"Thank you so much! Mr. Roy!!"

Aozaki Aoko said gratefully, feeling that he really met a good man, and he was a handsome man like a 'prince'. Of course, it would be better if his girlfriend wasn't so cold as him.

She took her seat again. At this time, there were no guests, and she didn't have to give her seat. Just as Aozaki Aoko was sitting and waiting for Roy and the others to finish their meal, a matcha-flavored almond tofu was handed to her. in front of.

Aoko Aozaki looked up, saw Roy smiling at her, raised his hand and said, "...I don't like sweets, but girls like desserts, right? This dessert is still It's better to leave it to Miss Aozaki to solve the problem, how about doing me a favor?"

The young high school girl didn't know if the man she met for the first time really didn't like sweets, but she knew that the other party did this just to keep her from being too bored and embarrassed while waiting.

She silently picked up the small fork, but she was deeply moved.

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Chapter One Hundred and Forty-Eight

The spring rain was falling, and three figures on the road leading to the back mountain from Misaki City were facing the wind and rain.

The young and beautiful girl occasionally turned her head to look beside her, and noticed that a couple from foreign countries were leaning against each other and holding an umbrella, which made Aozaki Aoko feel a little embarrassed.

In the windy rain, even if a person is holding an umbrella alone, he may be accidentally splashed by the rain, not to mention two people standing in that narrow area, looking at the clothes they are wearing. Looking at the cheap clothes, it is estimated that it is not easy to deal with the rain.

But even if there is some guilt in her heart, Aozaki Aoko is not easy to bring up the topic. As a man, in order to show the gentleman's demeanor, he should share an umbrella with others at this time, but Aoko Aozaki is not so cheeky enough to separate the couple. To the extent that you go to hold an umbrella with someone else's boyfriend, in the end, you can only keep these secrets in your heart, temporarily pretending that you don't know anything.

The road leading to the back mountain is a bit steep and long, and the road is full of mud, but even so, Roy and Anastasia did not complain. The two whispered in Russian and followed behind Aozaki Aoko. Go to the old mansion with a sense of history.

Not long after, the three of them just... walked to the gate of the mansion, the rusty iron door was casually half-open, and the ground inside the mansion was overgrown with weeds. Looking inside the mansion, most of the place is dark, only a little light can be seen in the direction of the hall, and the geographical location of the mansion, it is easy to think of a 'haunted house'. ' and urban legends that exist.

"I'm home, I'm really bothering you, Mr. Roy and Miss Anastasia."

Standing in front of the half-open iron door, Aozaki Aoko stopped, turned around and said to the two behind her.

Normally, in such a cold rainy day, the other party should send you home as a courtesy, and they should invite them to sit in for a while and have a cup of hot tea, but this mansion is not owned by Aozaki Aoko, but belongs to her. The cohabitant of Kuonji Yuzhu, she has no right to invite.

Of course, the most important thing is that Aozaki Aoko knows that her cohabitant doesn't like strangers very much, not to mention inviting strangers into the mansion where she lives. In order to prevent this... kind Mr. Roy from being hurt by the witch, Aoko Aozaki could only bite the bullet and 'expel guests' at the door of the house, "Hmph, what a rude woman..."

Anastasia sneered, which made Aozaki Aoko look even more embarrassed, but she blushed but she could only hope for Ai, unable to argue, because this was indeed her problem.

Although Aozaki Aoko has a fiery personality most of the time, she is not a completely unreasonable person. If she is reasonable, she will never admit defeat, but if she is not reasonable, she will be embarrassed to argue with strangers.

"Okay, Anna, Miss Aozaki must have something to hide."

Roy gently tugged at Her Royal Highness's slender arm. Seeing Roy say this, Her Royal Highness could only snort softly, and turned her head coldly to ignore Aozaki Aoko.

Aoko Aozaki, who sang with a red face and the other sang, was even more ashamed. She glanced at Roy gratefully, held up her umbrella and bowed repeatedly to express her embarrassment, put the umbrella in Yi's hand, and then bent slightly. , and quickly ran to the gate of the mansion.

When Aozaki Aoko ran to the eaves of the mansion and stood still, she turned around, saw Roy waving at her with a smile, and when she saw that she had reached the door of the house, she left with the... silver delicate goblin, the girl.

"Aoko Aozaki, Aoko Aozaki, it's really rude to reply, and it's embarrassing, but such a gentleman and handsome man is really not something you can see in this small place!"

Aoko Aozaki stood at the door of the mansion and patted her cheek. She made a sound, and when she saw the backs of Roy and Anastasia disappear, her expression changed immediately.

He turned around and opened the door of the mansion, and put on slippers at the entrance. Aoko Aozaki just... walked into the mansion angrily with big strides, if it wasn't for these ordered by beads... ........Break the five, the rules, she was so embarrassed and embarrassed just now, so it's all your fault! I'll be docile to strangers, and I'll attack my best friend!...Witch's House At the foot of the mountain, Roy and Anastasia stood still, Her Royal Highness hugged Roy's arm lightly, and looked back at the hillside with him, and in the vagueness of the woods, we could still see the mansion. Outline.

They were still holding an umbrella, and the rain fell on the two of them and fell off naturally, without soaking a piece of their clothes. The previous Aoko Aozaki didn't realize this because he was too embarrassed. Of course, this is also a trainee magician. No experience in the mysterious world.

"Godfather, this is the magician you're looking for"

Anastasia asked softly.

"Well, she is... Aozaki Aoko, what do you think, my little goblin."

Roy lightly embraced the slender and soft waist under Her Royal Highness's foreign dress. In the drizzle, there were only two people standing on this street, and a faint mist blew up, which brought a dream-like scenery.

"It's more ordinary than I thought, not like a magician at all, but more like an ordinary person."

..................... Her Royal Highness pondered for a moment, recalling the magicians she had known and seen in the past, and thus described Aozaki Aoko.

"She was just an ordinary high school student. If it wasn't for the one from the Aozaki family... the old magician let her inherit the magic engraving, Aozaki Aoko should have lived her life as a normal person."

Roy shook his head and said.

"But compared to her older sister, Aozaki Chengzi, Aozaki Aoko is more real, and I like it more."

Her Royal Highness said again, although she was indifferent when facing Aozaki Aoko, but this is her nature, and it does not mean that Her Royal Highness hates Aozaki Aoko.

Compared with the sister who has the same template as the magician, this is the sister who is an ordinary person more like Anastasia. Although she is now a fused Heroic Spirit, Her Royal Highness is not a pure magician, and she is even in contact with her. After the group of magicians, she hated magicians more instinctively.


People with normal three views can't accept the magician's way of life. Even though Roy understands the magician's way of life, it does not mean that he likes and agrees.

"Okay, let's leave first. Father Wenpin is already waiting for us in Cangqi's hometown. The... old magician's mission has been completed, so let him not live in the world."

Roy announced the death penalty to the old magician of the Aozaki family in a relaxed tone.


Anastasia responded lightly, put her hand on Roy's arm, and gradually disappeared into the rain and fog with him.


Chapter 149 The Witch of the Fairy Tale

In the witch's house, Aozi Aozaki walked into the hall angrily carrying a bag of fried dumplings.

Different from the gorgeous bungalow decoration that most people imagine, this witch's residence located on the top of the hillside, the interior decoration color is very monotonous, it can even be described as old, just looking at its interior decoration, it will make people think that there lives here. is an old antique.

But in fact, the one who lives here is not an old antique, but a witch as delicate and fragile as a porcelain doll.

Kuonji Yuzhu was sitting on the sofa in the living room. This fairy tale witch has slender hands and feet and a white skin that doesn't know what the sun is. She is wearing a pure black one-piece dress, and her short hair that falls to her shoulders has no impurities and is exquisite. His facial features are expressionless, there is no melancholy and no joy, just like a doll carefully carved by a craftsman, exuding a mysterious, magnificent and cold atmosphere.

A cup of steaming black tea was placed on the table in front of Youzhu in Kuonji Temple. The witch leaned back against the back of the chair, holding a book in both hands, and was enjoying it when she heard the door "two five zero".

After the opening sound, her icy black pupils slanted slightly, and when she saw Aozaki Aoko rushing in angrily, she just... said in a beautiful voice commensurate with her beauty: "... Aoko , don't be too noisy, you're disturbing my reading... well you're angry again"

"Who do you think made me angry!"

Aoko Aozaki looked at the indifferent cohabitant like a puppet, and said angrily.


Jiuyuanji Yuzhu was a little puzzled, she knew that Aozaki Aoko was losing her temper, but she didn't know where she had provoked her.

The witch was also slightly annoyed and felt that Aozaki Aoko was really unreasonable, but she was not someone who would easily express her feelings, so she just took her eyes back and continued to read the book in her hand, ignoring Aozaki Aoko.

Seeing Jiuyuanji Youzhu's attitude, Aozaki Aoko was even more angry, she took a deep breath, glanced at the steaming black tea in front of the witch, and said... "... You didn't have dinner, just have a cup of tea"

The tea that Jiuyuan Temple has a pearl to drink is not cheap, she would rather eat two meals less when she is financially strapped, rather than drink those... inferior black tea.

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