"Boom---Roy punched the golden wolf's chin, and the terrifying power that was able to blast the dragon from the sky to the ground penetrated the golden wolf's soft fur and hard skin. Its skull was shattered, and the power was even more overwhelming, eroding almost every inch of this giant wolf's bones and flesh.

Without waiting for it to scream, Roy's "Jacob siblings" moved again. The strongest combat skill from the "Bible" allowed him to grab one of the giant wolf's legs, and backhanded the three-meter-high wolf to the ground. A shoulder-to-shoulder smash hit the ground, and with a loud bang, the ground of this park shattered instantly, and the phenomenon of land sinking appeared in the area of ​​hundreds of meters. , It is estimated that just this one stroke will wake up all the residents of Misaki City.

But even so, the terrifying earth shaking made people think it was a slight earthquake, as if the whole city was shaking.

And the golden wolf, which was arrogant before, has turned into a puddle of flesh and is lying in the giant pit, and only its slightly trembling legs are telling others that it is at least alive.

"It is worthy of being the perfect product of the third magic. It is no exaggeration to say that the strength of the body is absolutely immortal, but the shock to the soul makes you unable to get up."

The giant wolf lying in the deep pit was in the deepest coma at this time, unable to answer Roy's words.

It's not difficult to continue to kill this giant wolf, but Roy is not very interested in it, just a fool similar to a husky.

Roy looked at Aozaki Orange, and the crown magician had a look of astonishment on his face.

Although Aozaki Chengzi knew that this wolf was definitely not Roy's opponent, and might even be defeated in one or two moves, the methods used by Roy were indeed a bit beyond expectations. They did not have the elegance of magic warfare at all, but pure of blood and violence.

But it has to be said that it is also an amazing masculine beauty.

"Seventy years is too long for human beings, no matter what...

Whether it's you or the new generation of magicians of the Clock Tower, you have forgotten what happened 70 years ago. Humans are really forgetful. Young people always like to challenge authority. Only then will you echo the fear of being dominated by others."

"...But this courage to question is also worthy of praise."

Roy laughs at the inferiority of human beings, laughs at human forgetfulness and lack of repentance, but also praises the bravery of human beings who dare to question, although sometimes this kind of bravery is called death.

But in the bad qualities of human beings, there is always a sublime brilliance, and human beings are such a contradiction.

"Orange, although you are curious about Anna's existence, you are not... the kind of person who will provoke regardless of the consequences. Your purpose is actually to see if I really have what the magicians of the Clock Tower say I am. Strong, after all, I haven't fought with anyone for almost seventy years, and it's normal for you to doubt... So now that you know the actual situation, do you have a good price, Zhao?"

Roy's voice became cold and ruthless.

Cangzaki Chengzi didn't resist at all, instead he opened his hands and said: "...I have seen your strength, resistance is only superfluous, then kill me here, Your Excellency Supreme Bishop!"

"I won't kill you, wouldn't I kill you just as you wish?"

Roy snorted suddenly, his eyes narrowed, his eyes seemed to penetrate into the depths of Cangzaki Orange's soul: "...you and your...grandfather are really like retreating, provoking some What an amazing thing, you would provoke me so recklessly, just...let me solve this problem."

In Roy's sight, there is a huge hole in the deepest part of Aozaki Orange's body, and there are countless sticky tentacles dancing in the hole, these... Hundreds...thousands of mouths grow on the tentacles, and they are open to reveal countless teeth like sharks, and evil eyes are all over them.

It is an indescribable thing that will drive people crazy and collapse the soul just by looking at it!

Chapter 162 You are too young and naive, Cangzaki Orange!

It was an indescribable monster in the 'door', a distorted body that would be stimulated by humans when they saw it, and then went completely crazy.

Even when Roy saw the shape of this monster, he felt a little bit of mental stimulation.

"Where did you find this thing?"

Roy looked at Aozaki Chengzi and asked, he found similar traces in the body of the old magician of the Aozaki family, and saw this indescribable thing in Aozaki Chengzi, so these... ...... Distorted existence does not appear in this world by chance, but there is a certain necessity.

Cangzaki Orange put on glasses, and changed from a ruthless magician character to a relatively normal human being, her facial features became softer, and her words changed from blunt and cold to human, with a wry smile on the corner of her mouth: ". ......I met it in the legendary sea of ​​no return that leads to another world."

"...when I found out, this thing was already lodged in my body, I tried to kill it, but every time it would come back to life, there was no way I could use a **** I got by chance The ceremonial attire sealed it, using my body as the 'barrier of the world', and sealed it in my body."

Roy nodded thoughtfully after hearing the words: "...because I sensed danger, so I want to seek help from others"

At the same time, Roy chanted the name 'Sea of ​​No Return' in his heart, the 'Sea of ​​No Return' that leads to another world, so where does this 'other world' lead to? "Yes, my intuition tells me that this thing is very The danger of it, it often whispers in my ear, saying something I can't understand, and every time I have the pain as if my soul is torn apart and the whole person is going mad."

This time, Aozaki Chengzi frankly expressed his feelings.

"The Whispers of the Evil God..."

Roy murmured and did not let others hear.

"And I thought of you at the first time, thinking that you have the ability to solve it, but magicians are the same as scientists to some extent, they only believe in what they see with their own eyes and what they hear with their own ears, and do not Blindly trusting rumors, this thing is very dangerous, if you are not as powerful as the legends say, letting you touch it will only harm you."

Aozaki orange itself has a dual personality, and glasses are the beginning of her personality change. Aangzaki orange wearing glasses has a more human flavor, but lacks the power and ruthlessness of a magician.

"Then should I thank you for your consideration for me? Actually, you still have another choice, and that is to release that monster. Anyway... the world is so big, there will always be someone to solve the problem, right?"

Roy hummed and made a rather irresponsible offer.

"It doesn't matter...

It is extremely dangerous to human beings or to this world, since I provoke it, I will take responsibility instead of casually throwing trouble to others."

That may be Aozaki Chengzi's pride as a magician, perhaps her character as an islander, or perhaps her last conscience. Aozaki Chengzi did not choose to go with the flow and throw that... indescribable monster out to the In the surface world, it is sealed in one's own body, using the body as the medium of sealing.

"Hmph, you're not completely hopeless, Orange."

Roy snorted softly, not sure if it was a compliment or a mockery.

"Wouldn't she choose to speak well? Come and beg you, Godfather, you won't let her go if you want to come to Godfather...


At this time, Her Royal Highness couldn't help but said, she was amazed for Cangzaki Chengzi, and at the same time she finally understood the group of magicians thoroughly.

Although I know that the existence of magicians has been distorted, the characters of these magicians have been distorted in this way, which is a little unexpected to Her Royal Highness.

"That's why I told you, Anna, that I understand how demons live, but I don't like them, especially the kind of... overly pure magicians..."

Roy said with a sneer.

"What an awkward woman."

Anastasia also replied.

Just as the two were talking, Roy's figure disappeared again, and the strange movement of defeating the golden wolf reappeared, fixing himself in the exact phase of the planet and the planet, and then letting the stars move, so that he could do it too. To move, this is an incomprehensible art to others.

When Roy's figure reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Aozaki Chengzi. As a human being, Aozaki Chengzi couldn't see Roy's movement method at all before she understood this technique. Standing like this, all the key points are exposed to Roy.

Roy raised his hand and reached in front of her, only to see a '' at the junction of Cangzaki Orange's abdomen and chest, Roy put his hand into the door with a serious face, and at the same time weaving a certain formula.

It didn't take long for Roy to... engrave the spell on the ceremonial attire that Aozaki orange used to seal the... indescribable thing. When Roy finished all this and returned to Her Royal Highness, Aozaki orange But his face changed greatly.

She thought that Roy was here to deal with the... indescribable monster, but in fact Roy didn't do it at all.

"You... connected this seal to my soul with a spell"

As a puppet master, Aozaki Chengzi not only has unimaginable research on the human body, but also must have dabbled in the soul. She immediately noticed the effect of Roy's technique.

"Of course, you wanted me to kill you just now because you have completed the soul transfer technique. As long as I destroy your body, your soul will be transferred. Before the transfer technique is destroyed, Even I can't hold your soul."

"...But now I have bound that...'box' to your soul, even if you transfer your soul, this seal will follow your soul, of course you can try to break it. "

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