Her eyes are half-open, and at first glance it looks like a pair of dead fish eyes without spirit, but if you look closely, you will find that her eyes are very sharp, giving people a creepy feeling.

"Sir, I'm afraid you don't know that you are involved in a very dangerous matter. If you are a little careless, you may lose your life."

The woman said in honorific language, perhaps seeing that Roy was older, so she was very respectful.

It's just the words spoken that make people feel that there is no sense of respect.

Roy looked at her and asked with a smile, "...Who are you? The dangerous thing you want to say is... the... letter paper I gave Mikoto before?"

"My name is Bushutoxin, I'm a researcher, I can't say the specific research project...I don't know who gave you that...letter paper, let you give it to Misaka Mikoto, what I want to say Yes, in the days to come, I hope you can stay away from Misaka Mikoto, this is a well-meaning advice."

The woman named Bushuduxin spoke very confidently, and even had an unpleasant arrogance, but from her calm face, there was no arrogance.

"You're a woman who is really inexplicable. Do you think it will make people believe that you say such a big thing when you meet each other suddenly? And this way of speaking mixed with English is really annoying."

Roy shook his head, showing a dull expression.

"It's impossible to believe with words alone, so..."

The cloth bundle letter suddenly stepped forward and came to Roy's side, her hand suddenly patted the back of Roy's hand, and at the same time the other hand touched Lilith in his arms.

"Um what are you doing"

Roy asked in confusion.

"My ability is 'Life Interruption', as long as it is the person I touch, no matter...  

Wherever he escapes, I can take his life at any time... I'm doing it for your own good. If you are a little smarter, stay away from Misaka Mikoto. It's best if you can hand over the letter to you. Who is the person who told me that that person is suspicious."

Bu Shutuxin said with her dead fish eyes still open.

"Don't you think the super power of life interruption is a little too fake, Miss Toshinbu Bushu..."

Seeing that Roy didn't believe in her superpowers at all, Bu Shutuxin sighed helplessly, "..., that's all I can do. Do you feel a little dizzy? That's right. The harbinger of the imminent start of the interruption of my ability life."

"...I don't want to hurt people, let alone kill people, I'm just advising you with good intentions, you have been hit with life interruption, and now the child in your arms is hit with this ability, even if you treat yourself I don’t care about the life of the child, I should also think about the safety of the child’s life.”

The words of Bu Shuxin's words progress step by step, destroying people's psychology and defense a little bit. He is a master of psychology who can defeat people with words.

She knows how to spot the weaknesses of human nature.

But of course Roy wouldn't be caught by her tricks. He raised his hand with a smile, pointed to the back of his hand and said, "...The 'life interruption' you just said refers to the one on the back of my hand. Is this needle?"

The cloth bundle was stunned for a moment, and when she looked, she realized that her thin needle like a cow's hair had not been inserted into Roy's skin! Of course, life interruption or something is fake, she just smeared anesthesia on the needle , and then use the moment of the slap to stab the extremely fine needle into the opponent's skin, making people not aware of it at all, just thought it was bitten by a mosquito.

But when the anesthesia kicks in, it's easy for people to believe in her ability and cry for mercy.

Of course, the cloth bundle letter did not pierce such a needle into Lilith's body. If a baby is injected with anesthesia, it may be life-threatening.

Just when the cloth bundle was stunned, Lilith, who was held in Roy's arms, suddenly opened her eyes, the little baby showed a mocking expression, and said, "...others in this city There are not many people, but there are really many liars!"

"Baby... talking!"

Even if it is cloth bundled with letters, at this time, he is a little confused by this situation.

And as Lilith opened her eyes, there were magical fluctuations around, the rainwater floating in the air combined with the wood at the cantilever of the house, and the two put together a puppet-like human shape. .

This human figure appeared too fast, and it still appeared behind Bu Shutuxin. She didn't even have the strength to resist, so she was directly caught by the puppet.

"Um...what is this to let go of me!"

The cloth bundle letter struggled, but how could her flesh and blood be able to fight these things... A magical creation made of wood and rain, her footsteps staggered, and the whole person was stunned. He fell into the silt of the rain, his body was dirty, and he became embarrassed.

"Brother, this person is... well-intentioned and not malicious, how can we concoct her?"

Lilith's tone was full of evil. As Aleister's daughter, although she couldn't say bad, she was definitely different from the kindness people imagined.

"sold her"

Roy asked with a smile.

"It's a good idea, but will anyone buy it?"

"Don't worry, elder sister! There are so many Anbu in this city, there are always people who will pay high prices, and you can see that she is not bad. Even if her abilities are useless, her appearance is also useful."

Roy also said maliciously.

Bu Shuduxin was trembling all over, and a strange chill came from the deepest part of his heart.

An adult calls a baby sister, and a baby can speak.

What is the superpower that grabbed him? It seemed like it was the one... The baby started it, but it is impossible for such a small baby to develop superpowers. Could it be that the original stone was holding the baby in the heavy rain, a man like a devil? It's such a terrifying combination.

...on the other hand, Tokiwadai Middle School, when Misaka Mikoto ran back to school, she was soaked all over and panting violently.

Standing bent over at the gate of the dormitory, Misaka Mikoto wiped the rain off her face, and at this moment, someone handed over a clean towel.


Misaka Mikoto didn't react, she took the towel directly, and then she looked up and saw Shokuhou Misaki, who had been fighting against her in school, standing in front of her.

"What's the harvesting power? Misaka-san... Judging from your appearance, the harvesting power should not be small."

Misaka Mikoto's tone of Shokuhou's prayer was still so distasteful.

, has a kind of cynicism of the eldest lady.

However, after being silent for a while, Misaka Mikoto said, "...Can you help me, Shokuhou Shiki... No, Shokuhou-san!"


Shokuhou Misaki didn't expect Misaka Mikoto to say these words, after she was stunned for a moment, she just...the corner of her mouth twitched, "...it depends on what you want me to do for you. "

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 136 There are only 18,000 now!


Accompanied by an earth-shattering explosion, a research institute was on fire, heavy dust covered the sky and the earth, and the sirens of fire trucks could be heard in the distance.

This is the first time that... a research institute has been blown up.

But these... The news of the destruction of the research institute has been suppressed by the upper management of Academy City, so not many people know about it.

In an alley not far from the institute, Misaka Mikoto, wearing a sweatshirt, shorts, and a hat, was running fast. When she saw a touch of gorgeous honey-colored hair deep in the alley, she was... His eyes lit up and he shouted loudly: "...Shokuhou, here!"

"Tsk, really, you Pikachu are too active!"

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