If you want to fully open the "Sword of War", the most terrifying and terrifying spiritual item in Norse mythology, that is not a price that ordinary people can pay.

If it weren't for Marian herself being a black dwarf, a rare mythical creature, at this time, just holding the sword of war would be enough to take all her life.

But even so, Marianne had already prepared for her own death. When the universe collapsed, who could survive in that chaotic world?

Of course there are, such as Roy, who has become the 'Temple Leader'.

As a 'great being' who can already travel to the 20th heaven after Ethel, even if the universe of the material world completely collapses, he can sublimate himself to a higher world, and wait until the world benchmark point to restore the world.

Or he is willing to directly start the return of eternal calamity, and everything can be restored.

Compared with the despair of everyone, Roy is still enjoying the crushing of the four mythological aspects on the world, and watching the demon kings of the four mythological disasters destroying the world.

He was like watching a stage play, relaxed and freehand. .

Chapter 251: The dimension reduction blow of the formation world

A terrifying disaster has come, and from the distorted phase, higher-level forces are pouring into this universe carrying the disasters of human mythology and history.

With the overlapping of phases and the advent of disaster, the entire universe is whining. This universe cannot accommodate such a will at all. It will be completely destroyed by the erosion of the God of Phases.

On this world tree, the world is divided into four parts.

There are the flames of Norse mythology, the demons of Greek mythology, the Shura of Indian mythology, and the great devil of Taoist mythology.

Facing the power of phase that is enough to burst the world, for ordinary magicians here, all they can do is despair.

It is an impossible miracle to fight against the disasters in the history of mythology as a human being.

"Hahahahaha... Just under this natural disaster, everything will wither, and everything will be destroyed!"

Marianne laughed wildly, she fell to the ground, gave up resistance and thinking, just waiting for death to come.

Above the firmament, the blue sky turned into four corners, and the **** and disasters imagined by human beings are turbulently rolling in the door like a different world.

When this 'door' is completely opened, it is the time of the destruction of this world.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared. Without saying a word, he jumped into the air and faced the disaster of the four myths with the body of a human being.

No, he can't be called a human at all, he is a man who crossed the road of the demon **** and gave up halfway, a man who was supposed to become a demon god, but was taken away by the one-eyed Othinus of the throne.

Orells gave a low voice, and he was still fearless in the face of disasters and gods from other aspects.

The incomprehensible and incomprehensible Nordic Throne spell was launched again, and tens of millions of blows were bombarded on the door of the sky.

The power of Orells has completely passed through the material world, and the phase that humans cannot detect is so clear in Orells' consciousness.

The power of the Nordic Throne accurately captures the phase, like peeling the cocoon.

Although there are many phases superimposed by the demons in this world, the phases can be shattered.

What Orells is doing now is shattering these aspects!

Ordinary aspects can be easily torn apart, but in the face of the distorted mythological aspects, it is difficult to completely destroy them if they are not the demon **** Orells.

But even so, the disasters of the four myths, the Nordic Surter, the Greek Typhon, the Indian Ashura, and the Taoist Five Emperors were all slammed back by his Nordic throne.

There seemed to be countless cracks on the sky, like tens of millions of bullets hitting the bulletproof glass, and the space showed a cracked state.

Seeing that Orells was brave enough to use his own power to prevent the disasters of the four myths from the cosmic phase, even Marian, who was already crazy, was dumbfounded and looked at this miracle in astonishment. sight.

Although this half-step demon **** has only obtained the specialization of the demon **** in his body, and has obtained very little use of the power of the demon god, he is equivalent to the **** in those myths and legends.

Roy had long anticipated the appearance of Orells. After all, it was impossible for this man to watch the world go to ruin.

He shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly: "...Forget it, a fascinating drama is ruined by you like this. Orells, you really don't understand art."

Roy sighed, his right shoulder moved slightly, and the golden holy right was aimed at the sky.

Orells felt something in his heart. He was originally fighting against the disasters of the four mythological aspects, but he suddenly changed from an attacking posture to a defensive posture.

He quickly curled up, his hands crossed in front of him, and the Nordic Throne's spells were evenly distributed around him in a defensive posture.

Just after Orells made this posture adjustment, he saw a blazing golden light burst out from Roy's holy right.


That brilliance is so great, so supreme, if the gods waved their right hand, they are covering the quadruple universe.

This brilliance swept across the sky full of cracks, and all the scars on the walls of the world were healed.

The flame of Surtur, who was roaring behind the 'door', went out, and Typhon, who was carrying thousands of demons ready to descend on this phase, disappeared like a fog.

The Asura king of Indian mythology had no intention of killing, and the five emperors and great demons of Taoist mythology were also blasted into other aspects.

At the same time, cracks appeared on the sword of war in Marian's hand, and the flames burning on the sword shook violently like a candle.


With the sound of shattering, this most powerful spiritual outfit handed down from Norse mythology, which symbolized 'Twilight of the Gods', became a piece of debris and lost its power.

A spiritual outfit without the blessing and power of the spell is just scrap metal.

And like those Phase Calamities, Orells himself was blown away.

I don't know how his Nordic throne works. The power of Roy's holy right side is forcibly shared by his technique, and the force is evenly distributed.

Orells covered tens of millions of nodes of power all over his body.

With a wave of Roy's right hand, the power that was enough to blow the galaxy away was equally divided, allowing Orells to block the blow at a very small price.

Orells, who already had some demonic physique, didn't care about injuries of this magnitude.

After blocking Roy's attack, Orells began to counterattack.

The magic of the Norse Throne reappears as an inexplicable attack that omits the process and goes straight to the end.

This time, Roy, who had already traveled to the first 20 days of Ethel and had partially sublimated his spirit and soul, finally saw Orells' attack method.

The Nordic Throne is still unsolvable. This technique is like Chaos Theory, and the attack method is very ambiguous.

Before Roy couldn't even see how Orells' attack was launched, he was killed directly, but this time, Roy was able to see the way he attacked.

The Nordic Throne's attack was not launched from the material world at all, and naturally ignored the laws of time and space. His attack was a dimensionality reduction attack from a higher world.

This kind of dimensionality reduction strikes the phenomenon of the material world, that is, from the inside out, emerges from the depths of the human soul, and then counteracts the body from the soul.

Roy was enlightened at this time, why was he killed without even reacting at the time.

In fact, the Nordic Throne's attack method is the opposite.

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