The world of magicians is much more complicated, and the relationship between parent-child and master-disciple is the most intimate, because that represents... the inheritance of magic, the magician's parents and masters who sacrificed for their children and their disciples do not know. Fanji, Enola must also regard Canozaki Orange as her own child, but for the inheritance of the magic world, she can give the child away without hesitation.

In terms of family affection, she is an unqualified mother, but in the world of magic, she is the most wise leader.

"But I'm not a magician, and I don't like your magician's behavior... Let's not talk about this topic, Enola, have you brought the list of new students of the 'Plant Department'?"

Roy is reluctant to talk about the magician's right and wrong, he is more concerned about what he wants to know.


Chapter 139 That one exists!

'Why do you want a list of new recruits in the Plant Department! Woohoo, could this terrible man who made the monarch of the Creation Department be careful to deal with is really interested in me, a beautiful girl! What should I do?

Can Lord Acherott keep me? It's difficult, it must be difficult, am I, May.


Achelot is finally going to become a victim!' The witch in a pink suit hid in the corner and whimpered, trembling all over.

And Aozaki Chengzi narrowed his eyes and inferred many things from Roy's words before.

He said 'you magicians', which means that this man is probably not a magician, and he is not a magician and can let his teacher deal with such caution. There are definitely not many in this mysterious world, this is London, It is the base camp of the Church of the Holy Church and the Clock Tower. If the dead apostles are excluded, then the identity of this man is almost... ready to be revealed.

Thinking of that person, Aozaki Chengzi suddenly turned pale and felt that his legs were trembling. This was from a magician, from the instinct of the weak. This was the fear that his life was not in his own control. If this man really The only thing is... that person, even if he starts killing here and kills all of them... heretics, Aozaki Chengzi also thinks it is possible.

Holding her breath, Aozaki Chengzi tried her best to calm her mind, afraid that she would make some rude "two six seven" if she was slightly negligent.


"Why are you interested in the students of the plant department? Two years ago, you started asking me for the list of the new students of the plant department. Could it be that the Acherott family provoked you? Take the witch away, do whatever you want, the Acherott family will definitely not care."

Enolai is also a little puzzled that Roy has been asking her for the list of students in the plant department for two years, but she did not refuse. This kind of thing will not hurt the root of the clock tower, nor is it any confidential information, since If Roy wants it, give it to him...

And when Lidelle heard the words of the monarch of the Creation Branch, she couldn't even cry. She leaned tremblingly against the bar and didn't dare to move. She was imprisoned in an unmanned underground prison and turned into a slave girl, Lidelle! "I saw something and was looking for someone."

Roy didn't explain too much. He took the list from Enolai. He glanced around very quickly, with disappointment on his face. This year's list still didn't have the person he was looking forward to.

When the monarch of the Creation Division heard Roy's words, she didn't ask too much. Even if ordinary high-level magicians don't have any clairvoyance and future vision, sometimes they will have a spiritual prediction of the future. In this situation, he may have seen something deeper, which is not something Enola can understand.

Although the inhibitory force has always been: preventing Roy's use of clairvoyance, some future fragments can occasionally be glimpsed by Roy. In a certain possibility in the future, he sees poppies appearing in the clock tower and becoming a member of the plant family. Student, in order to make this possibility a reality, Roy used magic to fix the possibility.

With the power of poppies, if she finds traces of magic in the turning point of possibility, she can refuse to force her to follow a certain destiny, but Roy has left his own in this magic. Breath, after Yu Meiren senses his breath, she will definitely follow the path of destiny that Roy has already prepared for him.

Regardless of....

What will the process be like? The poppies will definitely appear in the plant family. The result has been forcibly fixed by Roy with great magic, but when will the poppies appear in the plant family, this is what Roy can't predict. He could only check it by asking for information from the monarch Enolai through such non-magical means.

"Unfortunately, there is still no one I'm looking for this year. Enolai, please give me the list of new recruits in the Plant Department every year until the person I'm looking for appears."

Roy threw the list directly to Miss Liddell, the witch of the plant family, he stood up, clapped his hands, and smiled at Enola: "...Okay, today I saw what I wanted to see. People, have done what they want to do, and are ready to go back."

"I'm afraid that after being with me for a long time, the person in your family will be jealous."

Enolai was sitting on the bar, knocking Erlang's legs, she laughed while smoking the cigarette between her fingers.

"Anna's little child's character, just coax it, I have nothing to do with her going back, Marys Billy.

Animusfia said that he was about to fulfill the promise he made with me thirty years ago, and that as a host, I had to wait for his visit."

Roy chuckled and shook his head, tidying up his suit.


Animsya? He has been mysterious and secretive about what you are doing for decades. There are even people in the clock tower gossip, and the Astronomical Department is going to betray the clock tower and convert to the church."

Enola frowned. She tentatively had known Roy for so many years, but the two of them had some feelings. One was the monarch of the Clock Tower Creation Branch, and the other was the Saint The highest bishop of the church, they are not people who use things, and the feelings of the two sides can make them betray each other to the extent that the relationship between the two is actually more like a couple than a couple.

"Relax, Enola, it won't cause any harm to the clock tower, and the Animusfia family will not have the intention of betrayal."

Roy shook his head, stood up from the bar seat just... ok, before leaving he suddenly smiled at Aozaki Chengzi: "...Miss Chengzi, the fate between us will not be cut off like this. already."

After he finished speaking, all he didn't look back was... he left the bar.

As Roy left, the atmosphere in the bar did not ease. With the monarch Enola there, the other magicians were also cautious due to the difference in personalities.

"Teacher...that...person is..."

Aozaki Chengzi stroked his glasses with a calm face, and asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"You already sensed his identity, Orange..."

Enolai took a sip of the cigarette with the same expression, then pressed the **** of the cigarette into the ashtray and exhaled the smoke: "...Yes, that man is... the clock tower... no , is the biggest enemy of the Magic Association and the Dead Apostles in the past 100 years, that... suppresses the entire mysterious world, making the Dead Apostles and magicians hide in their own territory and dare not act rashly, the highest bishop of the Holy Church. !"

Although he had expected it long ago, when he heard the name, Aozaki Chengzi still took a deep breath and looked moved.

Aruba's expression changed greatly, and he lost his voice: "...that's...that... let the Bathermelo family hide behind the scenes for 70 years, and it was not until recently when an excellent leader was appointed that he finally regained his senses. The man in charge of the clock tower!"

"What kind of pedigree, Aruba, the Bathemello family is not something you can talk about casually. If you let them know what you said in private, be careful that the Law and Politics Department comes to you!"

Seeing Aruba's humiliating appearance, Enolai just... glared at him and scolded him angrily.

"is teacher!"

Aruba quickly lowered his head to admit his mistake, but seeing his teeth chattering, he knew that his heart was still filled with fear.

What a joke, he was so close to such a dangerous person just now, that is the supreme bishop of the Holy Church, and the great enemy and natural enemy of all magicians. If he had a whim just now, it is estimated that all of them would be If he can't run, all of them will die here. He Aruba doesn't want to usher in death inexplicably like this... that makes the previous generation do not know how many... monarchs died directly or indirectly, The culprit responsible for the fall of the ancestors of many dead disciples is the true uncrowned king of this mysterious world! "..."

The sad-faced monk did not make a sound, but the expression on his face seemed to be even more sad.

"Although I guessed the identity in the conversation between the teacher and him, but when I was told bluntly, I still felt incredible, that one seems to be a little different from the clergyman in my impression, and how should I put it, he seems to be a little.... .."

Aozaki Chengzi considered his tone and spoke out cautiously, who knew if such a monster was talking behind his back and would be known to him.


Enolai answered her apprentice's words, and she smiled in a low voice: "...If you say that, then the description is correct. I said that he has destroyed many magicians. It is not a lie, so many years. I don't know how many maiden magicians have fallen into his trap."

"...But if you think that he is such a vulgar person, you are wrong. His pursuit of women is more like an instinct etched in his genes. Whoever thinks this is If he takes advantage of his weakness, he will definitely die. It can't be worse. You think the clergy of the Holy Church are a group of normal people. Those... clerics are just like our magicians. of!"

Listening to the warning in the teacher's tone, Aozaki Orange just shook his head and said, "...I don't have such a bold idea, teacher! Someone who can make the ancestors of the dead disciples and the Magic Association fear, How could it be really that simple, I won't provoke him, or want to use him."

At this time, Enolai said with a strange expression: "...Actually, you can try to seduce him, Orange, the man's physical condition is very suitable for the puppet art you are studying."

"primitive man"

Cangzaki Chengzi's heart moved, and she said her guess.

Hearing this, Enola shook his head and said: "... Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were infected with original sin because they ate the fruit of wisdom, and his physical condition is indeed very similar to the 'sinless' original human Adam. , but it is not purely that kind of thing, his form is closer to the spirit body of 'angel'."

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