It's just that although the clock tower does not follow the laws of ordinary people, it also has its own school rules that allow duels between magicians, but if it is not a duel of mutual consent, it is not allowed to kill each other. The reason why there is still one person alive in Aruba is that as long as they are a member of the Clock Tower, they must follow the rules here.

As for those magicians... who didn't follow the rules, they were all dealt with by the Law and Politics Division.

"Well, I don't need you to take care of my affairs, Aruba, but pay attention to yourself!"

Cangzaki Chengzi didn't even look at this... the magician in red. His arrogant attitude made Aruba resent him, but he didn't dare to do too much in front of the teacher.

He is jealous of Aozaki Orange, she is just a country woman from the magic desert, just a waste product abandoned by the family and magicians, but she has gained more favor in front of their monarch, even if it is Huangye Zonglian also became closer to this woman, all of which made him jealous.

The monk magician with a distressed face ignored the disputes of his classmates, and his eyes fell directly on sitting in front of the bar. That... It seems that the most ordinary man in this group of people, the former Tai Tantric monk has an intuition, this man may be the The most dangerous one in this group of magicians.

After a boring quarrel with Aruba, Aozaki Orange just... put all her attention on her teacher, only to see this... an old lady who is over eighty years old walking with her, her old body With his face gradually returning to youth, when this creative monarch stood in front of Aozaki Orange, he was already a twenty-seven or eight-year-old urban beauty.

Dazzling blond hair, calm and casual appearance, a pair of wolf-like silent but noble eyes, coupled with her fashionable dress and delicate facial features, no one will regard her as an old man, no matter... .

From any point of view, this is a lady with the ultimate mature temperament, which makes countless men bow down and obsessed.

Aozaki orange is not surprised that the teacher suddenly becomes young, magician can't judge age by appearance, let alone... As the monarch of the creation department, it is normal for that old lady to look like an illusion, she is surprised The only thing is that his teacher has changed his appearance. This is the first time that Aozaki Orange has seen the teacher's true face.

Humans will always be convinced of the authority of the elderly, which is why the monarchs of the Creation Branch and the Serenity Branch have always shown the image of an elderly person. A stunning beauty, yet a little weird.

Although Inola and Aozaki oranges look very different, one is British and the other is Japanese, but Inola's attitude always reminds people that maybe Aozaki oranges will become like this in ten years. The feeling of air.

"What's so shocking, seeing an old lady turned into a woman more beautiful than you makes you jealous, Orange!"

The monarch of the Creation Division laughed and laughed. Her laughter was quite hearty, giving people a sense of heroic heroism in a girl's middle school. With a forceful push from Enolai, she pushed Aozaki oranges aside, she was rude He sat in the position where Aozaki Orange was sitting before, which is to the left of Roy.

Sitting on the bar, the monarch tapped Erlang's legs, took out a box of custom-made cigarettes without a brand from his fashionable dress, took out a lighter dashingly to light it, and exhaled a smoke ring, showing a look of enjoyment.

The appearance of her two slender fingers holding a female cigarette is really heroic, and she has the powerful aura of a strong woman.

"No, it's nothing, it's just that the teacher never showed people like this in the past, which surprised me."

Cangzaki Chengzi quickly... adjusted, she took a step back and stood behind Enola, looking like a good student, magicians are a bunch of weirdos, so they can do anything. It is understandable, for example, my classmate Araya Zonglian should be several hundred years old, isn't this still a student of Inola, who is less than one hundred years old.

The witch of the Acherott family did not dare to sit after seeing the monarch of the clock tower at this time, she hurriedly jumped off the bar, stood beside Aozaki Orange, and saluted obediently: "... Greetings to you,

Lord Baluereta!"

"Oh, it's the little devil of the Acherott family."

After taking a look at Lidelle, Enolai said...indifferently, although Enolai is a relatively approachable type among monarchs, but...underneath her approachability, she also hides arrogance and the ruthlessness and smoothness of being a monarch. It is an honor for a magician from the descendant of the Acherott family to be able to talk to her. The personalities of the two are not equal, unless Lidelle can become the monarch of the plant family in the future. Speak equally.

No, even if she becomes a monarch, it is estimated that she cannot do this. The Acherott family can't compare to Balu Yereta, one of the three noble nobles, let alone. She Inola is one of the monarchs. The real veterans of the.

This clock tower can make Enola face up, except... the dean who has been in the house for more than a thousand years without showing his face, only the one who is likely to succeed Bathemello as the master Bit of a little girl.

After skipping Lidelle, Enolai looked at Roy solemnly and complained to him: " want to lie to the little devil of the Acherott family. Even my disciples are not spared? Chengzi is one of the few disciples I am optimistic about, but don't let you ruin it!"

Seeing this... the monarch who reigned over the clock tower like a lone wolf, actually spoke to that man in such coquettish words, all the magicians present were stunned.

Chapter 138 Cangzaki Orange: Do you have a grudge against me?

'He's a magician, I've been deceived' Aozaki Orange and Lidelle first came up with this idea after seeing Enola's behavior and hearing her words.

Immediately afterward, the two female magicians were... tensed, feeling a burst of panic inexplicably, even Aozaki Orange was no exception.

What human beings fear most is... the unknown. If they can know the true identity of the other party, then no matter how strong their strength is, human beings can prepare in advance to tide over the difficulties, but if being an 'enemy' is a complete fog When it comes to the unknown, it can make people feel uneasy.

In particular, the words in Enola's mouth are too frightening. What does it mean to be destroyed by him? Is this man a secret powerful magician who likes to destroy people tirelessly? He is like the second magician gem Like Weng, the kind of Aozaki Orange and Lidelle who always kill their disciples have all kinds of thoughts in their hearts, but there is one thing they have in common, that is, this man is extremely dangerous, and he may even be himself. The most dangerous monster I have encountered in my life is completely unaware of the magic flow of the magician, and seduces others like an ordinary person. The seemingly unpleasant behavior is actually extremely dangerous. .

For a while, Lidelle just wanted to retreat and feel fear, but Aozaki Chengzi aroused even greater interest. The physical condition of this man is really not innate, it should be acquired with mysterious abilities. For a puppet master like her, being born is certainly gratifying, but the achievements made the day after tomorrow are even more surprising, because it means that there is technology to be found. Instead, I wanted to find out more about this man.

From the thoughts of the two, you can see the different personalities and ways of doing things of Lidelle and Aozaki Orange.

Of course, the biggest doubt of the two of them is, who is this man's identity, so that the monarch of the Creation Section can show his true face and speak coquettish words, which is probably something other monarchs of the Clock Tower can't do, what? At that time, such a monster was hidden in the clock tower. It's the kind of... secret and unborn existence. All kinds of speculations look around in people's minds, and some people have even begun to think about whether Roy is... the legendary courtyard of the clock tower that has not been seen for thousands of years. .

Aruba is a magician who is very knowledgeable about the situation. This man with a arrogant face immediately heard Enola's words.

The expression is... humble, standing on the side without saying a word, while the monk with a sad and heavy expression seems to have no sense of existence from the beginning, not saying a word, just watching the development of the situation.

Many eyes fell on Roy and Enolai. In this staggered phase, those who were qualified to speak seemed to be the only two of them left.

"Your Favorite Disciple"

Roy was noncommittal about Enola's words, he raised his glass, his expression did not change, he still had that slightly frivolous smile, as if he was an ordinary person, but other people would not really Think so.

"Of course it is good for a disciple to be excellent, especially for magicians, even if there is no magic engraving, the disciple can inherit his own ideas and the essence of the magic way, but ah Inola, everything must have a degree, when the disciple is too good She will walk on her own path, abandon your ideas of magic, and in the end you will regret her talent."

"...A person who is half a step ahead of the world is a genius, and a person who is one step ahead of the world is... a lunatic. This can be reflected even more in the magic world. Isn't the 'seal designation' set up for this purpose? ...!!!, I wouldn't betray the magician's behavior, and to a certain extent, it is the correct way to store a magician who has rare talents but cannot be passed on in formalin."

Roy is not... a mediocre person, and he is not a mortal person. He will not treat things in the magical world called 'seal designation' as an ordinary person.

Although from the point of view of ordinary people, sealing designation is a very stupid act, it is because of envy of other people's talent that they are sealed in formalin, and the means of behavior are extremely cruel, people who have this kind of thinking actually do not understand magic at all. The meaning of the teacher's existence.

The meaning of magic lies in inheritance rather than the so-called quantity. The magician designated by the seal is the kind of person who has a powerful magic that belongs to him, but cannot teach it to others, and cannot go to a specific person. The Clock Tower seems to be the great regret of the wizarding world if he is allowed to die.

Therefore, seal the opponent and let him live forever in formalin in the form of a brain, so that his magic will not be lost. Maybe one day in the future, with the emergence of another genius, with the development of magic, this once For a person who has rare magic but cannot pass it on, his magic will be thoroughly analyzed by another magician, and then it will be passed down as a common magic base, which is a great progress for the entire magic world.

Seal designation is sadness for individual magicians, but it is also a glory, because the true meaning of seal designation is prepared for the inheritance and development of the entire magic world. Only from a larger perspective can we see the seal designation. The meaning of existence.

"Oh Roy, you seem to be very optimistic about my disciple."

Enola raised his brows. He didn't expect Roy to have such great expectations for Aozaki oranges, which is really rare.

She and Roy have known each other for 70 years, and have received disciples in her past life, but Roy has never spoken bluntly to any of her disciples, nor to any clock tower magician. Come up with good words.

Although the monarch of the Creation Division knew that Aozaki Orange would definitely become an excellent magician, even Inola did not have such great expectations for Aozaki Orange.

After hearing the words of the two, Aozaki Chengzi froze and showed a wry smile, secretly complaining about whether Roy had a grudge against him, so he praised her like this. Did he realize that he was a fool like Kaizi before? Hanging, that's why she wants to harm: she is too dazzling in a place like the clock tower, it is very dangerous behavior, unless you can be the heir of a monarch line like Kenneth, or a rootless person like Aozaki Orange If people perform too well, they will only get the jealousy of other magicians, or even secret persecution.

A monarch who can be on an equal footing with the creation department, and even faintly praise her like someone with a higher status, that is not a glory that excites her, but a poison that wants to kill her! Arubana who did not look aside Even more jealous eyes, Aruba's compliment from Roy has already made Aruba go mad with jealousy, and even she has already started to think about **** this person who is younger than herself, yet won so many people. Admiring woman.

............."Haha, Enola, what would you do if your disciple's research reached a new level one day and was sealed and designated by the Secret Ritual Judgement Bureau? Do"

Roy laughed and asked the monarch of the Creation Division.

Enolai said without hesitation: "...I will be proud of her, and then personally send her to the Observatory Carleon to soak her in formalin!"

"This is the Inola I know, the monarch of the Creation Division!"

Roy applauded lightly and said in admiration.

In her position, Enola is the head of the Balu Yereta family and the monarch of the Creation Division. She should maintain the magic world and work hard for the progress of the magic world, not destroy it for her own sake. Everything she should protect.

Sending his favorite disciple to an autopsy seems indifferent, but this is the spirit of a monarch.

If another interpretation is to take the clock tower as a country, then those in power sacrifice their descendants for the progress of the country. Those who can make such a decision are undoubtedly the best leaders of this country.

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