"...Let me be here and get rid of you guys completely!"

Roy said this, his holy right side slowly opened his palm, revealing the palm lines that contained all the truths of the universe.

Marianne's expression changed greatly, and she shouted: "...don't give him a chance to perform the spell!"

She thought that Roy's right hand was a special technique, and in battle, it was a big mistake to let the enemy strike first, and not everyone could counterattack.

At Marion's voice, the other original Gremlin magicians rushed forward.

Roy's right hand can indeed be called a spell, but it's not an ordinary spell, but a 'god's spell'!

I saw a 'Book of Shinto' held up on his holy right side, which is the "Book of Life" that records the fate of all things.

As the book's seven seals are opened, as the pages are turned:

Marian, Bercy, Utgarloch, Sigurn, Freya, Loki, Yermengard, Hel, Fenrir, etc., the magicians named after Norse mythology, Their fate is written on it.

Roy just waved his right hand lightly.

You don't have to care about the strength of the enemy, where the enemy is, or who the enemy is.

Whether that person is in the past, present, or future.

As long as Roy waved his right hand, victory would surely come.

Disregarding all time, 5.5 space, dimension, cause and effect, destiny, disregarding the size, distance and mystery of all energy, as long as he waves this right hand, those who are his enemies will surely be defeated!


A brilliance flashed like the explosion of sunspots, and the light without physical objects shone across thousands of universes in an instant.

All the original Gremlin magicians who were fighting against Roy and rushed towards him were instantly blown away.

When the three major sects of the Crusaders and the coalition forces from Britain, France and other countries finally came to this World Tree and finally saw Roy, what they saw was such a scene.

The man stood on the vicissitudes of the earth full of cracks, the magma under his feet was spewing flames, and the volcano behind him was like a beautiful background, rumbling, rising ashes and rock flows.

And the man's right hand was shining brightly, if it was the rising sun, and under this big sun, the members of Gremlin were all lying on the ground, their life and death unknown.

He just stood there like a god! .

Chapter 249 Roy's love, God's love!

This is not some kind of right light, the divine power that the child of light defeated the child of darkness.

This was just a random wave of Roy's right hand, and the result was the defeat of all the magicians in the original Gremlin.

As the magicians who can be seen by Othinus and recruited into Gremlin are not weak, on the contrary, they even belong to the top group in the entire magic side.

But even a magician of this level, in front of Roy, they couldn't bear the gentle wave of Roy's right hand.

"Belsey... Bersey..."

Wearing a denim overalls, the dark-skinned dwarf girl was lying weakly on the ground at this time. She gritted her teeth and tried to climb forward with all her limbs, trying to climb to Bercy, that is, Kihara Kaqun's side.

Marianne is a very emotional black dwarf. The relationship between her and Bercy can't be said to be love, but more like a long-term comrade-in-arms relationship.

Now that Bersey's life and death are uncertain, Marianne is naturally anxious.

Roy, who was standing on this flowing magma land like a demon king, watched Marian's mourning calmly, and said:

"...Kihara Kaqun is a member of the Kihara clan, although because of magic, he escaped the shackles of the prototype control."

"But this man had no desire to live from the very beginning. After his student was killed by Kihara's disease, there was only one goal left in his life, and that was revenge."

"...I gave him the opportunity to bring him to Gremlin and let you teach him magic, and in Academy City not long ago, he also killed Kihara Pathology and completed his revenge."

"This man was supposed to be like a vengeful demon. After completing his obsession, he ended himself and left this world."

"...But Marianne, you gave him a reason to continue to live, and let this man live like a walking corpse in this sad world."

Roy's indifferent words were exchanged for Marian's glaring eyes, the black dwarf girl raised her head and stared at him, gritted her teeth, and roared sternly: "...Shut up, shut up! I want to kill you, I want to kill about you!"

She was like an incompetent and furious clown jumping beams, unable to do anything except lay there crying.

The three major sects of the cross who came here, as well as the magicians in Britain and France were silent at this time. For the daughter of the country and Kelisa, this was just a civil strife in Gremlin.

They have to hurry up and work hard to analyze the weaknesses and cracking methods of Roy's technique. When they think about it, even if Roy becomes the 'Temple Leader' now, it is not impossible for them to defeat him.

After all, the three major sects of the Crusaders, as well as the two thousand-year-old magic countries, Britain and France, hide many terrifying spells, which are the foundation of their country and religion.

Only Revinia, who knew more about the 'Temple Leader', was desperate at this time, the confident smile of the past disappeared, and only confusion and fear remained.

If Roy became a demon, Revinia might not have such emotions.

Because there is no detailed introduction to the Demon God in the Golden Dawn Legacy obtained by Dawn Morning Light.

And Golden Dawn's favorite ritual in the past was to summon and find those "great beings", so the records of these great beings are the most detailed.

Because of this, Revinia is better aware of the horror of the 'Great Being'.

Roy in front of him is not that kind of pure "spirit", he is a "temple leader" with his own body, a "greatness" who can blow the world and the universe away as long as he wants!

"Why do you care so much about life and death? For mortals, life and death are partings, and yin and yang are perpetuity."

"...But for gods, resurrecting those who should be dead, letting the living die, making one plus one equal to three, and making apples fall into the sky, this is just a daily routine for gods, and it is commonplace."

Now Roy has been indifferent to life and death, because he has regarded himself as someone who will become a devil.

For the Demon God, death is not the end, birth is not the beginning, and everything has never been ignored.

So now Roy can kill anyone, whether it's the one who loves him or the one he loves, because even if he dies, he has the ability to revive the other party at the thought of it.

This is his 'love', this is the love of 'God'.

Even if it is death, you can meet him forever in heaven, let him remember.

Mortals distort the love of the gods and think that God loves everyone, but another way of interpreting it is that God treats everyone equally.

Human beings believe that living is a blessing, and death is a fear, but for God, there is no gap between life and death. God’s love can not only make people all over the world live forever, but also make people all over the world face death.

Roy's thinking mode has been infinitely close to God, this is his love, the light of his taboo love.

That is the love of God that can make all human beings fearful of evil, indifference to the extreme, selfish to the extreme, and kind to the extreme!

"You don't have to be sad, Marianne .

"...When I become a god, if you long for such a happy world, as a god, I will also accept your prayers, and I don't mind giving you all a happy paradise!"

Roy said sympathetically, his voice merciful and soft.

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