"Eating is not important, but I can't live without tea..."

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu said slowly, giving people the feeling of an elegant eldest lady, but the next moment the witch's belly... betrayed her and screamed 'cuckoo', and the bloodless witch immediately turned red. , the hand holding the book lifted up a little to hide his embarrassment.

Aoko Aozaki glanced at the slender waist of Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's slender waist that could be broken with one hand, put the fried dumplings in front of her, and said as if feeding a pet: "...I know. You must not eat, eat it, this is the dinner I brought you, I'm really afraid that if you don't... eat, you will faint from hypoglycemia."

Jiuyuanji Youzhu did not reject Aozaki Aoko's kindness. She was really hungry, and the witch also needs to eat. She has been eating instant noodles these few days. live.

"It's fried dumplings, I don't like them very much."

Seeing the food in the dining bag, Jiuyuanji Yuzhu is... a sigh of disappointment.

"It's good to have some food, don't pick and choose, if you didn't meet foreign friends who came to visit Misaki City, you couldn't even eat this meal. It's really strange that there are foreigners who come to Misaki City. Travel to a small place like the city.”

Aozaki Aoko put her hands around her chest and put on her slippers.

It was sitting cross-legged on the sofa in an extremely unsightly posture.

After making a couple of gestures with the chopsticks, she finally put on a fork. The eldest lady who was frying dumplings heard this, her body paused, and she turned her head to look at Ao Qiqing.

Really said: "...Aoko, you have to be careful when you meet strangers outside. The situation in the whole Misaki City is very bad."

"Ah, ah... I know, Dao."

Aozaki Aoko said irritably.

Many strange magicians have come to Misaki City these days, and it is not uncommon for magicians to come here in the past. Some of those magicians coveted the spiritual veins of Misaki City, and some coveted the magic of the Aozaki family, but the magicians who have come here recently The teachers were completely different. They didn't seem to have any purpose. After going around here for a few times, they left again, as if they were investigating something.

This situation made Aozaki Aoko even more impetuous. She would rather the other party show hostility, and the big deal is to fight..., but this way of touching and running away makes people unable to understand the other party's thoughts at all. When something big is about to happen, you are in this storm.

And the other party's concealment is very good, she and Kuonji Yuju want to take the initiative to attack.

Suppressing the unhappiness in her heart, Aozaki Aoko still explained to Yuju of Kuonji: "...The two foreigners I saw today should not be magicians, and the spiritual barrier did not respond to them. "

A city is very big, it is difficult to know every magician who comes here, even government agencies cannot know every person who comes to other areas of their city, so the spiritual manager will use the Enchantment to do this, as long as a foreign magician enters the range of the spiritual vein, the enchantment will make an alarm, no matter...

Whether it's Kuonji Yuju or Aozaki Aoko, they all rely on this ability to discover the enemy.. This is also the reason why Aozaki Aoko has no other reaction when facing Roy and Anastasia. This is her response to Misaki City Spirit's trust.

Apparently, Yuju of Kuonji also believed in the barrier built by the old magician of the Aozaki family. She ignored Aozaki Aoko and started eating gracefully and quickly, filling the uncomfortable feeling of being hungry.

After a long time, Jiuyuanji Youzhu put down his fork and said to Aozaki Qingzi: "...I'm done eating, Qingzi...Go and take a shower and get ready. We will continue to patrol at night."

"But it's raining today..."

Aoko Aozaki glanced at the rainy scenery outside the window, and just... said uncontrollably.

"It is precisely because of this weather that we are going to patrol even more, and the enemy will definitely choose such an environment to do something. I have been very uneasy these few days. I always feel that a dangerous enemy is lurking."

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's icy black pupils looked at Aozaki Aoko, and asked the trainee magician to raise her hand and said helplessly: "...I know, I'll prepare now."

"...Ah, really, when will this life of patrolling during the day and class at night end? If it goes on like this, I'm going to really lack sleep."

Aozaki Aoko stood up, put on his slippers, and complained.

"If you want this situation to end soon, then try to learn magic, Aoko."

The witch responded to her roommate's words with extremely cold words.

In fact, she doesn't like to be in contact with anyone. She will let Aozaki Aoko live in her own home and become her teacher to teach her magic. This is already an exception for Yuju Kuonji. For the sake of the Qi family's spiritual veins.

"Right, over 2.

3Two people may visit here."

Jiuyuanji's delicate eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, showing that she didn't want people to visit this mansion, but the identity of the other party made it difficult for her to refuse completely.

"Oh who will visit"

It was the first time Aozaki Aoko saw the expression of her cohabitant, and she immediately said with interest.

Jiuyuan Temple Youzhu hesitated for a moment, and then slowly said: "...It's a friend of mine when I was young."

"Hey Youzhu, you actually have friends!"

Aozaki Aoko exclaimed, her voice was very loud, as if she had heard something incredible.

"I have a friend, do you have any questions? Go get ready, Aoko!"

The witch glared at Aozaki Aoko in dissatisfaction, and said in an unpleasant tone.

Aoko Aozaki knew that this witch might be really angry if she continued to talk, she smiled and went upstairs to her bedroom, and became curious about Yuzhu's friend in Kuonji.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 150 Begins One

The main house of the Aozaki family is not in Misaki City, but on the edge of Misaki City. The Aozaki family is well-known locally and is considered a small landlord. As a magician family, money is the most important resource for learning magic.

The Aozaki family is just like many famous families in rural cities. Their main house is backed by a mountain. It is a pure Japanese-style house with a very historical appearance. Near the house, the reason why a small town like Misaki City built a church is to monitor the Aozaki family.

In a wood not far from the main house of Aozaki, Roy met the priest here, Yongli Bumbo.

This is a tall young man with half-length hair... above his shoulders, wearing a dark priest's uniform, with a cape on the outside, and a pair of glasses on the man's face. He feels like a gentle scum, and according to Roy's chat with Aozaki Orange, this man is still Orange's first love - of course, it's just Orange's unrequited love.

It can be seen from this that magicians are also individuals, and they will also fall in love, but this possibility is lower than that of ordinary people.

"Sir Supreme Bishop!"

When Roy saw Wing Ping Yongli, the gentle-looking man drew a cross in front of him, and then 21 put his arms in front of him and bent over to salute.

Although this man's appearance gave off a very gentle feeling, Roy knew that it was all an illusion. His essence was actually... a murderer, but he was not the kind of... hopeless, completely addicted to Demons of slaughter.

At the moment when he saw Roy, the priest named Yongli Wenbo was not excited and admiring, but carefully searched for Roy's flaws with those eyes hidden behind his eyes, as if it were possible at any time. It's going to explode and kill Roy.

It was not until he found out that he couldn't find any flaws in Roy, did he bend over to say hello.

Roy doesn't care about the murderous intent of Yongli Wenbo, because he knows that this is the way of life of this man, even if he once attacked and killed the magician of the Aozaki family, the reason was just because he thought he could kill him. , so try this weird excuse.

As long as Wenbo Yongli does not kill ordinary people and has enough faith, then he is... a qualified agent and will be accepted by the Holy Church.

"The one from the Aozaki family... where is the magician?"

Roy asked bluntly, without any unnecessary greetings.

"Reporting to the Supreme Bishop, the last remnant of the old magician is in the cave behind the main house of the Aozaki family. There is his magic workshop. Since I destroyed his body, I have been looking for an opportunity to completely destroy him. kill, but I can't break through his workshop."

Wen Bing Yongli said with a bit of regret, "...I need Your Excellency the Supreme Bishop to travel thousands of miles to solve the problem for me. This subordinate is really guilty and deserves death!"

Wen Bing Yongli bowed his head slightly, and the smile on his face did not change. As for how much he was really ashamed, only he himself knew.

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