Ten years ago, this place was occupied by Germany, and at that time, there may be many French soldiers performing the military salute with raised hands.

"Sure enough, France can win only under the leadership of foreigners and women."

He shook his head and smiled.

...The limousine did not go to the church in Paris, but stopped in front of a luxury hotel in the city center.

The room procedures had already been completed, and Roy took Her Royal Highness to check in, and only a few hours later, Maris Billy, the celestial monarch who got the news.

Animusfia is just... hurried to see Roy Factory in this hotel room.

Chapter 129 Interlude: Selling Chaldea

Sitting on a vintage couch in a luxury hotel in central Paris, France, Roy met for the first time the...current celestial monarch Maris Billy.


At first glance, this is a very gentle man. His facial features are soft without any edges and corners. Rather than being handsome, he is more handsome. He has silver hair and a side ponytail. This hairstyle is also Adds a sense of romance to him.

For.. the silver-haired Roy has always wanted to complain, he found that among the people he knew, there seemed to be a little more people with silver or white hair, not to mention that he also has the same hair color, and now buries the princess in the institution His Highness and Amakusa Shiro Tokisada also have the same hair color, and the Animusfia family, the celestial body that appears now, seems to have the same inheritance.

But this... The celestial monarch looks gentle and soft on the outside, but Roy can still see through his essence at a glance, and he is still just a ruthless magician. For his own purposes, for the dream of magic, he is a Finish "Eight Eighty Zero"

A man who does cruel things while laughing at the plenum.

"did not expect.

Amsphia came to Paris so soon, I thought I would be waiting for you here for two days."

Roy leaned on the back of the chair, folded his hands and fingers on his legs, and said calmly.

"I know that His Excellency the Supreme Bishop is pressed for time and things are busy. Naturally, I dare not ask you to wait any longer."

The monarch of the Astronomical Department bowed slightly and looked very respectful. Although he looked calm on the surface, Roy actually knew that he was a little nervous.

The status of the two parties can be said to be hostile, and this... the monarch of the celestial body knows that it is very dangerous to meet the supreme bishop of the Holy Church in such a place, but in order to achieve his own goals, he also Had to make this seemingly stupid choice.

Roy stared at Maris Billy for a while, then smiled and said, "...do you want something to drink?


"Tea or coffee is fine."

The monarch of the Astronomical Department also replied politely with a smile.

"Anna, make us two cups of coffee."

Roy ordered to Her Royal Highness, who was standing beside him.

Anastasia always looked dignified and reserved when Roy was talking about business with others, restrained her temperament, and gave Roy enough face. She nodded slightly and apologized to Roy and the guests, that is.. .Go and prepare coffee.

Maris Billy looked at Her Royal Highness with some amazement, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. As a monarch of the Astronomical Department, he could roughly perceive the difference between Her Royal Highness, it was a mystery that was difficult to explain.

However, the celestial monarch knew that it was very rude to stare at others, especially a beautiful woman. He quickly withdrew his gaze on Anastasia. The monarch was not talking to him. Roy said politely, but went straight in, took out a document from his briefcase and handed it over: "This is the information about the extraterrestrial things that landed on the North American continent from outer space last year, I heard Said you were investigating this, and brought it here."

The earth is also one of the celestial bodies. As the magic of the celestial body, what we need to study is the context of the earth. Therefore, Maris Billy can find that...other thing before the representative of the church church.

Roy glanced at Maris Billy and learned that this man is really smart. After knowing that Roy was curious about the things in outer space, he took the initiative to send the information.

If other monarchs of the Clock Tower want these materials, they may need to use political means to obtain them from the Astronomical Department, but the Animusfias are not afraid of such political means. When the church wants these materials, it may be... I went straight to the Animusfia family.

This is the advantage of the Church of the Holy Church, because on the bright side, it is hostile to the magicians. Even if you kill you, you don't need to make excuses. A word of 'heretic' is enough to solve all problems.

Roy quickly flipped through the information in his hand, with a look of interest on his face, "...the embryos of alien lifeforms are interesting...then you Animusfia family What are you going to do with this embryo?"

"I don't know yet, the embryos of this life form are still being tested. If the Animusfia family has a decisive plan for it, they will invite the Church of the Holy Church to supervise it. After all, it is from aliens. , the consequences for life on earth are still unknown."

Maris Billy was like a job seeker being asked by an interviewer, answering Roy's questions in every detail.

At this time, Her Royal Highness made the coffee, came over with a plate, and placed two cups of coffee in front of Roy and the guests. The monarch of the Astronomical Department thanked gracefully, and took a sip of coffee politely. Look at Roy.

After finishing these things, Her Royal Highness also stood behind Roy, peeking at the contents of the document in Roy's hand curiously.

Seeing this, Maris Billy began to think about the relationship between the two. This...suspected to be the Romanov princess, and this... the highest bishop goddaughter in front of her seems to have a very high status as a woman, so she can read these documents so blatantly.

After Roy read the report on foreign objects written by the Animusfia family, he found that there was actually a document below - "About the Humanity Sustainability Guarantee Agency Phoenix.

Chaldea's Construction Request"...Roy knew that, compared to the embryo report of the alien life form, this was the reason why the astronomical monarch found himself.

Seeing Roy's gaze, Maris Billy looked straight, like the staff of the professional lobbying group that lobbied politicians, and began to introduce: "... .. This is the persistence of our Animus Fia family for hundreds of years. The idea of ​​establishing a guarantee institution for the survival of human nature is reasonable. It is not our own selfishness as a magician. Its establishment It is also in line with the concept of the Church of the Holy Church.”

"...In 2018, people discovered the existence of Antarctica: the continent. In 18 years, humans conducted a basic investigation of the Antarctic: Continent for the first time, and Antarctica: The Continent, a pure land that has never been set foot on by human beings, It also caught the attention of our Animusfia family, and Phoenix was built there.

The basic structure of Chaldea."

"Last year, our Animus Fia family completed the research on 'Phenomena Recording Computer Enchanter Laplace' and constructed it in the South Pole: This marked the initial establishment of Chaldea, but... …”

Before the monarch of the astronomical department finished speaking, Roy interrupted him and said, "...but your Animusfia family has no money!"

Maris Billy closed his mouth, his face full of embarrassment, and took a sip of coffee to hide it.

Don't look at the fact that their Animusfia family is the monarch of the Clock Tower, belonging to a very rich... family, but their family's little savings want to be in the South Pole: building a huge institution is... a fool's dream.

"You want the church to pay for it."

Roy sighed, this... the monarch of the astronomical department is like an entrepreneur who is looking for investors everywhere.

9's money, "...but why are you looking for the Holy Church? Your astronomical department should look for other monarch families in the Clock Tower."

"The research that Chaldea wants to carry out is the obsession of the Animusfia family, but other monarchy families are not necessarily interested, and the political struggle within the clock tower is rampant, if other monarchy families are involved, only the But it is to continue the political struggle of the Clock Tower to Chaldea, which our Animusfia family does not want to see, so compared to the Clock Tower, the Sanctuary Church is a more suitable partner for cooperation!"

"...If the Church is willing to support the Animusfia family, after the Chaldeans are completed, our Animusfia family only needs the power of administration, and the power of supervision and justice can be fully Hand it over to the church, and you can assign someone to execute it, or you can do it yourself!"

Maris Billy pursed his lips and spared no effort in promoting Chaldea.

Roy thinks that this... celestial body monarch should be fine to engage in pyramid schemes even if he is not a monarch.

Chapter 130 Interlude: Astrology and Chaldea (Part 2)

"I think, you must be interested in Humanity!"

In the end, Marisby used this sentence as a summary, because he really couldn't find any words that could impress Roy and the church.

In any case, this human survival guarantee organization was initiated by him, the magician, the... celestial monarch, and the Church of the Holy Church would probably doubt whether it was related to some kind of magic. Normally, the church should not will help his enemies.

But Maris Billy really can't do anything, and if you want to say why, it is that the Animusfia family is really poor! Even the three richest nobles in the clock tower, Barthemelo and Baru Yereta And Bellantrio combined, the total assets of the three companies is equivalent to a small country, and this total amount of assets is not... cash, it is the sum of all the fixed assets, precious magic materials and even magic costumes of the three companies. It is absolutely impossible for these three companies to come up with more than 10 billion US dollars in cash.

Although magicians possess mysterious powers, they cannot directly interfere with the human society of the superficial world. They must rely on regular and legal means to make money, otherwise the Church of the Holy Church will intervene. The clock tower can't do the five rogue countries, and will only be crushed. You must know that most of the magicians are ordinary people, and a bullet can kill them. If magicians can really do whatever they want, this world is not right now. The world of science is the world of magic.

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