' There was a frenzy on Aozaki Orange's face, and the particularity of Roy's body was like seeing a rare treasure for a puppet master like her, which would make her have a desire to get it.

The puppet master of the Creation Division has begun to fantasize about tying Roy to her workshop, and she treated him like this and gave him a strong view.

"Isn't Miss Lidelle supposed to be abroad at this time, why did she suddenly return to London."

Roy continued to spare no effort to 'hook up' with the little girl, calling people affectionately.

Lidel frowned. She has seen a lot of stalkers like Roy. Although she is young, she has many suitors, no matter what...

Is it because of her beauty, her family's money, or her identity that the suitors are enough to row from the Thames to Buckingham Palace, no stalker, flattery, or flattery. use.

However, Lidel is still very happy that someone is holding her like this. It is really a strange group of magicians. Even though there are many people who pursue her, most of them are ordinary people. They all have very realistic ideas, and Magicians are rare.

Most magicians can't reach the personality of her Acherott family, and they can't even want to get married. Those who... are enough to get married don't have such thoughts. Magicians who are close to her family can't do anything like 'pursuit', they only have 'root' in their minds.

Like Kenneth the Clock Tower prodigy.


Archibald, the... future El-Melloan monarch, licked Sora, the daughter of the serenity monarch, like a dog.


Things like Sofia Li are extremely rare among magicians.

'But this man is very handsome, and it's not bad to have fun, and if Aozaki Chengzi really likes him, I have to find a way to grab it.

'As one of the heirs of the plant family monarch, Li Dale is not as naive as Aozaki Orange said. She clearly understands the evil of this group of magicians, and she must not have hope for any magician, saying that they are It's not an exaggeration, except... her childhood playmate 'Kuyuanji Youzhu', Lidel has no trust in other magicians at all, especially this one. Saki orange, as a witch, this woman is extremely dangerous.

"Because of some urgent matters, I just took the special plane at home and went back to Lidelle, pursing her lips, and said that she had become so interested in this wrong man, and kept chatting with him with the elegance of the eldest lady. Magicians are also human beings. As long as people like beauty and hate ugliness, as for the beauty of the soul, even a magician can't see it at a glance, it needs to be touched.

"Miss Lidelle's whereabouts have been tracked and reported by the tabloids. I read today's newspaper, but I didn't see your itinerary."

Roy said like an idiot who was keeping an eye on the whereabouts of the beautiful girl.

"I took the special plane at home, and I took the airport passage. Those... paparazzi can't find the itinerary of the private plane."

Lidelle shrugged and spoke the words of a rich man who made Aozaki orange quite jealous.

"It turns out to be the case. Miss Lidelle's family is engaged in coal, ore, energy and ocean trade. My family has some business dealings with your family."

Roy said suddenly, he seemed to have completely forgotten the existence of Aozaki Orange, and kept talking with this... the witch of the Acherott family.

The church led by Roy has invested in various fields of major countries in the world for so many years. As a church, they have enough ability to cross the trade barriers of various countries. Lidale's adoptive father is one of the top ten richest people in the UK. Naturally, the church also has some trade relations with this... rich man, of course, it is not a particularly important business partner.

"Oh, does your family have trade relations with mine?"

Lidale was more interested in Roy, and it is said that his father also introduced her to a business family heir from the Far East Island Country, whose family was his father's important trading partner in the Far East Land. , the meaning of introducing her to the past is obvious.

But Lidelle was not impressed by these, and refused.

If the handsome man in front of him, like Prince Charming, really has trade relations with his own family, he can also 'accompany relatives', and if he becomes a 'boyfriend', he can have an excuse to keep his father away. She's looking for some 'fiance' idea.

If this man is really good enough, it doesn't matter if he is old enough to marry him in the future, anyway... their witch family is different from ordinary magicians, and they don't care about the excellence of their partner's blood, because even if a witch gives birth to a child, she is definitely a witch.

As for the other party deceiving herself or something, she is not a child and would be so easily fooled. As long as she goes home and inquires about it, she will know that what he said is true or false. If what he said is false, it proves that he is a whimsical liar. That's it.

By the way, I don't seem to know what his name is.

The proud eldest lady was annoyed, she forgot to ask the other party's name, she hurriedly pretended to be elegant: "...It turns out that your family and my family are business partners, Mr. I don't know what your name is, I'm sorry."



Roy said with a smile, this witch's father's company really has a transaction record with him, but if this little witch knew his identity, she might be scared to death.

Lidelle thought for a while, she had never heard of the name, but there were so many companies trading with her father, he had never heard of it. It was normal for Li Zhao to have a family alone. She kept her elegance and did not smile. Toothly said: "...then Mr. Roy must visit my house when there is a chance."


Roy nodded and smiled.

Maybe when I really want to visit, you will kneel down and cry and beg me not to go.

He thought maliciously.

At this time, Aozaki Chengzi had her thoughts again. At first, she only thought that the man beside her was a rich family, and she just wanted to cheat a maintenance fee, but his family had trade relations with the Lidell family. He should be a rich and rich man, such a Kaizi can't be let go! Just when Aozaki Orange began to think about how to insert the topic and start his own flickering, a full of old voice suddenly came: ". ......The oranges are the most satisfying disciple I have received over the years. She is not familiar with the world, so don't eat her without the skin left, and ruin her completely, Roy.

Crowley Sound!"

Cangzaki Chengzi looked back in amazement when she heard the voice, and whispered: "...Teacher!"


Chapter 137 Master and Disciple

The space seems to be dislocated, the people whispering around the bar seem to be frozen in the world of black and white, and the three of them push the door open, but no matter what...

Whether it is the owner of the bar or the guests who are drinking, it seems that they can't see them, and they are doing their own things.

This is a kind of ability of using 'phase' in magic, so as to stagger the phase without attracting the attention of others, and the magic of 'expelling idlers' is different in theory, but the effect is the same.

It's just that this kind of magic using 'phase dislocation' is much more advanced than the magic that affects human perception, such as expelling idlers.

The one who came in the lead was an old lady. She was in good spirits and had silver hair. Although she looked very old, her face had no wrinkles at all. On the old lady's waist was a newly developed Sony device. The portable machine, the empty earphones are quite loud, and the music inside turned out to be heavy metal rock, especially the old man's clothes are very bright in color, and the style is also the most innovative young women's clothing, compared with Aozaki Orange, On the contrary, Aozaki orange looks a little old-fashioned.

This... old lady is of course Roy's old acquaintance, the monarch of the Creation Division, Enolai Baru Ereta.


'The thing loved by the people of this era is...art', this is the embodiment of the idea of ​​​​creation, so this... fashionable old lady doesn't care....

Whether it is in pursuit or other aspects, they all have a common topic with contemporary young people, and the purpose of the creative department is "beauty and art".

Behind the old lady 670 were two magicians, whose ages could not be distinguished from their appearances. One was a blond man dressed like a gentleman, and the other was a monk with a distressed face. They were Aozaki Oranges. A classmate of the same generation, Cornelius.

Aruba and Wild Zonglian.

The nearest magician named Emiya Satoshi, who was sealed and designated, is... this... Cornelius.

Aruba went to hunt down with the magician who sealed the designated executive board, which shows that his magic level is actually not weak in the clock tower.

"Aha, Aozaki, you would come to such a dilapidated bar to drink and relieve your boredom. It's really unexpected. This kind of behavior will make me laugh!"

Cornelius in a red suit and hat.

Aruba said to Aozaki Orange in a malicious tone, although the two are classmates, but their relationship is not very good, and can even be described as bad.

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