"It's raining..."

Misaka Mikoto said indifferently, walking slowly to the eaves of a house, crouching down and clasping her legs, looking very miserable and pitiful.

It didn't take long for the torrential rain to pour down, like a broken pearl, pouring down on the ground.

The roof where Misaka Mikoto was staying was a little narrow, and under the strong wind, some rainwater poured down on her body, and mercilessly icy slapped her face.

But Misaka Mikoto didn't evade, she felt that she could wash away her sins reluctantly by letting the cold water wash away.

Not only the mass production capable person plan and the absolute capable person plan, but in the archives report of the institute, Misaka Mikoto also found that her own treatment was not useful for those patients who suffered from muscular dystrophy. children.

Even those...children became sacrificed experiments, which made Misaka Mikoto unable to get even the slightest consolation.

If she saves those... children, she may be able to comfort herself, at least she still has some credit, she has saved a lot of lives.

But the reality is that she gave her a slap in the face, not only did she not save anyone, but she killed more people.

"I'm really... naive."

The eldest lady with high IQ and EQ has already guessed the dark scenes hidden in this city at this time, no matter what...

Is it she or the other so-called superpowers, they are all just a struggling guinea pig, right? Suddenly, the cold rain disappeared.

Misaka Mikoto, who was burying her face in her knees, raised her head in amazement, just... she saw a white transparent umbrella, slanting above her head, covering the rain that was blown by the wind. outside the umbrella.

He turned his head and looked at the person holding the umbrella. He was wearing ordinary casual clothes, holding a baby in his left hand and smiling at her.

"Why are you here, Mikoto, you didn't bring an umbrella or do you want me to take you back?"


After seeing the person, Misaka Mikoto let out a surprised voice, "...Why are you here?"

"I came out to buy something, and I happened to see you."

Roy said with a smile.

Misaka Mikoto glanced at Lilith, who was being held in his arms, and said anxiously: "...It's too cold outside, and it's raining too much, you should hurry back, if you let Lily It's not good if Si accidentally catches a cold, she's still a baby!"

"It's okay, you see she's very warm."

Hearing Roy's words, Misaka Mikoto took a closer look, only to find that Lilith was covered with a thick swaddle. Even if the outside world was windy and rainy, she slept soundly and did not cry at all because of the cold air.

Seeing this, Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief.

"You seem to be in trouble and need help?"

Roy asked with concern.

Misaka Mikoto wanted to nod her head, but in the end she shook her head.

She hopes that someone can help her, but she also knows that no one can help her.

Especially if someone really helped her, she would probably have to face the city head-on. She didn't want anyone to share the pressure and the danger.

Mistakes you make, you should take on yourself.

Misaka Mikoto has always been such a persistent girl.

"Roy, Shokuhou... it's... that... the letter that the woman with star eyes gave you, have you read it?"

Misaka Mikoto asked cautiously.

If Roy has read the content there, even Misaka Mikoto wants to go to Shokuhou and let her use her ability to make Roy forget.

She felt that...the contents of the plan, even if they were known to others, would be very dangerous.

Roy shook his head and said, "...this is for you, I'm not going to peek at other people's privacy."

Hearing this, Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief.

"It appears that your troubles have something to do with the contents of that letter."

Roy said with certainty.

This kind of thing is not difficult to guess, and Misaka Mikoto didn't say much. She just tried her best to show a hearty smile, the same smile as before, raised her head and said to Roy: "...It's okay, It's a little more troublesome, but I can handle it myself."

"...Roy, you should go back quickly. I'm ready to go back to school. You don't have to send me, and thank you!"

After hesitating for a while, Misaka Mikoto took out a guata wallet, took out a bank card and handed it over, saying: "...I may be a little busy next time, so I can't accompany you. Shopping, I can't take care of Lilith anymore."

"...the password of the card is my birthday, you should know it"

After speaking, without waiting for Roy to answer, she just... inserted the bank card into the gap in Lilith's swaddling clothes.

Roy was holding the child in his left hand and holding an umbrella in his right hand, and he really had no free hand to take it.

And then, Misaka Mikoto just... rushed into the rainstorm without looking back.

She faintly heard Roy's voice, "...Do it according to your own ideas, Mikoto."

Misaka Mikoto paused in her footsteps, and then... holding back her tears, she resolutely continued to run forward.

She felt that this sentence was... the greatest encouragement to her.

The third place in Academy City does not need too much sympathy and comfort, all she needs is a word of encouragement.

"Really, why do everyone love to give me money directly, do I seem to be so short of money?"

Roy smiled helplessly.

Lilith opened her eyes at this time, and said contemptuously: "...Isn't this the result you want? If you run away with the card now, you will perfectly deceive a little girl in a country."

"Don't say I'm cheating kindergarten kids like lollipops."

Roy laughed, then turned to look in one direction.

"Hey, how long have you been hiding there, come out quickly."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 135 Can you help me, Shokuhou!

Roy turned around, and in the rainstorm, a girl was standing there with an umbrella.

The girl looked like she was in high school, she was taller than Misaka Mikoto, but a little shorter than Shokuhou Misaki.

She has... shawl dark blue hair, and wears the same color student uniform with a white lab coat.

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