But if you get close, you will find that all those... buildings are unfinished buildings. Because half of the construction is completed, the construction party has no funds, so they can only be thrown here to accept the wind and rain.

The real estate bubble has already exposed its fangs on the eve of its collapse, the once brilliant economic situation is now only left with a cold wind, and the land that was once worth thousands of dollars seems to be worthless at this time.

"Really, didn't the weather forecast say that there will be no rain today on the 19th? The Meteorological Observatory really can't believe it!"

Complaining female voices came from the rain, a pair of high school uniform leather shoes 'pat-pat' running on the street where the water was gradually stagnant, the splashing mud stained her black cotton knee-high socks, but this At that time, the young girl couldn't care about these things.... Dirty, she shivered, trembled in the cold rain, raised her schoolbag to cover her head, just thinking about it Go home and take a hot shower.

The girl has long, smooth, chestnut-colored hair, and she wears the old-fashioned earth-brown uniform of the private Misaki High School. She only relied on a red bow tie to add a little bright color to herself. The height of the girl is about Japanese women belong to the taller category, wearing a uniform makes it impossible to see the development of a girl, but the uniform of a high school student in an island country can make people happy to see the extremely slender and perfect jade legs under her skirt.

The girl's face is small, her facial features are delicate, her blue pupils are awe-inspiring, and her fair skin is full of the tenderness of a girl. If the boys in the school will evaluate the girls, she will undoubtedly win the title of the school flower. , but otherwise no matter what...

In all respects, this is just an ordinary high school girl who can be seen everywhere.

Aozaki Aoko, now living in a friend's house, a trainee magician, a trainee magician.

"Ah, why does Yuzhu's family live in such a high place!!"

Aoko Aozaki came to a fork in the road, and after seeing the long ramp on her way home, she was... irritable and self-sacrificing.

Although he claims to have good physical strength, no one can stand climbing mountains every day, especially in this rainy weather, there is only one muddy trail for people to walk out of the back mountain, not to mention the danger, just think about stepping on those.. ...... Climbing desperately to the western mansion on the mountain in the silt, Aoko Aozaki felt a little unbearable.

Not because of cowardice, but because it felt unnecessary.

"And even if I go back, I can only eat instant noodles."

Aoko Aozaki touched the small purse at the mouth of her shirt, and her face immediately became depressed.

The cohabitant is really not good at financial management. Although the cohabitant is a rich lady, 'magic' is a knowledge that costs money. ..., the monthly living fund of the cohabitant is only a mere 30,000 days. If only that is enough, anyway... the house is her own, and she does not need to pay rent. With a little saving, she can live for a month as an ordinary person. I live a normal life, but maybe I got used to being an eldest lady. Every time I get money at the beginning of the month, I spend a lot of money. The meat I buy must be those high beef with exquisite texture, and the vegetables I buy must also be There must be signed organic vegetables, although those...the food tastes really delicious, but when the stomach enjoys semi-luxury, it will enter a state of starvation in the second half of the month.

My cohabitants are probably... that kind of... Moonlight clan who buy a lot after getting their salary every month, and then soon have no money to live on.

Aoko Aozaki defines it like this.

It's like at the end of the month, she and her cohabitant can only eat instant noodles, and sometimes even have to save money for the next meal, because her eldest lady cohabitation must drink black tea, and the meal can be Don't eat it, but you can't drink black tea.

"I can't do it if I want to eat at this time."

In order to keep herself from starving, Aozaki Aoko will use various excuses at the end of the month to use her status as the student council president to go to her classmates to eat, but she has already left the school today and is almost home , I really can't find any excuses or reasons to eat.

She clenched the purse in her pocket, thinking about the pitiful steel shovel and the few paper tickets in it, her palms were sweating, and her expression instantly collapsed.

Compared with her eldest cohabitant, Aozaki Aoko's monthly living expenses are lower. Although she has a carefree personality, she still has a little financial ability. If she is allowed to manage money, at least she will not be hungry. situation, so that he can survive.

"Would you like to go back and discuss with Youzhu that I will manage the money..."

Aoko Aozaki thought like this, but after hesitating for a while, then... Immediately.

Give up this idea, if she really proposes this idea, Youzhu will stare at her coldly, and soon she will be defeated by the cold witch eyes.

You Zhu is probably... a princess is sick but not a princess.

Ao 257 Saki Aoko unintentionally scolds her cohabitant.

It's raining now, maybe for a while... The rain will get bigger, and I can only eat instant noodles at most when I get home, so it's better to go directly to the commercial street for dinner at this time, and wait in the restaurant until the rain stops.

Aoko Aozaki calculated the distance to the commercial street, the difficulty of climbing home and the muddy road, and immediately made a decision.

As for whether the cohabitant will die of starvation without food at home, it has nothing to do with her! Although the two are cohabitants, the witch is still Aozaki Aoko's magic teacher, and their cordial relationship is probably that much, but the two It's more of living together in a way that doesn't affect each other.

It's like a Japanese life and a magician's life.

"Fortunately, there is a little private money left in my pocket, otherwise I'll have nothing to eat right now."

While muttering in a low voice, Aozaki Aoko trotted again, she turned right from the fork, and there was the road to the commercial street.

It just didn't take long for her to run, her footsteps... slowly slowed down until she stopped completely, because on the road ahead of her, there was a man and a woman standing.

And those two completely caught her eye.

"It's really rare for foreigners to come to such a remote town. Are they a couple?" Aoko Aozaki wondered.

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Chapter 146 The first encounter of the magician

Misaki City is not a famous historical city, there are no places of interest here, and it is not an international metropolis like Osaka or Tokyo, which will be favored by investors. In addition to the local rich people in Misaki City building construction here, bringing a certain economic prosperity, Misaki City can be said to be... a small rural town.

It's just that because the real estate bubble is about to burst in the past two years, the rich...

In such a small town, it is rare to see foreigners.

Aoko Aozaki has never been to a big city like Tokyo, and she has never seen a few foreigners in her life, so in this small rural town, I saw two foreigners standing here beside the street under the spring rain. , also aroused her curiosity, especially the two foreigners looked a little complicated.

That... the foreign man's face is a little strange, like an oriental person and a westerner, which makes people a little unclear. He is very tall and has a good figure. In Japan, such a man's height is definitely a model. It is more than enough, especially his handsome face that can be described as handsome and beautiful, even those idols and actors that Aozaki Aoko has seen on TV are incomparable.

He held an umbrella, blocking the spring rain outside, wearing very fashionable business casual clothes, he looked extravagant, and it was difficult to tell the age for a while, and the handsome face made Aozaki Aoko's heart beat faster.

'Is it a mixed race? This is how the people in Tokyo's... big cities dress up' the high school girl thought, and her curious eyes fell on him, except... ... Two years later, Aozaki Aoko's life is no different from that of an ordinary person. She is also a fairly ordinary girl, and it is normal for her to attract attention to handsome men.

But she is not the kind of... superficial woman, maybe because of the other person's appearance, she may have a little goodwill. This is people's pursuit of beauty, but it is impossible to say that she will be moved or estrus.

He skipped the man and looked at the girl next to him. She was definitely European at a glance. As for which country Aoko Aozaki was from, she couldn't tell which country she belonged to. She looked like she was the same age. The girl was wearing a white and complicated dress, and the material of the dress was very valuable just by looking at it.

That girl... holding a strange 'cursed doll' in her hand looks like a delicate doll, with flawless facial features and delicate snow-white skin, even Aozaki Aoko thinks of her roommate, they are all so slender , is so fragile, but her cohabitant Jiuyuanji Youzhu has a pale demonic nature, while the girl in front of her has a sense of nobility that is incompatible with a modern city.

'It's really... uh..., the talent of a man and a woman is a match made in heaven' Judging from the closeness of the two, they should be a couple, Aozaki Aoko thought with a little jealousy. As a beautiful girl in her youth, she occasionally When she was young, she also had the dream of Prince Charming and the sprouting of spring love, and when she was young, there was even a dark history of 'love'.

It is rude to stare at others, Aozaki Aoko withdrew her gaze and slowed down her steps. The streets here have accumulated water. If she ran over like this, she would easily splash sewage and get dirty. In other people's clothes, although she has an egoistic personality and does her own way, she is definitely not the kind of... rude and rude person, even if it is the habit of not causing trouble for others as a Japanese, she can't do that kind of thing.

"It's just...Wearing a dress like this in the rain will definitely get dirty."

She murmured softly and passed by the two of them.

At this moment, the man with the umbrella suddenly said, "Wait a minute, ma'am!"

Aoko Aozaki's body tightened, and doubts flashed on her face, wondering if she had been heard whispering just now, but it was the first time she was called "Ms.", which made her a little fresh.

Just as Aozaki Aoko was thinking about whether to turn around, a man said apologetically, "...Sorry to bother you, but my girlfriend and I got lost here and really didn't know where to go. "

Seeing the other party is not because he heard his own murmur and asks the guilt, Aozaki Aoko is just... relieved, and at the same time, a nameless fire ignites in his heart, hey hey, it's still raining here, you guys have umbrellas, I But there is nothing, you stop me like this to make me get more rain. Although thinking so, Aozaki Aoko still stopped and turned around, "...So, are you? Do you need me to show you the way?"

Her tone was slightly harsh.

However, when I turned around, I saw the delicate and beautiful face of the girl with silver hair and a beautiful dress. Aoko Aozaki was... sigh, she was really a beautiful and noble girl, but I saw the corner of the girl's mouth again. The raised smile seemed to make her happy when her partner said the word 'girlfriend', and Aozaki Aoko also slandered: It's so easy to be happy, but you will be deceived by men! Although there is no love experience , but she thought she understood.

"It would be great if you could show us the way...my girlfriend loves Japanese ramen, as a local lady can you tell us which ramen shop is the most authentic and tasteful here Features, we will be grateful."

The man said with a gentle smile, that warm smile that was too bright and sunny, made Aozaki Aoko feel the slight suffocation that rose in her heart when she was called to be caught in the rain and vanished.

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