As soon as the voice fell, Roy sensed that the coordinates of the entire world were changing.

The universe is intertwined, the stars and rivers meet, and billions of stars have changed their positions. The real purpose of creating such a huge cosmic spectacle is just to change the coordinate position of Thor, the **** of thunder.

Position is a relative data. For example, if you are standing opposite a car, you are approaching the car when you walk towards the car. If you stand still and the car is coming towards you, it can actually be understood that you are approaching. car.

This technique of Thor's is exactly the principle. In fact, he just stood there and didn't move, but manipulated the direction changes of the whole world, causing the illusion that he was moving.

In order to move one centimeter forward, so as to change the coordinate system of the entire universe, the effect of this technique is such an exaggeration.


This also proves the fragility of the material world. Even a magician who is not the pinnacle of human beings, as long as he masters enough mystery, it is enough to cause changes in the cosmos level.

After all, the material world is too fragile and too small to even be within the Thirty Heavens of Ethel.

"The principle of this technique is like this. Every time I use this technique, the world will change my position and put me in a position where I can definitely win."

"...Then Deputy Chief, how are you going to deal with me who will definitely win?"

Thor's words are full of pride and self-confidence, "innately invincible", this is his greatest reliance!

As long as you know from the beginning that you will never lose, anyone will be the bravest person.

"Always stand in the position of victory? I always feel that this sentence is very visual. I don't know if I have said this before..."

"...Thor, do you have any misunderstanding of 'victory'? You must know that in front of me, all victories will be deprived!"

Roy turned around with a chuckle, and under Thor's unbelievable eyes, his hand slowly reached out to the '**'.

Roy reached out so slowly that even a child could dodge it.

But no matter how Thor activates the spell, no matter how the coordinates of the universe and the stars change, he can't escape the capture of this hand.

In this short period of time, the constellations and galaxies have changed a lot in their orientations. In this short period of time, Thor, who is the '**', even played with the coordinates of the universe at will in applause.

But 'the position that will definitely win' can never be calculated, because in front of Roy's hand, all the victories did not exist from the beginning!

"How can it be?!!"

The invincible spell was cracked like this, and Thor's voice changed its tone, terrified and harsh. Ten thousand.

Chapter two hundred and forty-eight

That hand was slowly approaching Thor, showing that the infinite vector and numerical values ​​of the universe were changing in nothing.

Let Thor's 'Almighty God' spell change the relative parameters of the universe's orientation, and how to manipulate the position of thousands of stars.

This hand was as motionless as a star, so at an extremely slow speed, it crossed the gap between the 'invincible and invincible', and easily grabbed Thor's slender neck.


As Roy's right hand exerted a little force, Thor felt a suffocation.

He stomped on all fours, grabbed Roy's wrist with both hands, and raised his neck high like an animal with a strangled throat, struggling there.

Thor's eyes gradually became bloodshot, and his brain began to close to fainting due to the extreme lack of oxygen.

This magician, who is named as the Norse God of Thunder, is actually an ordinary human being, even if he can manipulate the changes of thousands of stars with his own techniques.

It can even be said that his physical quality is not better than those who exercise regularly, let alone comparable to the saints.

This is the horror of the magic forbidden technique, and it is also the flaw of the technique.

Because as long as the symbolic ceremony is done well, it can even achieve the power of changing the stars in the universe, so the magicians here don't care much about their physical fitness.

Even Aleister, he can hit the "spiritual stumbling foot" ten times the big bang, but his personal physical fitness is not strong.

Roy grabbed Thor's neck and lifted him high, and smiled contemptuously: "...The so-called invincibility and the so-called invincibility are only relative terms."

"...For ordinary magicians, your Almighty God's spell is really incomprehensible. As long as the spell is activated, you will always stand in the place where you will win, even if the enemy is stronger than you, Can't embrace victory."

"But I'm different. Victory is what I hold in my right hand. It's easy for me to deprive me of victory..."

"... Besides, there is a sentence I agree with very much. 'Only talking about toxicity, not about dosage' has always been a misinterpretation of the original meaning. This sentence is also used in your spells. If you face your magician from Yuanqiang, you Even the spells cannot figure out where the victory will be."

"After all, the premise of any calculation requires sufficient knowledge as the foundation."

While speaking, Roy's left hand slowly raised, and under Thor's fearful gaze, a long sword appeared in Roy's left hand.

The sword of judgment pierced into the abdomen of the Thor in front of him without any hesitation. Thor's eyes almost stared out, but his neck was tightly grasped by Roy, and he could only let out a wail of decline in the gap.

"This is... the fate of the traitor!"

Roy threw Thor aside like a rag. The beautiful boy who looked 14 or 15 years old was lying on the ground, covering his bleeding abdomen with his hands. His face was extremely pale and he was in great pain. Shouting, he crawled forward with all his strength.

But under him was the cracks spewing magma, and as the thousand-degree rock flow sprayed on him, the thunder god's scream was even more suffocating.

Many people think that jumping into a volcanic crater is an extremely happy way to die, but in fact, because of the density of the magma, humans will not fall into the magma at all, but will float on the magma.

That will make human beings feel that all the nerves in the body are burned, a little bit of the desperate pain of dying. It can be said that jumping into the magma is one of the most painful ways to die.

Thor is now feeling this severe pain.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you like this easily. Sometimes death is a relief."

Roy looked at Thor, who was lying on the ground in agony, and said narrowly: "...Your body has been given an operation that prohibits medical treatment, and any therapeutic operation will not work on you."

"...Of course, I am a very kind person, and I have left you a way to survive. As long as you can find a hospital that can perform surgery before you die, the wound on your abdomen can still be cured."

"But if you can't find a hospital, then in purgatory, feel the fear and pain of your life passing. That's what happens to a traitor."

Roy, who said this, raised his head, looked at the members of the former Gremlin around, and said with a smile: "...You too!"

Seeing Roy with a kind and warm smile on his face, but doing such a cruel and ruthless thing, the strange sense of contradiction makes one's heart tremble.

Although these former Gremlin members sympathized with Thor, there were also some magicians who had a good relationship with Thor and wanted to take him away from the World Tree to find a hospital for treatment.

But Roy, who was standing in front of them, gave these people a sense of coercion. It was so heavy that it made it difficult to breathe, and he didn't even dare to look away from him for even a second. time.

Perhaps that one second of time gap brought him endless fear and death.

Under Roy's creepy warm smile, his right shoulder trembled slightly, and a supreme, sacred and brilliant, full of golden color, like the right hand of the right wrist of God, slowly appeared like this.

This hand is covering the universe, coercing the quadruple world, and all mysteries and substances appear so insignificant in front of it.

"This world tree is the domain of Othinus, and I have combined Kabbalah with the magical forbidden book catalog. Within the scope of this world tree, it is more like a 'different world'."

"...Here is a special phase that can temporarily abandon the gaze of those annoying demon gods..."

"The will of war is surging and rushing into the volcano, so as the final stage, I will not waste useless time playing with you."

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