And the 'black gun' can only exert its power in the hands of a specific person, and it needs enough real ether to activate it. In this era, it is not a particularly powerful weapon, and the danger is not high. Only when the planet is covered The basic rules of physics are broken, and when the dust of the universe falls, that thing is really abnormal.

'But if this weapon falls into the hands of this... Supreme Bishop, it is not certain.

' The monarch of the Astronomical Department thought to himself, but that was a headache for the 'Atlas Court', so he didn't bother to care about it. Now, for Maris Billy, building Chaldea is the most important thing.

"Since what should be done has been done, I will leave first, Your Majesty!"

After finishing his work report, Maris Billy stood up and bowed gracefully to Roy.

Roy didn't stay with him, watching the monarch of the Astronomy Department leave the conference room.

"He has concealed a lot of things, and many of the contents are ambiguous. Is the purpose of Chaldea's establishment really 'protecting human principles' or, what he actually wants to protect is actually 'his own human principles'"

Roy looked at Maris Billy's back and chuckled.

What the monarch of the Astronomical Department wants to do has nothing to do with him, and Roy also has his own purpose here.

Everyone is just using each other.

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Chapter 144 The Crown Magician

Even the demon gods who "search for the extremes of magic", they show miracles, and the power to ravage the universe is also traceable, that is, the "technical formula".

In any small action of the Demon God, there may be hidden spells that are difficult for mortals to understand and describe, and the miracles they show are just a collection of countless spells.

Therefore, the formula is the most important basic structure.

And even if it is a demon, it may also need a certain medium when performing an art, it may be a certain 'sword, a certain 'gun:', a certain 'bow', a certain 'crossbow', and Roy's idea is ...makes Atlas' gun: his own medium, just because his 'sword of judgment' is the embodiment of power, not some kind of entity.

The black spear is composed of the 'fifth truth element', that is, the real ether, but in fact the real ether is just the name of the magician. It neither belongs to science nor to the magic "zero ninety seven"

law, no matter what...

It cannot be created by science or magic.

This is simply the most perfect material. The black gun created by the Atlas Institute is an occasional product like the magic of the Aozaki family, and it is impossible to recreate it.

......The end of the 1980s - London, England, Aozaki Orange's magic workshop, the genius of the genius, the puppet master who beat the contemporary magicians, was wearing a thin Shirt stood at the table sorting his things.

Two months after arriving at the Clock Tower, he graduated from the Basic Department, joined the Creation Department and became a disciple of the monarch of the Creation Department. It didn't take long for Aozaki Orange to study puppet art. She is a magician, and in the past few years, she met the original version of the rune by approaching the Thule Society, an organization that existed during World War II, and used this as an opportunity to complete the lost rune of the rune. The magic base of the reappearance of splendor.

Canozaki Orange may be for political purposes, or she may be really short of money. She sold it to the clock tower as a mysterious magic that belongs to her. This behavior has brought great benefits to her, the Twelve Monarchs. A meeting has been held, and it has been decided to grant this rare magician the rank of 'crown'.

In theory, the 'color position' is already the highest rank of magicians, and almost all of the twelve monarchs today are of this rank, and the 'crown position' is only granted to those... There are only a handful of magicians who have made great contributions from the creation of the clock tower to the present day.

And now, this puppet master who will become a 'crown magician' is just one ceremony away. Her shirt is only fastened with two buttons, revealing a large swath of snow-white skin and a bamboo-like collarbone in front of her. Wearing underwear, I can barely see the two dots on the white through the shirt.

Cangzaki Chengzi didn't wear anything under it, revealing a pair of plump and strong legs, and the shirt didn't seem to be hers. Anyone with a little experience knows what just happened here.

Roy was sitting on the bed not far behind Aozaki Orange. He picked up an unbranded cigarette beside the bed, lit it, and took a puff. The smell of the smoke was very familiar, it should have belonged to Aozaki Orange Master Enolai.

Looking at Aozaki Orange's back and seeing her hair dyed, Roy just... asked with a smile: "...The crown magician has already been decided."

Aozaki Chengzi paused when she was cleaning the table. She was not wearing glasses, and her face was cold. This was the dual personality she created when she broke with the Aozaki family. With the years of study in the Clock Tower , her dual personality has also been completely perfected.

"It's almost time, it's time to go back to my hometown and see my sister."

A light that was difficult for others to understand flashed in Aozaki Orange's deep eyes, and about her complicated feelings towards her sister, no one other than herself could understand it.

"Still: I'm still struggling with the fact that I didn't inherit magic."

Roy leaned against the head of the bed and exhaled a breath of smoke, and asked in a relaxed tone.

"I did have such an idea when I first came to the Clock Tower, but I've looked down on it for so many years, but I'm still a little curious about the magic of the Aozaki family."

In the past two years, she has found ancient mysteries in the deep mountains of Europe, seen the magic eye collection train, encountered a huge ancient species in the North Sea, and went to the Sea of ​​No Return, which leads to another world, and even met those who were The ancestor of the highest dead disciple known as the 'Alliance of the Age of Gods'.

And all of this is to prepare for the magic of the Aozaki family, even though Aozaki Chengzi has extremely disdain for her sister, she still has enough respect for magic.

"No wait: will you go back after you get the title of 'Crown Magician'?"

"The rune is only for convenience, so I will study the magic. Compared with the rune, I am more interested in puppet art. Don't worry, when I can study puppet art to the point where I can be called a 'crown puppet master', I will be happy..."

Aozaki Orange, who was not wearing glasses, said in cold words.

"I would also like to thank you for this. Through the research on your body over the past few years, I have made a big step forward in the puppet art I want to complete. It won't take long for me to complete this magic formula. I have already Cancel your right to enter and leave this workshop, and you will not use it in the future, Lord Supreme Bishop! Of course, if you want to forcibly break through my workshop, then I have nothing to say."

While telling Roy in an extremely indifferent voice, "I don't need you anymore, I've used you enough", Aozaki Orange began to put on the clothes that were thrown all over the floor.

"Wow, you are really indifferent, Aozaki! In the seventy years I have been with your teacher, she has never said such a thing to me, you are just... a scumbag among scumbags, what a joke. Throw it away when you're done."

Roy smiled and said in an exaggerated tone.

"This is the magician, Your Excellency! Unlike the teacher, she has political aspirations, but I have no interest in these things."

The neatly dressed Aozaki Chengzi carried a box to the door. She put on her glasses at this time, and slowly turned her head to look at Roy, who was not moving. Become extremely gentle, "...If you want to say the real ruthlessness, it should be you. It's really difficult to enter your inner world and see your emotions."

"...Of course, women like me don't expect relationships."

Aozaki Orange laughed at himself 0.

9. Looking at Aozaki Orange wearing a green coat and net socks on his legs, Roy just... sighed: "...Your aesthetic taste is still so bad, it should be the same as Balu Yelei. The tower learns to learn about 'beauty'

The pursuit is right."

"It doesn't matter, anyway... I don't have anyone to seduce anymore. I don't care what you and the lord of the Astronomical Department are going to do. I just hope that for the sake of our lovers for so many years, don't bother me. The reunion with my sister is good!"

Aozaki Chengzi said with a smile, as if she had a similar relationship with her sister, and then the... crown magician just... left his magic workshop, and at the same moment, Roy realized that the workshop was against him. There is hostility.

"It's really good to eat and wipe and leave, so in the end whoever makes a profit and who loses?"

Roy smiled, and before the automatic attack system of the magic workshop was activated, he also left here.


Chapter 145 Aozaki Aoko, a trainee magician


The delicate and delicate spring rain poured down on this small town, just after the early spring of winter, in this rain there was still a biting cool breeze.

The rain was not big, it was like needles, but the rain curtain formed by falling on the ground also blocked people's sight, making it difficult to see clearly.

Standing at the top of the ramp and staring at the city below, it brought a sense of decay of the wasteland atmosphere.

Half of the city is brightly lit, you can see the bustling commercial streets and old old wooden buildings, and the other half of the city can barely see the tall buildings in the rain, like giants standing in the sky.

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