"I know, Godfather, you don't need to comfort me, I've already prepared for this day, I'm not too young."

So many years have passed, Anastasia has gone through her life as a human, and she has seen many things, and she is no longer grief-stricken by separation when she was young.

"You've finally grown up, my little goblin...but I think Maris Billy will come over tomorrow. Let's rest early and let me see if you've grown up elsewhere."

Roy blinked and smiled softly. Under the exclamation of Her Royal Highness, he picked up her legs and hugged her with the princess, and walked directly to the bedroom inside.

late at night...recommended

Chapter 141 The conspiracy against the Aozaki family

Roy met Marys Billy, the monarch of the Astronomical Section of the Clock Tower, in a hotel conference room.


This... The monarch of the Astronomical Department occasionally meets with Roy to report on some work, but most of the time he runs around the world, mainly in Antarctica: the mainland and the extreme east island country.

Although most of the time he would write some brief reports to the church, but it was the first time in more than 30 years to meet Roy in such a solemn manner. From this, it can be concluded that the monarch is about to complete it. own plan.

The first time I met the monarch was in Paris, France in 195. Now, after more than 30 years, except for a little tiredness in the eyes, the monarch's face has nothing to do with it. Any change, even compared to him more than 30 years ago, today's Maris Billy is more energetic, his eyes are more determined, and his eyes are still filled with the joy that his years of hard work are about to succeed.

There were only Roy and the monarch of the Astronomical Department on both sides of the conference table. After watching the monarch for a while, Roy said bluntly, "...

Your Excellency Animfia, don't say anything more, just tell me the research results of your Animusfia family, and how you accomplished what you promised back then."

These monarchs and politicians in the Clock Tower are actually no different. They can even discuss an issue for ten days and a half without progress at all. Roy is very displeased with this kind of system, and he likes to do everything quickly. Solving and concentrating on big things are what he appreciates.

Although Maris Billy's political level is excellent, but for the Astronomical Department who is not in the clock tower all the year round, they also prefer this kind of quick talk. He doesn't talk too much nonsense. Take out a document from the briefcase with the magic code and give it to Roy like the entrepreneur looking for investment.

When Roy began to look through the documents, Maris Billy was also introducing his own project, "...while fulfilling my promise to His Majesty, we will study... Chaldea's required attire. The Animusfia family didn't stop either.."

"...this is a quasi-Earth environment model.

Chaldeas, is based on the 'Gaia hypothesis', assuming that the planet has the earth's soul magic dress made by the soul, this magic dress can copy the planet's soul, and conduct virtual operations on the basis of a hundred years' another earth's soul. Data', it is a collection of high-quality and high-density intelligence, and it can be said to be the most important dress to protect human rights."

"This magic dress is almost finished, but because it can't be stopped after it is started, we have not tried it out, just because its operation requires a lot of energy, that is, a lot of money, and our Animusfia family is temporarily There isn't enough money to get it started."

Marys Billy said with some regret.

Roy looked at the description of the structure of 'Chaldias' in his hand. Although there was no detailed manufacturing method, it belonged to the commercial secret of the Animusfia family, but Roy's magic level was successful. According to the rate calculus, it is believed that the probability of successful activation of this dress is very high.

This is equivalent to an entrepreneur's proposal.

It is a good solution worth investing in.

Putting away the information in his hand, Roy folded his hands on the table, and said slowly with his chin: "...According to the ancient oriental saying, now is...all things are owed to the east, Animus Phil's next study, the establishment of Chaldea, will need to be piled up with money from now on."

"Yes, Your Majesty! Next, until Chaldea is completely formed, a lot of funds need to be burned, so the opening of the Holy Grail War is inevitable."

Maris Billy's eyes flickered, and the eyes of this man with the appearance gave off a burning fiery stubbornness.


Your Excellency Animusfia, you want to build a new Holy Grail War of your own, but the location has already been chosen."

Roy got to the heart of the topic.

“Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden in Tokyo!”

Maris Billy leaned forward, he raised his hands, and between them... A 3-model of the earth appeared, which is a unique magic of the astronomical department. The earth model moves slowly, and there are many red lines on it. , that represents... the blood vessels of the earth, that is, the underground spiritual veins, these are the information and research results obtained by the Animusfia family from all over the world since its establishment.

He pointed to the capital of the Far East Island Country with one hand, and a red dot flashed there immediately.

"Just like the Einzberon family, if the location of the war is located in this island country, it is possible to divert the sight of the clock tower with a high probability. There is a large enough spiritual vein under the Shinjuku Gyoen, although it is not as good as the one in Fuyuki City. One, but because it is in Tokyo, there is no administrator for this spiritual vein, and we can use it to build the Holy Grail War!"

Roy stared at the... red dot and frowned: "...With this spiritual vein, the structure of the Holy Grail ceremony can indeed be completed, but this spiritual vein is a little smaller."

Maris Billy smiled confidently, his hand moved again, the earth model was... began to expand, and eventually became a map of Japan, followed by a dark red line extending from Tokyo to Japan. A remote town is where it stops.


Your Majesty, you are right, if only relying on the spiritual vein of Shinjuku Gyoen, then this Holy Grail War will be of little significance. The quality and scope of wishes that can be realized by the magic power accumulated by the Holy Grail will be infinitely reduced. This is not me and I. What Your Majesty is willing to see, so I spent twenty-seven years to construct this great art of spiritual vein transfer, and it will be completed soon!"

Maris Billy clenched his fists and channeled the spiritual veins to another place like a flood. This technique can be said to be a big project that only celestial magicians can do, because this is equivalent to planetary transformation. "Actually, I found the spiritual vein of Shinjuku Gyoen in the 1950s, but because its overall magic power was not up to standard, I continued to search for a new spiritual vein that could lead to it in Japan, and finally set my goal. It took nearly thirty years to construct a transfer technique for the one and only one in Japan."

Marisby pointed to the huge red dot with his hand and said in a low voice: "...it's here, there was a certain lucky magician, the Hao Zhao family, who found the root of this spiritual vein. I got the magic through the door of the sect. What I have to do is to take away the crooked core spiritual vein owned by the famous magician Aozaki family in the far east, and lead it to Shinjuku, Tokyo, so as to use this most special spiritual vein. To complete the ritual of the Holy Grail!"

"...I conducted a thorough investigation in Misaki City, and the old magician of the Aozaki family gave up their family's genius magician, Aozaki Orange, and instead chose their family's youngest daughter, a man named Aoko Aozaki's girl, and that... the old magician also handed over the management of the spiritual veins to a witch. This is a good opportunity. I can use the magic of the astronomical department to use the magic of the Aosaki family to set up the spiritual veins. The formula will completely disintegrate, so that this spiritual vein will be taken directly from the land of the Cangsaki family!"

The monarch of the Astronomical Department said a very careful planning machine with a very high success rate.

If the spiritual veins of the Aozaki family can be taken away and integrated into Shinjuku, Tokyo, then even the "crown hero" can be summoned in this Holy Grail War! Please download Fei Lu Xiao to read the underlined version of the novel

Chapter 142 Is this also in your calculations!

Although the spiritual protection barrier of Misaki City was established by the old magician of the Aozaki family, with the strength of the astronomical monarch, it is not very difficult to crack and remove it.

In terms of the level of magic alone, the level of the old magician of the Aozaki family is not even comparable to that of any monarch in the Clock Tower. If it wasn't for the Aozaki family who discovered the gate of the root in the crooked core spiritual vein, and obtained the result. As for the magic of miracles, given the level of magic of the Aozaki family, not to mention a famous family known to the clock tower, even in Japan...

It's just that Roy didn't expect that Maris Billy would attack the spirit vein idea of ​​the Canozaki family, but he had to admit that this was a really good option.

There is no spiritual vein in the whole of Japan that is more suitable to be the carrier of the Holy Grail War than the spiritual vein of the Aozaki family. After combining the spiritual vein of the Aozaki family with the great spiritual vein of Tokyo, the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City seems to be a bit petty. .


Animusfia, you didn't come to me after you have completely integrated the spiritual veins, but you came to me at this time because you encountered difficulties."

Roy sat in the corner of the conference table and looked at this... the monarch of the astronomical department with a smile. In a word, he came to the most crucial point.

There was no embarrassment on the face of the monarch of the Astronomical Department, nor was he bluffing, but nodded bluntly: "...It's that 433 has encountered some trouble and may need the help of the Holy Church."

He took a deep breath and said with a straight face: "...Although the clock tower has always been disdainful of the magic that the Aozaki family obtained due to luck, the magician is still a magician, as long as the magician is still there: Misaki City, then there may be unpredictable consequences, no one can calculate the miracle of magic, and the plan is likely to fall short in the end."


Roy's smile remained the same, staring at this... The celestial monarch with a single ponytail with a very gentle feeling.

"So our Animusfia family hopes to cooperate with the Church of the Holy Church, so that the magician has no chance to show his miracles!"

A deep murderous intent flashed in Maris Billy's eyes. In order to achieve his ambition, even if the magician stopped in front of him, he would do his best to erase the opponent.

"It turned out to be trying to use the power of the church."

Roy seemed to have known Marys Billy's request for a long time, and he said with the same expression.

Maris Billy didn't think he could hide from Roy, he said sincerely: "...I just hope the church can give me some support, and I will find a way to make this... magician lose his resistance. As for the ability, I just want to know what the magic of the Aozaki family is."

"In principle, our church is willing to help... destroying heretics like magicians, but you may be disappointed.

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