In the depths of the alley, standing against the wall was the fifth of Academy City, Psychological, who controlled Shokuhou.

Like Misaka Mikoto, she didn't wear Tokiwadai's school uniform, because it would be very troublesome if she was seen doing what she was doing. She just wore a simple shirt and sports trousers with a thick coat over it. On his feet he was wearing a pair of travel shoes.

Dressing up like this makes Shokuhou Caoqi less of a lady and more of a sports girl. Of course, this 'sports' needs to be quoted.

The only thing that can still show her identity as a young lady is...the...brand bag that is slung over her shoulder.

Different from Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Misaki, who knew that she was weak, took the initiative to change into trousers and jackets now that the weather was getting colder, instead of shorts and shorts like Misaka Mikoto.

"Shokuhou, is there any problem here?"

After Misaka Mikoto ran in front of Shokuhou Misaki, she just... asked nervously.

"Don't worry, the research institute has been destroyed by you, those...researchers have also been brainwashed by me, and the secret powers in their minds have also been known to me, and the monitoring people have been manipulated by me, you He used his own abilities to destroy all the monitors, and now it's foolproof."

Shokuhou Misaki's tone was a little weird, which she hated from the beginning.

, Misaka Mikoto, who is always targeted, the two of them can be so close in cooperation, no matter...

Whether it is character or ability, it can be said to be a perfect complement, and this result even makes her quite depressed.

In the end, Shokuhou can only blame it on Dolly.

"Huh, that's really nice..."

Misaka Mikoto sighed in relief.

Such a continuous destruction institute like her, and the contents of the research in the institute are all related to the mass-production capable person plan, in fact, it is easy to be associated with her.

However, with the cooperation of Shokuhou and the brainwashing of people, Misaka Mikoto danced so boldly, but no one noticed.

"But you are destroying these things like this.... What's the use of the research institute? 20,000 sisters have already been created, and now they just don't have the ability to activate, you can even destroy them. After all these....the Institute, it's just that there will be no more 'sisters' born in the future, but those before..., what do you have? Method"

Shokuhou Misaki looked at Misaka Mikoto and questioned.

She has a deep understanding of the darkness of this city. She who controls the talent house knows better than Misaka Mikoto, so she can better understand that what Misaka Mikoto is doing now is useless.

Misaka Mikoto's smile slowly disappeared.

Yes, even if she destroys more research institutes, it will be of no help to the current situation.

After a long time, Misaka Mikoto said, "...Hey, Shokuhou, why are you helping me?"

The Queen of Tokiwadai wanted to laugh at her, but after seeing Misaka Mikoto's lonely expression, she forcibly held back.

"Ha, I think you are too stupid. I'm afraid that you will be caught and embarrassed for Tokiwadai. Do you need a reason to help a fool like you?"

Her Lady Queen lifted her small bag, just... raised her head and hummed proudly.

"There must be a reason for it to be targeting me all the time."

"You are targeting me!"

Shokuhou dances directly to his feet.

Misaka Mikoto also has a bad temper, and her anger surged, but she has experienced so much these days, she has matured a little, and she has held back.


Just staring at it.

In the end, Shokuhou Caoqi hesitated for a while, she thought of what Roy said to her, and felt that it would be better to clarify some things.

"I have a friend named Dolly..."

In a very calm tone, she eloquently told everything that happened in the talent room.

Misaka Mikoto widened her eyes, showing a look of disbelief, and stammered: "... Could it be that... Dolly is"

"Well, after my later investigation, she should be 'No. 0', which is the prototype of all the younger sisters today."

Shokuhou Misaki gritted his teeth and said.

Looking at Shokuhou Misaki's expression, even if Misaka Mikoto wasn't an expert in psychology, she could see Shokuhou Misaki's complicated feelings towards that...child named Dolly.

She pursed her lower lip and said, "...but I'm not Dolly."

"Of course you are not Dolly, Dolly is Dolly, Misaka Mikoto is Misaka Mikoto, how can you be compared with her! Although she was born because of you, she was born so early because of you... ."

Although Shokuhou Misaki didn't finish her sentence, Misaka Mikoto understood what she meant.

Clones do not grow naturally, but are spawned. Don't look at the appearance of Dolly as a junior high school student, but in fact her life may only be a few years.

However, there is one thing that Misaka Mikoto cares about in Shokuhou Misaka's words, and that is—"Wait a minute, if you and Dolly became friends as you said, wouldn't that mean... "

Misaka Mikoto's face gradually turned pale, like a dead person, she said with trembling: "...Those... clones have feelings, even if they don't, they will have feelings. of"

Shokuhou Misaki bit her lip, which is why she wanted to help Misaka Mikoto.

Because those...sisters are also Dolly's sisters...No, even without Dolly, she probably wouldn't want to see 20,000 people who have feelings for them to be swayed by an inexplicable person. The planned brutal massacre.

...In a secret underground research facility, Bushu Toxin is quickly operating on a computer.

"Has it be done"

When she heard the voice coming from behind, Bu Shutoxin was...a trembling, she slowly turned her head and looked at that... the man who was holding the baby like a devil, there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"Who are you to be able to directly mobilize the tree diagram designer and occupy such a large resource calculation."

"That's not what you should ask, I'm asking if you're done"

Roy continued to ask with his smile unchanged, but in the eyes of Bushu Toxin, this expression was simply a ghost of hell.

"It's done, and the tree diagram designer is doing all the calculations for me. If I can't finish it, it's too useless."

Bu Shu Toxin laughed at himself and handed a plate, " is the emotional data I designed based on the loopholes in the learning device, as long as it is implanted in the brains of the 'sisters', it will give They have more real emotions, and the content of the emotions can be controlled by you."

Bu Xin was a little desperate.

In the beginning, she was one of the R&D team members of the 'Learning Device'. She joined the mass production capable person program by some chance, and left the team because the mass production capable program failed.

But the initiation of the Absolute Ability Project brought her back again.

And after contacting with the 'sisters' who were made by the ...... Even though she has feelings for herself, although those feelings are still very weak, she can no longer treat her sisters as test objects, but as people.

Toshinbuboshi knew that she could not stop the plan of the Absolutely Powerful by herself, so she wanted to seek the help of others to stop it. Misaka Mikoto, the source of everything, was naturally the one she wanted to win and use.

Bushutoxin was originally perfecting his own ideas, but for some unknown reason, the plan for the absolute ability was artificially leaked, so that Misaka Mikoto knew the process and content so early, and she had to start early. Prepare yourself.

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