Astronomy is even worse 1.

As a subject whose input and output are completely disproportionate, many people in the Clock Tower think that this subject is tasteless. Humans have not even studied themselves thoroughly, but they still want to study cosmic and celestial bodies. This is really a shame, Animusfia In fact, the family belongs to the family with relatively low assets among the twelve monarchs.

And want to complete the establishment of Chaldea, especially the location? Still in: Antarctica: That is really a big plan that takes decades and hundreds of billions of dollars to complete, not to mention the astronomical department, even the law and politics department can't afford the money! A penny is hard for celestial bodies Section, the current Maris Billy is... This feeling, especially after their family completed the completion of the 'Phenomena Recording Computer Familiar' last year, they found that our family is so poor! With a nervous expression, Roy thought for a while before slowly saying: "...In the Antarctic: Continent to build such a huge institution, it can't be hidden from the eyes of major powers."

"The Animus Fia family has long considered this, and we will communicate with the United Nations to try to get all major countries to invest some funds in Chaldea, and to disclose some of the research materials of Chaldea to countries. Of course, countries do not It is possible to invest a lot of money in such a plan, so Chaldea still needs the support of the Church of the Holy Church!"

Obviously, Maris Billy did his homework before looking for Roy, and in the face of his doubts, he came up with solutions.


Animusfia, even the church can't afford to consume this huge amount of money."

Roy still shook his head. He didn't know that firewood, rice, oil, and salt were expensive when he was not at home. Hundreds of thousands of his subordinates followed him to eat. As the president, he could not spend money casually.

Of course, these are all false. As long as Roy can master the oil fields in the Middle East, then the funds for the establishment of Chaldea are absolutely no problem, but it is too simple to promise Maris Billy, which will make the church suffer a loss, no matter what. You have to squeeze more out of him.

But Maris Billy has long considered this point, and all he thinks about is... Whispered: "...You also went to Fuyuki City in 193, it must be for the Holy Grail that happened there. war."

Hearing this, Roy just... looked at this... celestial monarch with a half-smile, knowing that he was finally trying to meet him, and the words he said before were all to elicit the 'Holy Grail War'! Luo Yi pretended not to know what Maris Billy meant and said: "...It seems that you have also had sufficient research on the Holy Grail War, why, could it be that your Animusfia family passed the Holy Grail to reach the root cause? "

"No, the pride of our Animusfia family, even if we want to reach the root, we will use our own methods, not the methods of the Einzberns family, and we will not pursue the third method!"

"...I have been researching the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City for more than ten years, this ceremony is not achieve the third method, it also has a ritual function, that is, 'Wish, A wishing function is actually very simple, that is... a simple equivalent exchange, using magic power as an exchange, within the range of the total amount of magic power of the Holy Grail, it can realize people's wishes, this is the method I thought of."

"If the magic power in the Holy Grail is converted into energy in an equivalent exchange, then there will be funds to build Chaldea!"

The monarch of the astronomical department said confidently that in order to raise money, he even thought of the idea of ​​using the Holy Grail War to make a wish to get money. If other magicians knew about it, it was estimated that he could kill this... the monarch of the astronomical department, simply. .. the disgrace of the magician, this monarch is about to sell his body for money.

'Convert the magic in the Holy Grail into oil, and sell it for money. He wanted this method.

' Roy muttered inwardly.

But looking at Maris Billy's confident look in control of everything, Roy just... beat him and said: "... If you mean the Holy Grail of Fuyuki City, then unfortunately, I can only Tell you......"

Roy directly told the... astronomical monarch that the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City was unusable because it was contaminated.


Roy just... Seeing the face change in reality, Maris Billy's confident expression instantly collapsed, and the expression on his face was uglier than eating shit.

"How could this be... how could this be..."

The astrologer's hands were trembling, and his face was full of disbelief....... Believe it, he clearly calculated very well. After forty years, he will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War, as long as he can get the church With his support, he can use cheating to win the Holy Grail War. If this... Supreme Bishop is particularly interested and helps directly, then the plan is even more certain. As for the power that he needs to hand over to the church after the completion of the Chaldean construction , Marys Billy didn't care at all.

Because he knows that it is impossible to complete such a huge plan with the help of the Animusfia family. It has to rely on external forces. As long as external forces are relied on, then part of the power must be paid, and the church is true It is more suitable for cooperation than the magician of the clock tower. These clergymen are much more upright than magicians, and they have the righteousness of 'protecting human rights', the church No matter how you look at it, it will help.

But now that the Holy Grail is gone, his plan is not complete! The Great Holy Grail cannot be used, then I will rebuild a Holy Grail War by myself, and I will spend the next decades to find a place and spiritual vein suitable for the construction of the Great Holy Grail ceremony. The Einzbern family can complete this ceremony. , Our Animusfia family will definitely be able to achieve it!”

"But the Animusfia family doesn't have the 'Winter Maiden' 16 who has mastered part of the third magic."

Roy continued to spare no effort to hit the... celestial monarch.

Maris Billy looked at Her Royal Highness at this time, he smiled and said: "...The Animusfia family does not have the Holy Maiden of Winter", but I believe in the Church of the Holy Church and the High Bishop. You, have a way to connect to the 'Boundary Record Tape'!"

Roy was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that... the celestial body monarch could guess the true face of Her Royal Highness, he stroked his palms and laughed: "......

Animphia, you managed to get my interest, you are such an interesting person, well, if you can complete all the premise work for the Holy Grail ceremony, I will personally help you to structure the connection with the 'realm record tape' the last step."

"Then you agree"

Maris Billy asked, suppressing his inner joy.

"Looking at this perseverance that will never give up, on behalf of the Church of the Holy Church, I support your Animusfia family, regarding the establishment of the 'Humanity Sustainability Guarantee Agency Phoenix.

Chaldea's plan!"

Roy clapped and said.

The astronomical monarch breathed a long sigh of relief. He considered his words for a while, and said with a bit of an inch: "...Then I hope that Your Excellency the Supreme Bishop can agree to my little personal request."

Hearing his words, Anastasia glanced lightly, thinking that this monarch is really cheeky, just like the monarch Enola of the Creation Branch, are all the monarchs of the Clock Tower like this, "Speak!"

Roy didn't care about Maris Billy's progress.

The monarch of the Astronomy Department took a deep breath and said solemnly: "...I hope you can lend the 'Solomon's Ring', the eighth mystery that will be excavated from the ruins of the 'Solomon's First Temple' in Israel. I treat it as a holy relic!"

Chapter 131 Interlude: The French Saint

On May 30, the urban area of ​​Rouen, 140 kilometers away from Paris - Rouen is one of the largest and most prosperous cities in medieval Europe. It is an ancient city with a thousand-year history. The place of execution is located here.

May 30 is also the day of Joan of Arc's death. On this day, Roy will come here not to commemorate Joan of Arc, but to be canonized.

After all, the Holy Church is a Crusader armed group that is not known to ordinary people. Joan of Arc also believes in Roman Catholicism, so Roy came here not as the highest bishop of the Holy Church, but is borrowed the name of the Roman Catholic cardinal.

Joan of Arc was executed on the old market square in Rouen on 530, 143, and after the end of the 100-year war between Britain and France, clergymen all over Europe participated in a trial again, and finally determined that Joan of Arc was justice. Sacrifice of the Virgin, and pointed to Pierre, who presided over the trial.

Bishop of Cochon wrongly condemned Joan of Arc for his own benefit.

But the interesting point is that although Joan of Arc was proven innocent five hundred years ago, and many famous people in history also wrote many works based on the deeds of Joan of Arc, the Roman Catholic Church, which is a crucifix, has never Officially announced.

That is to say, Joan of Arc has never been proved innocent, and the name of 'Saint' is just a folk name. As long as the Catholic Church does not recognize it, then Joan of Arc will always be just a witch who was tied to a cross and burned to death.

But just five hundred years later, Roy, in the name of a Catholic cardinal, finally wants to 'canonize' this devout believer who has been praying for God's redemption until death, so that she can rest in peace and travel to Heaven.

The Joan of Arc Church is a church that was built just last year in Rouen. It was built at the sole expense of the Church of the Holy Church. It was built on the Rue Joan of Arc. It has also become a tourist attraction in the city.

In the church, Roy stood under the cross, and in front of him was an exquisite wooden box, which displayed a piece of worn cloth, and this cloth was a corner of the flag of Joan of Arc back then.

The reason why this relic of Joan of Arc's flag is still well preserved after five hundred years is because this relic was obtained by a magic family in France. They preserved it with magic. Afterwards, the monarch of the Creation Division, Enolai... used his relationship in the Clock Tower to buy it from the... French magic family with money.

It is said that the monarch of the astronomical department also intervened. Under the personal appearance of the two monarchs, even Barthemelo of the law and politics department had to give face, not to mention a magic family living in France, the other party immediately.

Obediently handed over the relics of Joan of Arc, not to mention that the monarch also provided enough money.

Sometimes money is very useful, as long as you give enough money, even Joan of Arc can buy it.

Two days ago, the wine in the center of Paris discussed with the monarch of the Astronomical Department about the establishment of "Chaldea". After completing the initial cooperation intention, Maris Billy.

Ania is just... hurried away.

He must complete his promise within the agreed time, find a place where the Holy Grail War will be triggered again, and will not be noticed by the clock tower, leaving him about forty years: , Maris Billy must It is necessary to find a suitable place within forty years, and then complete the analysis of the Great Holy Grail of Fuyuki, and reconstruct the Holy Grail ceremony.

While doing these things, they also conducted research on some important instruments of the 'Chaldea' by the Animusfiya family. It can be said that the monarch will become a mediocre person in the next 40 years, and there is not much... rest time.

Due to the establishment of 'Chaldea', there is no suffix yet, and the church church represented by Roy did not discuss the rights distribution of 'Chaldea' with the Animusfiya family, but at the price paid by the church church , Roy will naturally get enough benefits from the Animusfia family.

Even Roy was thinking, should he secretly kill Maris Billy after the establishment of Chaldea, let his future children inherit Chaldea, and use an imp to Roy, who has ruled over 100 kingdoms for hundreds of years. Humanly speaking, it's really simple, even changing the Animusfia family's name to Crowley.

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