With a smile on his face, Roy said the words that made Aozaki Orange shudder.

Her face turned blue and white, and finally sighed: "...you are using me as a test subject"

"To each other," Zweig wrote in "Queen of the Dead", she was too young at that time to know all the gifts of fate, and had already marked the price in secret, orange, you are too young and naive Now...you want to use the speciality of my body to complete your own puppet art, and now I am also using the speciality of your body to study that...indescribable thing."

"...so be careful, orange! Don't let it contaminate your body and contaminate your soul, or when that day comes, I promise you that I will destroy your soul and you with my own hands body, leaving no residue behind."

"What you do, you have to pay for yourself."

Roy straightened his clothes and said happily.

"It's... a man who is so cruel to the end."

Aozaki Chengzi smiled miserably, "...but I also expected this result."

"Since you know the consequences are like this, you still have to do it"

"That's how I behave and behave, Roy.


Aozaki orange took out a cigarette and lit it, as if he wanted to use nicotine to make himself forget the pain.

"Then you are really twisted and awkward, Orange..."

Roy snapped his fingers suddenly, "...Let me see what it said to you."

It was like stimulating the lion through the cage. Roy used the technique he set up by himself to remotely control the indescribable thing.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--------"

Immediately, Cangzaki Chengzi's complexion twisted, and she let out a painful scream. Disgusting and twisted blue veins appeared on the surface of her body, her eyes were congested, and saliva flowed unnaturally from the corner of her mouth. She knelt on the ground and hugged her tightly. Holding his head like madness.

Roy, on the other hand, listened intently with a serious face, wanting to hear the evil god's whisper.

Chapter 163 The Witch's Great Crisis

The voice that wafted out of that undeserved name was a filthy, twisted whisper, which seemed to excite and drive all spirits mad, in a kind of It is not a language system, but it can make people understand the mad evil words, which are pouring out knowledge and describing a certain existence.

"The past is with him...the present is with him...the future is with him..."

The intermittent words echoed in Roy's ears and in his mind, making him indistinct and unclear.

At the same time, Roy's intelligence as the id and ego began to tremble slightly, not the one sealed in the body of Aozaki Orange... The ineffable thing is so powerful, but it seems to be the other party's innate ability, Will drive any conscious creature crazy.

This level of influence Roy can easily cope with, the kind of... madness that just came out... was forcibly suppressed by him, and after a while, the terrifying whispers... disappeared, and the blue Qi Chengzi was paralyzed on the ground, her whole body was dripping with sweat, her body was almost soaked with sweat, and the ground under her was steaming and humid.

As the whispers disappeared, Aozaki Chengzi was able to control her body again, her bloodshot eyes became normal, and the disgusting blood vessels and blue veins that bulged from the surface of the skin disappeared. She wiped the corners of her mouth with her hands. saliva, panting for breath.

One can imagine how much pain her spirit and soul endured in the whisper of the evil **** just now.

'I can't hear...' Roy frowned, and the whisper of the evil **** was mainly said in the ear of Aozaki Orange, even Roy could hardly hear it, unless he put that... indescribable thing Pulled it out of Aozaki Orange's body and placed it in his own body, so that he could hear the whisper more clearly.

But Roy wouldn't do such a deadly thing.

The indescribable thing sealed in Aozaki Orange's body is a monster that is difficult for ordinary magicians to contend with, but for Roy, he has many means to kill it completely, but Roy's So I didn't do this because I was afraid that when I killed this monster, a door would really appear in front of him, and then a bunch of light **** would run out. At that time, it was estimated that... Roy was going crazy.

Although Roy has reached the pinnacle of 74, he can run wild in many worlds, but this does not mean that he is invincible. Even in the moon world, there are some strong people with the same personality as him, and in this multiverse There, someone stronger than him really exists.

For... those...the indescribable evil **** Roy doesn't dare to touch it now. When he doesn't understand these...... evil gods, he will Knowing these.... When the evil gods exist, they contact them, which is tantamount to an act of seeking death.

Although Roy is strong, he is also cautious enough, especially when he is innocent and guilty, it is not a big mistake to be cautious.

And now Roy is... wanting to use Aozaki oranges as a test item, to study that... indescribable things, although the indescribable things in the body of Aozaki oranges are not very high, but Roy can also see the leopard in the tube and know the autumn in one leaf. After understanding and analyzing it, he can reach the conclusion and the whole picture.

Roy looked at Cang, who was recovering his strength, thoughtfully. From the whispers of the monster in her body, and from the hollow breath of the old magician's soul in Canzaki's house, he could probably guess the world. Twisted things' should be one, not a group, of course, over time, or more and more horrors will be watching here.

'Before my strength is not enough..., I should be careful to avoid these...crazy things, when I can become a demon, I should not be afraid of these... ......, can look directly at them, and even fight directly.

' he secretly admonished himself.

At this time, Aozaki Chengzi had recovered most of her physical strength. She slowly got up from the ground. Thinking of the sense of tearing and madness between the soul and soul just now, her body just... could not help shivering. Now Roy used a technique to connect her body to that... seal. Even if Aozaki orange wanted to change her body, she couldn't escape. In the future, it is estimated that every once in a while, she will have to face the whispers of the evil god.

She sighed that she was self-inflicted, and she also smiled bitterly, and the pride and principle of being an orthodox magician in her heart gradually became a little fragmented.

At this moment, there was the sound of fast running footsteps near the park that had been destroyed. Aozaki Chengzi looked up. After seeing the person who came here, she just... took a deep breath and let herself Forget about the rest for the time being, she came here mainly to face her younger sister, to experience the magic of the Aozaki family, but she can't put the cart before the horse.

Except...the Golden Wolf, who was already in a deep coma, all four of the four present looked at the place where the sound came from after hearing the footsteps, and saw three young and beautiful girls walking fast. Come run.

When the three girls came to this park that had been completely destroyed by Roy, they all slowed down.

The indifferent witch, the angry high school girl, and the other witch with a panicked expression were none other than Kuonji Yuju, Aozaki Aoko, and Mei.



"Kuonji-san, Aozaki-san and Lidelle-san, we meet again."

"Good evening, Miss Aozaki."

Roy temporarily put aside his exploration of the inescapable thing, smiled and said hello to the three young girls in front of him. Her Royal Highness also moved her lightly. Cold lips sent greetings.

"It's you, Mr. Roy and Miss Anastasia!"

When Aozaki Aoko saw Roy and Her Royal Highness standing beside him, she was stunned for a moment, followed by her...with a clear expression, the whole person was like a powder keg being ignited, and her anger was about to come out.

...... This kind of situation of being deceived by others, being played with by others, and trusting one's feelings makes Miss Magician, who is not very good-natured, infuriated. Stopped by Yuju, Aozaki Aoko probably fired a magic bullet at Roy and Anastasia at this time.

"Don't get carried away by anger, Aoko."

The indifferent witch grabbed her cohabitant's slender arm, her face was quite ugly, because just like Aozaki Aoko, she was also the one who was deceived..., thinking that not long ago, her mood was made by the... temporary dean in front of her. The unpleasant feeling of not being able to go up or down, but unable to find a vent in the irritability, the witch is actually forcibly suppressing her anger.

"I know, Youzhu! A guy who can appear in Misaki City without a sound, can stand with my older sister, and even if he has found his target but doesn't make a move, he is like a cat-and-mouse teasing guy, not to mention his possible power. , Just this character is... extremely bad!"

Aoko Aozaki clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

At this time, Lidel's attention was not on Roy and Aozaki Orange. When she saw Roy in front of the mansion, this... witch already had a hunch, and her eyes turned to that... The gentle-looking man with a single ponytail said in astonishment, "...

Lord Animusfia, why are you here too!"

Lidelle feels that her friend may have encountered the greatest crisis in her life!

Chapter 164: The Consciousness of Death



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