But that will be decades later, Roy doesn't have to think so much, what he has to do now is to complete the 'canonization ceremony.

"Napoleon I of France once spoke highly of Joan of Arc and considered her to be the savior of France. Even Mr. Winston spoke highly of her last year. He believed that Joan of Arc was far beyond ordinary people. In a thousand years no one can match her..."

"...she is a devout believer, and she is the most faithful servant of the Lord!"


She said: I want to save all the people in the world, and the night is my friend, nothing frightens me!"

"She said: If I'm not under the glory of God, I hope God can give it to me. If I'm in it, I hope God can still give it to me!"

"Joan of Arc is a faithful servant of God.


, she is a worthy person with virtue, she is a believable blessing, and she is also a saint who shows spiritual miracles"

"I hereby declare in the name of the Crusaders that she should be holy and glorified before the throne of the Lord!"

As Roy's prayers fell, the people of Rouen who were watching the ceremony applauded and cheered, and even people from other parts of France were among them, which shows Joan of Arc's status in the hearts of the French people, and some piety The followers of Joan of Arc publicly salute the statue of Joan of Arc. Before Joan of Arc was canonized by the Crusaders, even if everyone called Zhao Dezhao a saint, this kind of etiquette was not allowed.

And now, Joan of Arc has a well-deserved name of the saint.

Five hundred years ago, under the gaze of the people of Rouen, she was burned at the stake, and five hundred years later, under the gaze of the people of Rouen, she was canonized as a 'Saint'.

Roy stepped forward and closed the... delicate wooden box. After thinking about it, he did not hand it over to the accompanying agent to send it to the Eighth Mystery Society, but received it in his arms. It is now a veritable holy relic'.

Although Joan of Arc is a village girl and doesn't have much culture, she looks very attractive, and the more devout believers, the more fools Roy is. Just like Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

Just because his right hand is all the miracles of the Crusaders Just because his right hand symbolizes the authority of the Lord He is the undisputed "Son of God" Xian!

Chapter 132: Earth Girl Cangzaki Oranges

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In the mid-1980s, the British city of London, which once attracted worldwide attention, has become a bit old and shabby, even if it is not comparable to New York, the United States, which quickly replaced London as the world's financial center after the war, and has gradually emerged in the international community. The island nation of Tokyo.

Regardless of....

In any way, the empire on which the sun never sets has fallen, but the heritage of the empire is still there: this ancient city is still one of the largest modern cities in the world.

In a retro-decorated bar near the outskirts of London, a woman between a young girl and a mature woman is sitting in front of the bar drinking whiskey in her hands. His face was out of tune with the other guests in this tavern.

The retro style of bar decoration is not liked by young people of this era. At this time, post-punk and indie rock music are popular among young people in London. It is a group of people who are pursuing free fashion and wildness. Naturally, they will not come here. A renovated revival bar to enjoy the night life.

Most of the people in the bar are middle-aged people in their 40s and 50s. They came to this bar after their busy work and recalled the past of their youth.

But just... In a bar that only has a certain group of people, a guest who is about twenty years old and an oriental person seems to be a bit maverick.

"Boss, give me another glass of whiskey sour."

The young woman who was sitting at 70 at the bar said in a gentle voice.

"Please wait, ma'am!"

The elderly boss was skillfully making cocktails, and then he subconsciously looked at this... unfamiliar girl.

Although it is impolite to look at guests like this, such special guests are rare.

The woman was wearing a decent dark red suit, a black bow tie on a white shirt, and a pair of plump legs wrapped in black stockings under a short skirt of the same color. A decent physique.

She has... waist-length hair, the color of the hair is a little strange, it is pure orange red on the whole, but the part of the hair is black at the ends, I don't know if this is her intention. dyed.

This girl who looks like a college student is very intellectual. She wears ordinary decorative glasses on the bridge of her nose. Behind the glasses are a pair of rare orange eyes. She looks at people with a strange tenderness. Although the overall figure of the girl is Very good, but it's not the kind of... eye-catching type, but the kind of... very attractive, the more you look, the more delicious the beauty.

At this time, the boss also determined why this girl came to drink in such an out-of-date bar, because this girl always gave people an old-fashioned look, as well as a peculiar smell of a local girl from the countryside.

"Ma'am, your wine!"

Put the wine glass cushion in front of the girl, and set the glass of wine.

The owner of the bar is a very gentleman. In foreigners, how can he maintain the last glory of the British Empire.


The woman thanked her, picked up the wine glass and just... took a sip, this made her pale face even redder.

Aozaki Orange, a member of the Aozaki family, a famous magician in the extreme eastern island country, is now a scientist in the creation of the clock tower, and is also the monarch Enolai.


One of Artolohom's disciples, of course, inside the Clock Tower, no one dared to speak like that.

The name of Baluetta, I am afraid that other monarchs are also the same.

As one of the oldest monarchs among the current twelve monarchs, and also the head of the three nobles, Baru Yereta, Enola's power is in the clock tower, except... With the exception of the faceless dean, there is almost no one who can compare, even the 'Tranberio', who is also the three major nobles, is slightly inferior.

The plan and method of the previous Balu Yereta as the lord was successful after all, and Enola finally withstood the pressure and became a qualified monarch who turned his hands into clouds and turned his hands into rain.

As one of the disciples of the monarch of the Creation Division, Aozaki Orange was supposed to be respected by other magicians in the Clock Tower, but on the contrary, what she felt most inside the Clock Tower was ridicule and jealousy.

The former genius magic girl, the next head of the Aozaki family, and the heir to the magician, is now just a bereaved dog who has crossed the ocean and came to the Clock Tower to seek comfort.

"A mere bereaved dog who failed and didn't even inherit the magic engraving can become the monarch's disciple. It's really lucky."

Most of the magicians in the Clock Tower describe Aozaki oranges in this way.

Cangzaki Chengzi originally wanted to disdain these rumors, but she is not a saint after all, and she is not very old now: there is still the anger of a young girl, and Cangzaki Chengzi does not have any achievements in the magic way now. It's another failure of the family competition, and the other magicians... who don't have a high vision seem to have nothing to care about.

Magic engraving is the foundation of the inheritance of a magic family, and there are hundreds of thousands of years of research results of a magic family.

Generally speaking, if there are multiple geniuses in a certain generation of family, under the circumstance that only one person can inherit the magic seal, those families with a long history of magic will divide the magic seal. , a branch is obtained by a non-heir to form a branch, and the current twelve monarch lineages are all like this.

But Aozaki Chengzi didn't get this honor. She didn't get even a leftover from the magic engraving of the Aozaki family. The Aozaki family's magic engraving algebra is too small to be divided, or the old magician of the Aozaki family doesn't like her descendant, so she left nothing to her.

The status of the Canozaki family is such an embarrassment. Even though the family has the inheritance of magicians, it is not accepted by the world of magic. Obtaining magic and ascending to the sky in one step is completely contrary to the orthodox magic way, and it can even be said to deny the efforts of the entire magician.

However, because of the existence of magicians, ordinary magicians still show enough respect and courtesy to the Aozaki family, but in private, their family is actually called "heresy" by magicians, and heretics that should be eliminated.

Therefore, the identity of the Aozaki family will not bring any prestige bonus to the Aozaki orange, but will only bring more anger to more people, plus she has no magic engraving, even if she has an excellent magic circuit, she can only Existing as a 'first-generation magician', for the clock tower who advocates blood, someone like her should be classified in the 'modern magic department' and become a new generation despised by ancient and noble magicians.

But she has become a disciple of the monarch. It is really unpredictable, and only the clock tower democratic faction like Balu Yereta will accept this kind of magician who can only have no family inheritance, no, is Aozaki Orange? Talent has yet to be proven.

The door of the bar was pushed open again, and under the 'welcome' greeting from the boss, a tall young man walked in. He looked around the bar and saw Aozaki orange sitting in front of the table. .. his eyes lit up, like those veterans who... : "...Ma'am, can I buy you a drink?"

Chapter 133 The Seduced Puppet Master

The 'friendship' Aozaki Chengzi heard the words from the man next to her, she just... felt a burst of novelty.

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