But Marian didn't listen to what he said at this time, and she didn't understand what Roy said, just like this black dwarf girl didn't know what the devil was.

She just laughed frantically: "...Haha, hahaha! Bersey is dead, Bersey is dead!"

"...Since he is already dead, there is no need for this world to exist. Everyone is going to die, everyone is going to die, and you all have to go and be buried with him!"

Marian's face was hideous, she forcibly supported her body, which had lost all strength, and got up from the ground. 120

Meanwhile, Marianne took hold of a longsword she had been carrying with her.

It was a golden sword with the appearance of a Western sword, and at first glance one might think it was an ornament.

But in fact, it was a real magic sword, the strongest spiritual item that was passed down from the far-flung Norse mythology to the present!

Its name is the 'Sword of War Chaos', and the source and symbol of its power is the day of the extinction of Norse mythology, and it is the 'Twilight of the Gods'! ’

This is the magic sword that human beings can manipulate with their own hands, the greatest disaster in history!

"Go to die, go to die, go to die, die to everyone!"

Marianne pulled out the magic sword forcefully. When the magic sword only showed a small blade, boundless fear descended on everyone's heart.

As if madness was raving.

And as the magic sword was pulled out by Marian with great difficulty, there was a terrifying force from a higher level that was trying to descend.

That is the 'phase god', the gods in countless myths of human beings, those who are not occupied by demons, and thus exist in this world in the form of 'giant energy blocks'!

They have no consciousness, no self, and are composed of pure energy, and these energies from beyond the material world, even if they just squeeze into the material world, are enough to cause the collapse of the world and the annihilation of the universe!

Just like Ragnarok, the symbol of the magic sword, Marianne is going to destroy the world and perish with the world! .

Chapter 250 Four Myths, Calamity Comes!

The 'sword of war' was forcibly pulled out by Marian, and it can be seen that in order to pull out this sword, it was extremely difficult and unsustainable for Marian.

With the removal of the strongest spiritual suit that has been passed down from the Norse mythology era to the present, people finally saw the true face of the "Sword of War".

It was a seventy centimeter long magic sword with flames wrapped around it.

The concept of the power of this sword comes from the Norse mythology of Ragnarok, but its shape resembles the flaming magic sword Lewaddin held by the **** of abundance and finally obtained by Surtur.

When the 'Sword of War Chaos' was pulled out just a few centimeters, all those who looked at the sword felt their hearts suffocate, as if their hearts would stop at any time, and their hearts would numb and die.

This is the primary application method of the 'Sword of War Chaos'.

That is, instead of waiting until the sword is drawn out and seeing the catastrophe of the destruction of the true power of the sword, it is better to choose death directly, so as to avoid the deepest despair.

This is an almost irresistible technique for ordinary magicians. As long as they see a section of the sword, the magician's brain will have an impulse of self-destruction, which will stop the operation, and the heart will stop beating. Death.

In an instant, the magicians of the coalition forces sensed the danger. The three major sects of the Crusaders, as well as the magicians from Britain, France and other countries, all have their own protective spells to keep their brains sane.

But this is just the ordinary power of the 'Sword of War Chaos', and the current Marion is to completely liberate it and release the disaster that can destroy the world.

"Let's perish together with this world!!"

The black dwarf was close to madness, and in the roar, she completely pulled out the sword!

The magic sword has been completely liberated, and that is precisely the use of the concept of 'Ragnarok' in Norse mythology to summon the destructive ceremony of the limited coming of **** and the end of all religious myths!

Marianne has obtained this 'sword of war' for a long time, but it is the first time that she has completely liberated the power of this spiritual item.

Because she knew from the beginning that when this spiritual item was completely liberated, even as the user, she would surely die!

This is a true grand art that destroys both the enemy and allies!

In an instant, the magicians with sufficient spirituality sensed the way the magic sword was running.

It first cuts out a part of the infinite phase and turns it into a finite phase.

Then the magic sword uses the concept of the disaster of 'Gods Ragnarok' to conduct a similar search.

In this limited phase, among those overlapping, densely packed, and hundreds of millions of phases, through the same search method, the parts of the same "extinction catastrophe" are selected one by one.

All myths are the result of phase distortions, but at the same time the existence of phase myths maintains their proper balance.

Immediately following this magic sword will cut off the realm of the phase gods, that is, it will hide in countless aspects, those concepts of heaven, Asgard, Olympus, bliss, heaven, etc., which are composed of energy. break.

In all myths, there are disasters coming, but no matter how terrifying these disasters are, they will eventually be bound and defeated by the gods in the myth, and the gods are protecting the world from destruction.

And the 'Sword of War Chaos' uses this mythical concept and principle to cut off the realm of the gods, which means that the 'disaster' has no **** and has been completely liberated!

This is exactly the effect of the 'Sword of War Chaos', which removes the blessings and favors of God, liberates disasters, summons the King of Doom recorded in major religions, and forcibly summons those monsters from their respective phases to the material world. .

Although these calamities have no self-awareness, they are just the composition of energy.

But the present universe is the result of superposition of phase distortions.

Pulling the monster hidden behind the current phase curtain means forcibly pulling the energy of other phases into the current universe, and the result is naturally the collapse of the world.

You must know that in the endlessly distorted phase, some aspects possess not the power of the material world, but the mighty power of the upper world, which is the crushing of the higher dimension on the lower dimension.

"Nordic mythology, Asgard captured, and summoned Surtur, the king of the Flame Prison~ˇ!"

"Greek mythology, Olympus wins, summons Typhon, the father of demons!"

"Indian mythology, the Asura world has been captured, and the Asura Wang Shuichi is summoned!"

"Taoist mythical style, Haotian's bright gains, summoning the five emperors and demons!"


As Marianne recited the spirit of words with extremely fast incantations, the 'Sword of War' found the arrival of disaster karma in Norse mythology, Greek mythology, Taoism mythology, and Indian mythology in the limited phase it cut. .

In an instant, Asgard, where the gods of Norse mythology lived, and Mount Olympus, where the gods of Olympus lived in Greek mythology.

The Ashura world mentioned in Indian mythology and the psychic hall of Xuanqionggao, the head of the gods in Taoist mythology, were all cut off!

Then, the karmic fires and disasters from the four myths came to the material world in this world!

In Norse mythology, the flame demon king who burned down the world tree and brought the twilight of the gods. In Greek mythology, it was the lord of demons who drove the Olympus gods out of the mountain and fled in all directions.

That is in Indian mythology, the incarnation of Shiva's anger, who defeated the gods with one person, killed Indra in seconds, and became the king of Asura, the Lord of the Three Realms.

It is recorded in one of the important Taoist books, the magic book "Shangqing Lingbao Dafa". The sect of the gods with the power of the sky, the five emperors and the great demons!

When the disaster of these four myths appeared, the aspects from the four myths began to squeeze into this world, which was enough to make this universe completely burn down!

"¨"Hahahahaha!! It's over, this world no longer needs to exist, let the world be destroyed here, and let the gods create a new world!"

Marianne vomited blood, and she held the sword of war in her hand, supporting her crumbling body like crazy.

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