Aozaki Aoko's eyes turned and said to the foreign friend: "...If you want to eat ramen, why don't you come with me, I'm going to eat... I know that although a shop is a little small, it should be the best ramen shop in Misaki City."

Aoko Aozaki and her sister are big eaters. They have eaten the delicacies of Misaki City. They know very well about the hidden shops...

Of course, the reason why she wants to eat ramen is because ramen is relatively cheap, and it is a food that she can barely afford.

And when she heard Aoko Aozaki's words, the eyes of that girl who was as delicate as a doll also flickered, her beautiful eyes as blue as the sea widened, she pulled the sleeve of the man beside her, as if urging He quickly agreed to do the same.

'I really like eating ramen.

'Aozaki Aoko saw her thoughts from the other party's actions, and she also smiled a little. Seeing that this girl is... a child of a wealthy family, she likes to eat 'common people' food such as ramen. It would be good if the cohabitant, Youzhu from Kuyuanji Temple, was able to support her so well.

"Thank you so much, ma'am! I'm really bothering you."

At the urging of the female companion, the man just... smiled and said it, and also played with his waist slightly, which was different from the polite bow of the Japanese, and his posture was very noble.

Aoko Aozaki, who was just an ordinary high school student, was a little unaccustomed to being treated with such overly social and aristocratic etiquette and address, she turned around and continued walking, while urging: "... .. It seems that the rain is going to be heavy, come with me quickly, that shop is not too far away."

The two followed Aoko Aozaki to the commercial street, and the man politely said, "...My name is Roy.

Crowley, what's the name of the lady?"

"Aoko Aozaki!"

Although Aozaki Aoko was a little unaccustomed to asking her name directly from a stranger she had never met, but she thought maybe this was the etiquette of a foreigner, so she didn't think much about it... she said her name.

"I'm really lucky to meet a kind person like Miss Aozaki on such a rainy day."

Roy said with a smile.

'This man can really speak.

' This kind of compliment made Aozaki Aoko's mood a lot better.


Chapter 147: The girl who is not yet deep in the world

The rain was getting heavier, and Aoko Aozaki was glad that she came to the ramen restaurant before pouring the chicken in the soup.

Outside is the spring rain, with a biting cold wind, and inside the house is steaming, like a warm day and wind.

This is a small ramen shop, and there are only a dozen or so seats in front of the bar. After entering the door, Aoko Aozaki shook her long chestnut hair like a puppy, and dropped the water droplets on her head. She quickly occupied three 3-positions. She sat in front of the bar and rubbed her hands, feeling the warmth of the ramen shop, and said with a relieved smile, "...Ah, it's so warm, I'm finally saved!"

Roy took the expectant Anastasia's hand and sat beside Aozaki Aoko.

The owner behind the bar handed over three menus, saying that the menu is actually... a piece of transparent plastic paper, and there is not much food to choose from for a small shop like...

Looking at the Japanese on the menu, Aozaki Aoko hesitated whether to introduce herself, but thinking that the Japanese spoken by Roy just now was extremely standard, she felt that she didn't need to do anything extra.

However, after seeing Her Royal Highness sitting beside her frowning her fine eyebrows and showing a puzzled expression about the Japanese on the menu, Aoko Aozaki thought about it, and opened her mouth to use her authentic Japanese language. English: ", what's your name?"

After finishing speaking, Aozaki Aoko just... looked a little embarrassed and complained about why she didn't study English well when she was in school. She didn't know whether her question was polite to foreigners, but she just meeting'.


This is the simplest English.

Her Royal Highness raised her head and glanced at Aoko Aozaki, and replied in Japanese with a 053 tone: "...Anastasia.

Dried bamboo shoots with barbecued pork.

Thin-faced baby."


Aoko Aozaki feels embarrassed. This name is a pseudonym no matter how you look at it. It turns out that you are so good in Japanese. If you are so good, you should have said it earlier. What is my dissatisfaction? Aozaki Aoko can feel this...a foreign girl with a delicate doll-like appearance and silver hair seems to be very hostile to her. At first, she was a little puzzled, but when she saw Her Royal Highness watching After Roy's gentle eyes, she immediately understood her thoughts, because she didn't want her male partner to contact him.

'Your boyfriend is just asking me for directions, it shouldn't be like this, and people may not look at me.

' Aozaki Aoko vomited in her heart. As a high school girl in a small rural town, Aozaki Aoko doesn't think that a foreign man who looks very rich and rich will take a fancy to her, but when she sees Anastasia She doesn't use her hot face to stick to other people's cold **** if she ignores her love.

As the student council president at school, she was quite irritable. Now that she sees the other party as a foreign friend, she has suppressed her stinky temper, but judging from the voice of the other party, it should be a Russian if it is a Russian If you are a human being, don't provoke it. It is said that the women there are extremely scary, and they are all capable of single-handedly slaying bears.

Out of sight and out of mind, Aozaki Aoko directly lowered her head and started to look at the menu, but she said she was looking at the menu, in fact, she just chose a bowl of the cheapest soy sauce ramen in the menu.

Now her life is extremely poor, adding char siu and hot spring eggs to ramen is impossible.

After ordering the meal, it didn't take long for the boss to bring the ramen. Aoko Aozaki glanced at his monotonous ramen, then looked at the pile of things in the bowl of Roy and Her Royal Highness, and The luxurious ramen of desserts is...close your eyes and start eating noodles. can eat enough to not die of hunger, don't go to people at this time, it will make you mad.

“How does the noodles taste here”

Seeing Aozaki Aoko, who seemed unwilling to talk to him, Roy ignored her. He watched Her Royal Highness sip the noodles tenderly, and saw the fragrant sweat on the tip of her nose, just... took out a handkerchief for She wiped it, and asked with concern.

Different from the icy expression when facing Aozaki Aoko, he swallowed the face in his mouth and wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue, before showing a shy and soft smile, and said softly: "...this woman The restaurant I introduced tastes good, the noodles are not as glutinous as Kotomine's, but the soup is delicious."

Aoko Aozaki felt even more upset when she heard the noble and indifferent girl beside her describe herself as "this woman", but in order not to cause an international dispute, she still did not quarrel with Her Royal Highness, she just ate the noodles a little faster. .

Within two minutes, Aoko Cangsaki ate the whole bowl of noodles without even the soup left. He put down his chopsticks and said directly to the boss, "...Check out, boss!"

She didn't want to be angry with this cold Russian woman anymore, and it was better to go home after dinner.

At this moment, Roy said with a smile, "...Miss Aozaki, in order to thank you for bringing us to such a delicious restaurant, let us invite us for this meal."

Cangzaki Qingzi frowned slightly, she pressed her hand on the shriveled purse in her pocket, opened her mouth, a struggle flashed on her face, and finally nodded her head imperceptibly: "... Well, thank you then."

It's not that she is petty and cheap. If Roy invites her to dinner for no reason, Aoko Aozaki will definitely refuse, but since she really helped others, looking at how rich they look, she probably won't care about such a bowl of five hundred days Yuan's Ramen.

At this time, Aozaki Aoko regretted it. She had known that someone was treating her guests, so she added two pieces of char siu to the ramen. She had eaten instant noodles for several days, and had never tasted meat. It won't be until the new January in a few days! Although Roy decided to treat a guest, Aoko Aozaki still paid for another set of fried dumplings to take back. Since he saved a meal, he would bring it to his co-habitant. Go back for something to eat.

After doing all this, Aozaki Aoko thanked Roy again and was about to leave, but just as she opened the door of the ramen shop, she was shivered by a cold wind outside, and she saw the rain outside. As if she couldn't stop in a short time, her face flashed embarrassment, and she said to the owner of the ramen shop: "...Boss, can you lend me an umbrella?"

"Sorry, customer, there are only four umbrellas in the store, but all the customers who left before have borrowed them."


Aoko Aozaki is depressed. What should I do now? It's not close to the mansion where Youzhu lives. If I run back, I won't be able to eat the food I brought, and I'll definitely catch a cold! Just when Aoko Aozaki was tangled, Roy Seeing her embarrassment, she gave a gentle suggestion: "...If Miss Aozaki doesn't mind waiting a little longer, I'll send you back after we finish eating."

Hearing Roy's words, Aozaki Aoko subconsciously glanced at the unopened umbrella that Anastasia was holding. Roy and Her Royal Highness had only held one umbrella before.

"That's a little bad..."

Aoko Cangsaki's face became even more tangled. In fact, she really wanted to agree, but she didn't owe her anything for having a meal before. If she agreed, she would owe someone else's favor in turn.

"Meeting is fate. My girlfriend and I came to Japan for a visit to meet Miss Aozaki. This is fate. Before, Miss Aozaki helped us and made us feel the enthusiasm of the local residents. When traveling abroad, we can encounter this kind of thing. Things that can help each other will become a precious memory even if we go back, so please don’t be too angry.”

Roy is very good at speaking, and he broke Aozaki Aoko's entanglement in a few words.

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