"Chengzi, didn't you say you wanted to show me magic? Could it be that these people in front of you are... what you call magicians."

The little boy with blond hair said in a naive voice with a bearish child, since he left the deep mountains, he followed Aozaki Orange to see the beauty of this flowery world thoroughly, and has a huge curiosity about everything.

"Beo, although they are not magicians, they may be more powerful than magicians."

Aozaki Orange used the tone of abducting a child to persuade her carefully.

"Great, how great"

The golden wolf who looked like a little boy hesitated and asked.

Because it is a child's temperament, it is even more bullying and afraid of hardship. When traveling with Aozaki Orange, most of the opponents it encounters are not its enemies, which makes it extremely arrogant. Among the strong, there is also an existence that makes this golden wolf helpless.

For example, the magician of the age of God, Bai Yigong of the King of the Dead Apostles, facing no matter what...

Whether it is magic or fighting, it can hurt the king of the dead apostles. After the golden wolf fought with him, although he successfully ran away with the orange, he was also severely abused by the white wing man. , which casts a psychological shadow on the golden wolf named Beowulf by oranges.

So when it heard that the other party seemed to be particularly strong, it hesitated a bit.

"Probably the same as a magician."

Cangzaki Chengzi said ambiguously, of course she would not tell the wolf, the person in front of you once easily defeated the king of the dead apostles, if she said this, the wolf would definitely shake her head and reject her proposal, Maybe even run away.

"Come on, Beo! Use it to defeat him, and then I'll take you to experience magic, and then I can take you to play wherever you want."

Under the urging of Cangzaki Chengzi, Huang Zhilang's eyes lit up and he was eager to try: "... Chengzi, don't lie to me!"

He stepped forward from behind Cheng Zi, looked at Anastasia and said, "...Then big sister, you have to be careful, but it doesn't matter if you are killed, it's just a sudden, It won't hurt very much."

With a golden innocent and bloodthirsty smile that looks like a little boy, Aozaki Orange has always been targeting Her Royal Highness, so it has always thought that Aozaki Orange will let it attack Nastasia.

As soon as the words fell, the golden wolf who obeyed Aozaki Chengzi's order directly transformed from a human form into a huge golden wolf, but inexplicably from the outside, even though its body was huge, it felt that the wolf was still a bit young. .

Roy and Anastasia didn't have much... reaction, the monarch of the celestial department, when this fantasy species, which had been mysterious for more than two thousand years and could only be seen in the age of the gods, showed all its wild aura. But it was an angry expression: "...The fantasy species of the Age of Gods has also completed the materialization of the soul, which is close to the fantasy species of the third magic product. This thing is... It is also extremely rare in the Age of God."

"...Miss Aozaki, where did you find it? Bringing such a mystery to the modern age is a blasphemy against the mystery!"

Maris Billy glared at Aozaki Orange, with the imposing manner of a monarch, and scolded the... 'crown magician' for his almost nonsense behavior.

The mystery of the Age of Gods can only survive in the real ether of the Age of Gods. This world is not without fantasy species. For example, there are a large number of fantasy species in Albion, the spiritual tomb under the clock tower, but these... ...... Fantasy magicians will never let them appear in the surface world.

In addition to the possible harm of these fantasy species to the surface world, when the mysteries of the Age of Gods appear in the modern environment, it will only make these ...... mysteries gradually decline, thus bringing about the decline of the entire magic .

If this golden wolf had always lived in the deep mountains and in an unknown place, its mystery would still be completely preserved, but when Aozaki orange brought it to modern times, its mystery had already begun to be lost, unless It goes to the tomb of Albion, or finds a way to enter the inner sea of ​​the stars to maintain the mystery.

When the fantasy of the Age of Gods appears in the modern age, either the fantasy of the Age of Gods destroys the modern age, or...the modern era makes the mystery of the Age of Gods lost, and obviously this golden wolf is not qualified to fight against the entire modern society by himself.

The rebellious 'crown magician' said indifferently: "...so in order to bring Beo to the modern age, I spent a lot of money and gave all the hair that I had saved for more than 20 years to the It was cut."

Although Aozaki Orange's magic circuit is of extremely high quality, the quantity is not exaggerated. In order to keep the mystery of the Golden Wolf alive, she used the magic power she has accumulated over the past twenty years to allow this wolf to survive. Modern pass.

Anastasia's face darkened when she saw the attitude of Orange Cangzaki, her voice changed to the cold wind in Siberia, and she said coldly: "...It seems that you believe in this little wolf very much, Orange Cangzaki. ."

"I believe it or not, you will know if you try it, the princess of Romanov, your form of existence is very similar to that of Beor to some extent, this is really amazing magic!"

The crown magician narrowed his eyes, and became very curious about the form of Anastasia's existence.

Summon the information of 730 heroic spirits from the 'realm recording tape', and then transform their souls into material forms. In the incomplete materialization of souls, what is born is... 'Servants', only from the physical structure Speaking of which, the Golden Wolf is stronger than any Servant because it is a complete materialization of the soul.

If you don't count its young temperament and combat experience, just from the data panel, the average Servant is definitely not the opponent of this golden wolf. In the original time line, it was not really defeated, but just I was afraid of myself.

But Anastasia is different. She is a Servant who has already received flesh. Although she has not completed the materialization of her soul, she has a living body. This state is the secret that Aozaki Orange wants to explore.

Besides, Her Royal Highness also has a spiritual foundation of the main **** level, and the strength of this spiritual foundation is the reason why Her Royal Highness disdains this golden wolf.

Anastasia slowly raised the 'Vii' in her hand, wanting to directly open the magic eye of the king of deep sea giants to give the golden wolf a weakness, and then defeat it in one fell swoop.

At this moment, Roy suddenly held down Her Royal Highness's fragrant shoulders. Under Anastasia's doubts, Roy shook his head at her, and then smiled at Aozaki Orange: ".. ....orange, do you know what lessons humans have learned in history?"

"Then Your Highness, Supreme Bishop, can you tell me what lessons have been learned by mankind in history"

Aozaki orange, who took off her glasses and was a pure magician, asked back with a cold face.

"The only lesson humans have ever learned from history is... never learn any lessons, they reincarnate themselves as stupid day after day!"

This is Hegel's famous words, and here it is... a perfect interpretation of Aozaki's behavior.

Chapter 161 The people are not moving but the stars are moving

"Heh, before clarifying your purpose, let me get rid of the little wolf cub in front of me... You are really causing trouble, Orange!"

Roy took his eyes away from Aozaki Orange and looked at the golden wolf.

To be honest, this golden wolf doesn't have much sin at all, at most it is a bear child, and even because it was deceived by Aozaki orange into a prop to use, it is really a bit miserable to a certain extent.

Being able to manipulate the fantasies of the Age of God so freely, without fear of any backlash, the name of this crowned magician, Aozaki Orange, is well-deserved.

"Hey, it's not big sister fighting me, but big brother you?"

The Golden Wolf said in a naive and bloodthirsty tone. It opened its huge mouth. As a beast, it did not reveal any stench from its mouth. Instead, it had a strange and pleasant smell. The biggest difference between the beasts.

"Well, it's the same no matter who it is, let's end it all now, big brother! It's not the same as what Chengzi said here, it's so boring."

The voice and speech of a human child spit out from a giant wolf's mouth sounded extremely strange.

"You really don't let such a small child let go. As a magician, you are already perfect, Orange! But the more perfect something is, the more flawed it is. If your obsession is only limited If you can't go beyond it as a magician, then you're done!"

"...And this little wolf cub, I'll return that sentence to you, just a little bit, it won't hurt very much."

Roy smiled gently at the golden wolf in front of him, and the next moment his figure disappeared in front of the giant wolf, the real ether gathered on Roy's right hand, and his figure came to the golden wolf almost instantly. in front of the wolf.

"what happened"

The young fantasy species widened the wolf's eyes, and Roy's sudden burst of speed completely surpassed the speed of sound. With the physique of the 'Holy Son' and the 'Holy Spirit', he completely surpassed the realm of the 'Saint'.

The power of the Son endowed him with physical qualities that surpassed ordinary people, and the power of the Holy Spirit endowed him with a sinless soul like an angel. Although he was a human being, he also crossed the limits of human beings.

The sonic boom suddenly sounded, but it was just a natural phenomenon. In fact, the distance that Roy had walked was not through his body, but a means of phase shift similar to astrology.

In astrology, aspects are the relationship between planets and planetary angles. This is a very esoteric celestial technique. I am afraid that only the monarchs of the astronomical department can barely see some of the techniques used by Roy. track.

As long as you use the aspects of the stars well, you can achieve the effect that I am not moving and the stars are moving. This is the ability of holism, which is opposite to the "butterfly effect", and it is the group that affects the subtleties.

Roy, who advocates wisdom and knowledge, has created and mastered quite a few spells, some are very useful, some are almost useless, but no matter what...

Whether it is useful or useless, this is the embodiment of knowledge, and it is the preparation made in advance for the knowledge explosion in the future.

This kind of transfer technique can no longer be used with dynamic vision. Only those who understand the movement of celestial bodies and other physics and mysticism can understand the movement. The Golden Wolf only feels the speed of the other party's brain's thinking, and when it reacts , Roy has come to this wolf's chin. Roy, who is in his early 1.8 meters, looks very small in front of the three-meter-high giant wolf. Facing this fantasy species of the age of gods, Roy just clenched his fist, which can be described as surging. The force is...converged on that fist.

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