Roy didn't pay attention to this man with an abnormal head and some hypocrisy, and just asked calmly: "...I remember that the Wenbin family and the Aozaki family have been friends from generation to generation, so why do you insist? To kill that... magician?"

"Because he is a heretic, the Supreme Bishop, for the glory of the Lord, I must kill him!"

Wen Bing Yongli answered with the most standard clergyman's answer, but after a pause, the man bent down slightly, revealing a murderous sneer, and said leisurely: "... The only thing is that I thought I could kill him, so I gave it a shot."

"Because I thought I could kill him"

"Yes, the Supreme Bishop, I don't think I can kill him, then I will definitely not shoot."

Wen Bing Yongli's humble words seemed to be: in this way, he will never rebel against him... the highest bishop.

Roy nodded with satisfaction. At this time, not long after dinner, Roy saw that the gate of the Cangsaki family's ancestral house was opened, and a middle-aged couple was walking out together.

Seeing this, Wing Ping Yongli introduced directly: "...that's the parents of Sister Cangzaki, no matter what...

Whether it is the quality or quantity of the magic circuit, they are no different from ordinary people. I thought that the Aozaki family would be completely lost in this generation, but unexpectedly, two magic geniuses, Chengzi and Qingzi, were born, bringing the Aozaki family back to life again. ."

Roy watched the ordinary couple leave the Aozaki house temporarily. They should go out for a walk. They were able to give birth to the sisters Aozaki Orange and Aozaki Aoko. In fact, they are not easy.

"wait for me here."

Roy ordered to Wing Ping Yongli, breaking into a magician's workshop and destroying the other party's remnant soul, as if it were as simple as going on an outing.

"Yes, Lord Supreme Bishop!"

Wen Bing Yongli humbly stepped back and stood still beside a tree.

Roy walked out of the woods with a face that was always cold in front of outsiders, like Her Royal Highness the Queen of the Siberian cold wind. Not long after walking along the path through the ancestral house of the Cangqi family, he saw it at the foot of the mountain. a cave.

"Anna, wait for me at the door too, I'll take care of the old guy inside soon."

Roy said to Her Royal Highness with a smile.

Although Anastasia knew that Roy was extremely powerful, she still cared: "...Please be careful, godfather."

"Well, I'll be careful."

Roy didn't say anything arrogant, just squeezed Her Royal Highness's nose, and walked into the cave.

For Roy, there is nothing to fear about a magician who has mastered magic by luck, not to mention that the other party is just a remnant soul, even if he is still in his prime, Roy can easily solve it.

Because the magician is connected to the corner of the root, he has mastered miracles, but even magic has magical abilities, but in terms of combat power, a magician is probably similar to the gods who walked on the earth in the age of the gods. As for the main god, it is still ordinary. Second-rate gods, then it depends on this... the magician's use of magic.

"The first one changed everything, the second one admitted countless, the third one that inherited the past showed the future, the fourth one that started the future hides its figure, and the fifth one that ended has long since lost its meaning, so-called magic. , it is only a product that appeared after the era of the gods, or, in other words, the appearance of the first method represents the end of the gods!"

As soon as he stepped into this cave, Roy just... felt the abnormally sticky magic power and many enchantment magics. The magic power here should be connected with the spiritual veins of Misaki City, with the support of the crooked core spiritual veins, even if that person There are only remnants of the magician left now, and this is enough to keep the monarchs of the clock tower out, and if the magician still maintains the power of the heyday, even if a first-class hero comes, it will be difficult to break through this temple.

But to Roy, this was meaningless, he saw through the mystery here at a glance, and as long as he saw through the mystery, it was like thin paper, which could be broken at the touch of a touch.

Raising his right hand, a blood-red long sword appeared from his palm.

"This sword is up, magic is down!"

Gently reciting the words, Roy just waved the sword in his hand gently, and there was a soft sound of tearing. The old magician of the Canzaki family used the temple workshop that was built for an unknown number of years, and in an instant... It was torn into countless pieces, and the countless magic enchantments and formations inside were completely collapsed.

Roy chuckled and threw the sword of judgment in his hand casually. When the sword of power slowly disappeared, he had walked to the innermost part of the cave and saw the remnant soul of the magician.

"Your existence reminds me of the 'Beginning One'!"

An old hoarse and emotionless voice echoed in the cave.


Chapter 151 "The Ether Universe Needs Order"

In the cave, Roy saw... the remnant of this old magician.

It was a twisted soul, bound by some kind of magic on this land, just like a low-level earthbound spirit, it was difficult to get out of here, and it was difficult to have any influence on the outside world.

This old magician from the Aozaki family has lost all human intellect, and lost all his senses due to the loss of his body. Now rather than... saying that he is a living person, it is better to say that he is just a still alive'.

The magician's voice didn't have any ups and downs, just like a mechanical program telling a certain fact, he was no longer a person himself, and lost all emotions.

"In the first year of A.D., the appearance of the first magic represented the complete disappearance of the Age of Gods. Except... the mystery of the Age of Gods barely remained in the land of England, most of the rest of the world has ushered in the age of mankind.”

"...The appearance of magic symbolizes the complete separation of man and God!"

The old magician spoke slowly, telling the secrets that seem to be common sense in the magician's world, but in fact, only a few high-ranking magicians know the secrets.

The so-called magic is actually nothing more than such a thing. It is only the power of the gods that can be exercised because of the connection with the root. When the gods of the gods walk on the earth, each **** is his own magician, and each **** shows. reality of self.

The root that the magicians of today are looking for is well known in the age of gods, and there is absolutely no mystery at all, because it represents the gods.

Magic is the pursuit of the past, and the pursuit of the root is the affirmation of this statement.

On the surface, magicians all want to return to the age of the gods, but in fact not many magicians are willing to return to the age of gods, because the atmosphere in the age of gods is still full of true ether, which is like cosmic radiation. Modern magicians It cannot be absorbed and utilized at all, and it will only be completely corroded by the true ether, fearing it like a poison.

"'One' is both the beginning and the end. When the Son of God came in the first year of AD, he took all the original sin and returned to the sky, and took away all the real ether left on the earth. This is the beginning of magic and the beginning of mankind... .. Immediately, the tower that connects the inside and outside of the world, the anchor of the storm that locks the stars fixed the surface of the world, rejected the dust of the universe, separated 'reality and fantasy', and created today's laws of physics."

"..."The etheric universe needs order." When the Son of God gives the universe a new life, and when the anchor' re-fixes the stars, the almighty God who has exhausted all magic will finally come!"

The magician of the Aozaki family is like a machine, repeating, repeating a message from a distant place or an ancient past, this may be its final function.

'The essence of a human being is... a repeater' Although Roy complained, his heart skipped a beat, which was completely different from what he imagined to meet with this... old magician, especially what he said Stuff,..."So, what do you want to say"

Roy didn't know if the magician who only had the 'spirit' still had the ability, he just asked tentatively.

"You are He, He is... You, your existence reminds me of the 'Beginning One'..."

The sorcerer's words came back, and Roy has determined that this... the sorcerer who already has the same concept as death, has no subject consciousness.

Roy stared at the twisted soul and the madness that was hidden deep inside, making people feel hopeless. There seemed to be a huge hole in the soul of the magician of the Aozaki family. Something unknown, twisted.

The first one changed everything, separating the gods from man. The second one, the 'second magic' of Jewel Weng admitted countless, this is the reason why the moon will be defeated after the coming of the moon, the authority of the gods has disappeared, once The 'one is also attributed to the sky, and there is no magic on the planet earth for a long time.

And Zelrich was born out of nowhere and made the 'second magic' appear, which is comparable to the authority of the oldest gods, so that the Zhuyue sewer, who had never seen 'magic', capsized and was knocked back to the moon.

Then the third magic shows the future, the fourth magic is hidden in the fog of history, and the 'fifth magic' obtained by the Aozaki family inadvertently opened the door of the root, and it has become the least... something of meaning.

This magic has neither succession nor succession, it has been... meaningless from the beginning.

"Therefore, after you passed on the magic to Aozaki Aoko, you voluntarily gave up your life and completely connected with the root in this form of 'entanglement', so that the magic of the Aozaki family finally had a meaning in you. "

At this time, Roy suddenly realized that since human beings cannot contact the root cause and cannot receive all the information when they are alive, then they give up thinking as a life, and accept everything in this way like the most essential function of insects, who once mastered the fifth magic. The old magician is already connected to the root, and it can do it.

It's just that this...dead magician seems to be connected to something unknown besides...the root.

"But even so, it's just that your magic has meaning in the end. The one that Aozaki Aoko inherited... is still nothing but meaningless things."

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