Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

The time temporarily returned to two days ago.

"Yan, what do you mean by that, are you afraid of death?" Long Aotian stood up suddenly.

Everyone was silent, and Yan Tianqiang, who never smoked, asked for a cigarette from God.

"Xiaolong, please calm down first."

"My boss, I'm calm and fart! My Long Aotian is not a greedy person who fears life and death, not before, not even later!"

Long Aotian was extremely angry.

"Think of Dragon Wars and Dragon Children!"

Yan Tianqiang was stunned for a long time, the real face of Dragon War and Dragon Child appeared.

Long Aotian flinched for the first time, and he was defeated!

He lost, lost to the hearts of the people.

Yan Tianqiang breathed out a cigarette: "Okay, it's so decided!"


Seeing that Yan Tianqiang's body was completely swallowed up by the true fire of Samadhi, the skeletons were all burnt to ashes, and were directly washed away by heavy rain.

Long Aotian, Murong Hundred Battles, and Tianjizi and others knew that they were hitting stones with eggs, but they were still on, and the dead wood and even Luo Lijian were not used, so they could not stand up a few people.


The dead wood did not shake him.

At that time, he was betrayed by his beloved woman, his heart was dead.

But Long Aotian stood up forcibly.

"Don't believe your city master?" Drywood looked at Ye Xuan lying in the pool of blood.

Murong also stood up and looked at Ye Xuan in the blood pool. Why ... why ...

Why didn't people get up.

Did the plan fail?

"You bad person, I fight with you!"

Long Zhan looked at Long Aotian who was seriously injured. At that time, he was very angry. "Nirvana Sword" was held in his hand, and the whole person flew up.

"Your boy, come back to me!" The dragon battle may have great potential, but it is faced with dead wood. One hundred years after the swordmaster, it is almost the first person who is close to the strength of the ancestor of the mountain. His opponent.

"Nirvana Sword" uttered a harsh buzz, and the dead wood pulled out the sword. That domineering force directly flew the Dragon Battle, and Xuan Xiao jumped up to catch him.

Long Zhan was stunned and Long Er ran up.

"Brother ... brother ..."

The pulse of Dragon Warfare is already weak.

Although there is no formal apprenticeship, Xuan Xiao has identified him as an apprentice.

Now the dead wood has severely damaged the Dragon War, so Xuan Xiao is facing his brother. He will not let him easily.

The "Nirvana Sword" received from the unconscious Dragon Warrior had a heavy weight, but he pulled it up.

"Nirvana was born again, and then died!"

"Nirvana is dead, not dead!"

"Brother, I don't know what happened to you, but today, as a Juggernaut, I must stop you."

Nirvana sword is extremely heavy, Xuan Xiao can only drag, Long Aotian sees that Xuan Xiao is about to join the battle, has eye contact with Murong and Tian Jizi, everyone nodded together, they are ready It is intended that an attack will occur simultaneously from both tests.

But the result is still the same. Long Aotian and they are not opponents at all, and they can't even get close to the dead wood body and are directly bombed.

Xuan Xiao was still advancing step by step, and at the same time, his temples appeared colorful patterns like temples.

This is a desperate move in the sword hall.

Take your own life as an introduction and use the power to the ghosts and gods. The greater the power, the greater the consumption of life.

After seeing the dead wood, he finally had a worried expression, and raised the sword and greeted him quickly.


The sword in the waist is a sword, but the person was not cut off directly. The two people passed by and stood back to back. The shaking body of Xuan Xiao stopped again and turned back.

"I didn't think that the old man taught you this trick. I really don't know if he hurts you or hurts you!"

"Withered wood, don't scorn the master!" Xuan Xiao no longer called Xuan Xiao a brother, in his eyes, withered wood has been expelled from the door.

"This is what I stole to learn, so that one day, I can beat you, take me back to the master, and ask the master for forgiveness, but now ..."

With that, Xuan Xiao suddenly froze.

"Now I will kill you!"

"Humph, kill me?"

The dead wood didn't move, but suddenly the dead wood felt wrong and couldn't mobilize her strength.

The dead wood seemed to send out a sword, but it sent out nine swords, sealing the eight doors on Xuan Xiao's body.

The color of the corner of the eye has also changed back.

"No one can kill me, only me!" Said Drywood lightly.

While Long Aotian and others insisted on continuing the fight, they suddenly discovered that their physical functions began to deteriorate.

Their bodies were strengthened by the blood of the monsters, and it is impossible to directly suffer this attack.

"Don't move, it's a life-defying formation. Your life is losing!"

Xuan Xiao shouted.

"Constantly continue the life circle!"

These Long Aotian and Murong have never heard of it.

Murong battles thought that in this world, "The Promise of Immortality" is already a technique of immortality, but I don't know that there is this: Defying the continuation of life!

"City Master Murong, I originally asked you to attack the Kash tribe in order to get this anti-age immortal formation, and you only know that Wuji is not old."

Kash tribe!

When suddenly hearing the Kash clan, Xuan Xiao seemed to explode.

"Withered tree, you are so mad at Sangxin, and you have started to attack the tribe of Sister Luo Li?"

Withered wood only love one woman in life.

Luo Li's family is the Kashbu.

It was thought that they helped the Snow Kingdom obtain the entire Yunhuang Continent from the Zhenlan Empire, and it was also the only civilian prince.

Because he participated in the rights struggle for the position, he was relegated to the common people, and then he withdrew from the stage of politics and governance in Yunhuang.

What's even more unexpected is that this adversarial formation has always been in the hands of the Kash tribe.

This is all too unexpected.

"Today I will avenge Sister Luo Li!"

Luoli was very good to Xuanxiao when he was with dead wood, but he only knew that later Luoli died and the dead wood changed, but the Kash tribe was Luoli's maiden.

"Brother, you know too shallow, the Kashi tribe is the root of the Yunhuang War!"

"I don't believe what you say, withered wood, you just lost your conscience!"

Xuan Xiao rushed straight up, the dead wood didn't move, and suddenly there was another person between them.

who is it?

Ye Xuan.

The body just disappeared, Ye Xuan appeared in a brand-new gesture.

"Let me come here!"

Ye Xuan was summoned to catch the "Kirin Sword" with his bare hands, and flew directly from a distance. The sword was burning again immediately.

"Withered wood, come on, our second round!"

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