin, you can help me to kill the seven old men this time!"

Huo Qilin yelled, "Boy, you are so rude to me, but I hate the seven old men even more. Well, this time I will help you once, right when you helped me defeat the monster's favor last time. Now! "

"it is good!"

Ye Xuan and Huo Qilin both flew at the same time. The Seven Saints saw that Ye Xuan had come, but they ignored it. They hadn't seen Ye Xuan in their eyes.

"Young man, I don't know how to count!" An elder with a white beard broke away from the seven, and a flute came out of the cuff. The flute is the size of a baby's fist, but the length is like a sword Yes, Ye Xuan cut it with a sword, Dangkong was a gasified giant sword and cut it at the same time.

But it was caught directly by the white beard.

Ye Xuan immediately felt strenuous!

Unexpectedly, the Seven Saints were so strong. Since they had such a strong strength, why did they lose to the dead wood at that time?


The collision sound of metal, Ye Xuan and the elder were forced to separate.

"Young man, you don't know how to behave too much, let me let Yu Xiao teach you what your dad and mother have not done!"

This old man is a real person of Yu Xiao, the highest fighting force of Tianmen, one of the Seven Saints, holding a hand of Yu Xiao, to praise the sufferings of the world.

Jade Xiao is a real person, although it is a white beard, but the crane bone fairy wind, this lip is placed on the jade Xiao, the tone is exceptionally nice, Huo Qilin roared with a loud voice of "Vanella Phantom Magic Sound" hurry up .

Ye Xuan, who had no idea, suddenly fell into the trap of Yu Xiao's reality. It seemed that he entered a strange world. Here, the world and the world were all mixed together, very faint, countless people who blow and flute, densely packed, there are Tens of thousands.

Here, what they blow out is not the tune, but the weapons of all kinds. Ye Xuan waved his sword to resist and found that his body could not move at all and was locked on a stone pillar, letting these weapons of all kinds, once at a time He completely smashed his body and thought he was dead.

It seems that Ye Xuan has been here for a hundred years. He has changed from a teenager to a gray-haired, skinny old man, but his torture has never stopped.

"Oh, Ye Xuan can still fight me, your strength ..."

Long Aotian and others fought a few confluences with Blood Rose, all of which were indiscriminate, but Blood Rose didn't really act on them.

At this time, Murong suddenly stood up and said: "You go help Ye, this woman gives me this!"

Blood Rose saw Murong stand out from the battle, first stunned, and then smiled.

"Master Murong, when did you become Ye Xuan's men!"

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