
When the monarch of the Astronomical Department heard Roy's words, he was stunned for a moment. Before he could say anything, Roy just... continued: "...The magician is half dead now, no.

What remains is the existence of the spirit."

"what happened"

Maris Billy was stunned, this was the information Fa got.

Roy didn't even bother him, and said bluntly: "...The Aozaki family has been in close contact with the local prominent family of Misaki City since ancient times, and the only son of this generation's Wenbinyi is Sanctuary. The representative of the church, his duty is... to supervise the spiritual veins of Misaki City, when Aozaki Orange was denied the identity of magic, Father Fumino killed the old magician."

"...Of course, he only killed the magician's body, but not the soul of the other party. This... Father Wenpin does not know how to chant, and has no means to deal with spirits, and his own way of thinking is also Some are close to murderers, but it doesn't matter, as long as he has devout beliefs and won't shoot at ordinary people, as an agent is... qualified."

Roy's words made Maris Billy stunned. He was stunned for a while, then opened his mouth and said, "...The magician of the Aozaki family just died like this."

The monarch of the astronomical department is still a bit unbelievable...I believe it is a little incredible that a magician was killed by a proxy randomly sent by the church.

"Ha, as I said, the Aozaki family is just a miracle obtained by luck. The powerful ones are always magic, not magicians. The magicians of the Aozaki family are only human, and his magic comes from the world. It is not a gift from his own research like the jewel man, and after he handed the magic seal to the heir, all he can do is to reluctantly exercise part of the ability of miracles."

"...The so-called magician is nothing more than this kind of thing,."

Roy laughed at the existence of the famous magician, especially the magic of the Aozaki family. They did not master magic, but possessed magic. The 'fifth method' exists in the magic seal of the Aozaki family. If the magic engraving of the house is destroyed, then the fifth method will be lost, and only the second magician has truly mastered the magic, and even if there is no engraving, miracles can be activated at any time.

Maris Billy soon... came to his senses, the magician of the Aozaki family may really be... But that's all, otherwise, the clock tower will not honor Jewel Weng as 'Marshal of the Magic Way', And called the Aozaki family a 'magic heresy'.

"If the magician has only one spirit left, then it will be easy to deal with him."

Maris Billy nodded lightly, although dealing with spirits should be the patent of the serenity department, but as the celestial body monarch, he brought some corresponding attire to deal with the spirit of a magician.

Having lost most of the power of magic, if you want to compete in magic, the twelve monarchs of the Clock Tower are... the existence at the top of this world.

"Thank you very much for your information. In this way, the plan will be foolproof. Give me at most three years, and I will be able to complete the final spiritual vein grafting!"

Maris Billy stood up and bowed slightly, expressing Roy and the church's support for him, "...As for the witch who manages the spiritual veins and the trainee of the magician, I will Take care of them yourself."

"You can go and encourage Aozaki Orange, she must be very unwilling to lose her inheritance rights."

Roy said with a smile at this time.

Maris Billy originally wanted to bring the magician from the astronomical department to crush it himself, and easily solve all the new magicians and witches, but after hearing Roy's suggestion, he felt that this method was better. In this way, even if there is an emergency, he doesn't need his Astronomical Department to bear it.

At the same time, the... celestial body monarch is also very vigilant. He always feels that all this is in the calculations of the highest bishop of the Holy Church. Since he found the Holy Church and wanted to cooperate in the establishment of Chaldea, everything Everything is performed according to this... Supreme Bishop's script, maybe even his... the celestial monarch, is just a small role in this script.

This man is truly terrifying, as expected of a monster that the entire Magic Association fears like a tiger.

The astronomical monarch thought to himself.

"Actually, compared to what happened in Misaki City, I'm more concerned about this point in your report... You want to make aliens wear clothes and become human beings. Your idea is really amazing."

At this moment, Roy picked up the report that he had thrown aside, looked at the record on it, and thoughtfully.


Chapter 143: Weapons Enough to Exterminate Planet 'uo'

Maris Billy didn't expect Roy to be so interested in 'alien', but since this... the supreme bishop of the Holy Church Church is interested, as an entrepreneur, in order to meet the interest of investors, he has to explain patiently Said: "...This is my plan and plan in the 1950s. If Chaldea can be successfully established, then it will be useful. If Chaldea cannot be successfully established, then it will be useful. It doesn't have any meaning anymore."

The monarch of the Astronomical Department said something ambiguous. He didn't specifically explain what the meaning was, and more wanted to use this kind of language to fool the past.

Roy knew that Maris Billy would at most explain it here, and if he continued to ask, he would definitely use the excuse of the secret of the Animusfia family to prevaricate.

So Roy didn't bother about this, but changed the topic again and said: "...So what are your plans for the other instruments and rituals that Chaldea needs from your Animusfia family?"

As for everything about... Chaldea, Maris Billy....... without any concealment, he said in detail: "... Animusfia My family once got an 'Atlas Contract', I intend to use this contract to activate the 'Atlas House's Ancient Contract', I hope they can use it to simulate the Reiki Calculator.

The three-pointed Hermes lent us to prove the meaning of the existence of the spirit son'."

In the Chaldean function, there is the function of performing 'spirit transfer' to complete the wrong history, and this needs to prove the existence of 'spiritual son', just like Schrödinger's cat, when people perform spiritual son transfer, they are In the superposition of existence and non-existence, the effect of the three-pointed Hermes is... to fix the concept of the transfer of the spiritual son on the 'existence'.

The so-called three-pointed Hermes is like a quantum computer made by magic.

"That's one of the important instruments of the Atlas Institute, and I don't think they'll lend it to you."

Roy said.

That thing is like the supercomputer of the Atlas Institute, and it is the basis for the experiments of the alchemists of the Atlas Institute. It is impossible to lend this kind of thing casually.

"But the 'Atlas Contract' they must obey, I will use the 'Atlas Contract' to let those... alchemists make a second generation of three-pointed Hermes The production method and parameters of this pseudo-Spiritual Calculator must still be preserved in the Atlas Institute.”

For the possible response of the Atlas Court, Maris Billy also made sufficient preparations, so he chose an alternative.

"If they are asked to remake one, and Chaldea has our church church and countries around the world to supervise it, those... alchemists should agree."

Roy nodded lightly and agreed with Maris Billy's idea.

Many things in the Atlas Academy have the ability to destroy the world, and the pseudo-spirit calculator can perform spiritual transfer and 'existence fixation', which is equivalent to changing the past, but if someone really does this, the big The past change of the range will instantly collapse the world, so the Atlas Academy will seal all these weapons.

Of course, the premise of wanting to change the past is that you have to pass the level of 'inhibition'.

"It just so happens that our church church has also signed an 'Atlas Contract'. If I am going to contact the Atlas Institute, I will also activate this contract, and the Ras Institute will accomplish a purpose for me."

When the Atlas Academy was established in BC, the first dean made the Seven Las Contracts', and anyone who holds the contract can use the contract to let the Atlas Academy complete a certain job or achieve a certain purpose. .

Where the seven contracts are now, even the Holy Church doesn't know, the church has only got one copy in the two thousand years of history, and now it seems that the Nimsfia family of the Astronomical Department also has a copy.

Even in the records of the Church of the Holy Church, these seven records are only the activation of one of them. It was during King Arthur's time, when King Arthur was seriously injured by Mordred in the battle of Kamran and slept in Avalon. Morgan Le Fay, the famous witch in King Arthur's legend... started an Atlas contract and borrowed one of the seven weapons of the Atlas Academy for the resurrection of King Arthur.

So far, the Church of the Holy Church has been monitoring King Arthur's resurrection ceremony for 1,500 years. Although King Arthur is recorded as a Crusader, the Church does not want this... 'The Eternal King really came alive, because she immediately Both Christians and pagans are quite complex characters.

These are all secrets in the Church of the Holy Church, and even the clock tower knows nothing about it except...

Just as Roy was thinking, the monarch of the Astronomical Department asked curiously: "...What purpose is your majesty planning to let Atlas Academy help you achieve?"

Roy didn't hide it, and smiled mysteriously at him: "...I want to borrow the '.


This weapon is the legendary 'Black Gun', a terrible weapon that once shot down the planet 'Aristotle' in the Earth of Steel. This thing is too dangerous. If the right person uses the right weapon in the right hands The usage method is activated, even if Roy faces this thing, he may 'die', and it is better to keep this dangerous thing in his own hands.

The moon world is just like this. The mysterious lower limit is terribly low, while the upper limit is terrifying. The power of this weapon has no upper limit in theory, and Aleister's imagination can reach the universe. As capable as the Big Bang, this gun: should be able to do that too.

The magician in the forbidden world is actually... the confrontation of the spells, whoever has the stronger and more difficult to decipher spells will win.

Roy just wanted to get it to see how far he could use it, and whether he could use it as a secret weapon like Aleister's 'Shock Rod'.

"Is the world's only 'Tian Shou concept' armed? It is said that after the Atlas Institute created this weapon by accident, so far no one has been able to understand the concept of 'Tian Shou' again."

............Marys Billy is not surprised that Roy wants to study the 'Black Gun', he already has the 'Atlas Contract', of course he has to make the best use of it, borrow it Come and play with the seven weapons of the 'Atlas House' that wiped out the world.

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