But Tohsaka is different, he is a pure single-line, if he cannot give birth to children in his future life, then the magic of the Tohsaka family will be lost in the fourth generation.

Roy did not stop the two from leaving. As for the future of the relationship between the two men, Roy was not interested. Shortly after Tohsaka and Edelfeld left, Anastasia was also not interested. rushed to the church.

"His Royal Highness!"

Kotomine was very pleasantly surprised when he met Anastasia. During the days of the contemporary Russian traveller, he always went to and from the summer palace with Roy, and was very familiar with the Tsar's family, especially Anastasia, who was Roy's goddaughter. 2 Thea has the best relationship with him.

After hearing about the tragedy of the Tsar's family, he also wrote a letter to Roy to express his comfort, and Roy did not tell Kotomine Anastasia was still alive. Appearing in front of him, the excited Kotomine repeatedly drew a cross on his chest:.

"Long time no see, Father Kotomine!"

Her Royal Highness gently held up the corner of her skirt and bowed, but Yanfeng didn't take it to heart, because he knew too much about this... Her Royal Highness's nature.

Sure enough, after giving an elegant salute, Grand Duchess Anastasia just... looked at Kotomine with a burning gaze, and said a little shyly in a strong voice: "...Father Kotomine. , have you made any progress in ramen over the years?"

Hearing the Grand Duke's question, Yanfeng just... smiled bitterly, and secretly said that as expected, before he could answer, his son Yanfeng Lizheng, who had been following him all the time... said: "... ... The ramen made by my father is so delicious that even my mother keeps complimenting my father."

Kotomine Rizheng, who had been taught to be honest and kind since childhood, would not lie at all and sold his father directly.

Anastasia's eyes lit up when she heard the words, and she said with joy, "...Father Kotomine really listened to what I said when I left Russia, and I have made progress in ramen noodles. The godfather has finally come to an island country in the extreme east, and I hope that Father Koto Feng can show the friendship of the landlord."

The words of the Grand Duchess were like the decree of the tsar, and it was impossible for people to refuse.

"I will try my best to show my craft tonight, Her Royal Highness."

Kotomine shook his head helplessly, and had to agree to Anastasia's proposal.

He secretly apologized to his named master in his heart. He didn't know whether the Bajiquan he had learned could be called a master, but it was a very high skill to use in slimming.

It is said that his named master Li Shuwen just passed away this year. As a named disciple, it was Yanfeng who made him stand out among the practitioners because he learned Bajiquan. He went to an ancient country across the sea and sent his teacher to him. Last ride.

This master has never met an opponent in his life, and it can be said that there are countless people who have been truly injured by his boxing, wind and spear skills. Li Shuwen is a shrewd person and has a very high vigilance. He travels south and north like the wind. The number of apprentices is unknown.

Yanfeng was also Li Shuwen who met his parents when he was a young man doing business in an ancient country, and thus learned the authentic Bajiquan method. Skilled.

Seeing Kotomine shriveled in the hands of Her Royal Highness, Roy laughed, as if he had returned to Russia back then, but things were different. Anastasia and the heroic spirit fused together and became a girl of seventeen forever. It is the middle of the year, which is already quite small.

At this time, Roy asked Her Royal Highness: "...are those... German soldiers and Romanian magicians resolved?"

"They've gone forever with the arctic wind, Godfather."

Anastasia said softly.

Kotomine was a little puzzled by this. This is the island country in the extreme east of Japan. Why did German soldiers and Romanian magicians appear to see him puzzled. Roy just... explained it to him.

"I didn't expect that there would be a magician who wanted to take the Holy Grail, and he even committed a taboo and called the army of the world to **** it."

Yanfeng shook his head and sighed. At the same time, he was also secretly grateful for Roy's presence. Otherwise, if those people came to **** the Holy Grail, he would definitely not be an agent like him facing a dozen magicians and a small army. opponent.

"Your Majesty, it's not easy for you to come to the Far East once, so don't rush back to London. It just so happens that Her Royal Highness wants to eat ramen, so why don't you come to my house tonight as a guest, and you'll just stay in this church tonight."

Kotomine greeted warmly, the earth has not yet become a village in this era, and Japan and the United Kingdom are almost at opposite ends of the earth, no matter...

Kotomine or Roy usually has a lot of things to do, and Kotomine doesn't know if he will see his beloved prince again in his lifetime after this time, so he wants to entertain him when he has this opportunity.

Roy felt his sincerity and said with a smile: "...No hurry, it doesn't matter if there is a backlog of work in the church for a few days, I will stay here for a few days, and now let's get down to business first. Finish."

"What's the matter of going to the Far East? If you need to use me, please give me an order!"

Kotomine said with a stern face, and he had the demeanor of an agent who was fighting on the front line.

"Kotomine, do you know who the '' was summoned by the Einzberns in this Holy Grail War?"

Roy suddenly asked a seemingly unrelated question.

Although Kotomine was puzzled, he still replied: "...It is the saint who was active in the far east and belongs to our cross religion, Shiro Tokisada Amakusa!"

"Well, what I'm looking for is... him.


Roy nodded.

"But... this... saint is dead, I saw with my own eyes Eubusta Kuhaideon of the Einzbern family ordered him to commit suicide with a Command Spell to end the Holy Grail War ."

Kotomine frowned, but he didn't completely refute Roy's words, he just expressed his doubts, because the... Must be able to see.

"There are some peculiar things about this position. It has extremely high resistance to command spells, and a mere command spell won't let him die."

Kotomine was stunned when he heard Roy's answer, and said in surprise, "...that means this... sage servant is still alive"

"Yes, he should be at the Great Holy Grail, let's go see him together."

Roy said to Kotomine with a smile.

The daily affairs of the Sanctuary Church are extremely busy. Why does Roy still say that it's okay to hold down work for a few days, and the reason why he can wander in Fuyuki City for a few days is because of 'Amakusa Shiro Tokisada', a tool man found by Roy , As a saint, Shiro Amakusa was devout enough. He was called a 'prodigy' during his lifetime. He led the followers to oppose the Tokugawa shogunate and the deep-rooted Buddhism in the far eastern island country. A person who is perfectly competent, is a heroic spirit, will not die of exhaustion, and will not suffer from physical problems after working for decades or hundreds of years. It is simply... the best 'tool person' candidate!

Chapter 126 The Son of God and the Apostles

Fuyuki City, the big hole in the underground of Liudong Temple, here is the location of the Great Holy Grail. The so-called Fuyuki Great Holy Grail is not a real cup, but a huge magic ceremony that connects the Fuyuki spiritual veins, the core of which is... The 'Winter Saint' who was sacrificed here.

A young man dressed in a samurai clothes of the shogunate era is staggering in this big hole, even though the magic power in his body has almost disappeared, as if he will return to the 'realm record tape' at any time, even if he is issued a command curse. 'The order of self-inflicted suicide, but as a saint's will and devout belief, this young man overcame all unfavorable factors and walked towards the ceremony site called 'Great Holy Grail' with a firm gaze.

Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, a hero of resistance in the Warring States period of Japan, was posthumously named a saint of the Cross religion after his death. He once preached the localized doctrine of the Cross religion in Japan, which is called the Amakusa-style Cross Church. He once resisted the religious persecution of the Tokugawa shogunate, and although he failed in the end, his name was deeply imprinted in the history textbooks.

Because of the 'Shimabara Rebellion' launched by Shiro Amakusa, the Tokugawa shogunate felt the threat of foreign trade and foreign religions, and promulgated the 'national lock-up order'. It is a top-down reform.

Amakusa Shiro walked through this big underground hole with difficulty, the Einzbern family not only summoned him...'', but also summoned what was described as 'all the evil in the world' of Angola.

Manuel, with the death of that ordinary man's youth, his soul was absorbed by the Great Holy Grail, which caused the change of the Great Holy Grail, which is like an irreversible contamination like cancer.

No one noticed the change in the Great Holy Grail, but Amakusa Shiro, who was good at thinking and had a job title of '', noticed that, because the magical power stored in the Holy Grail was so great, even Angola.

Manuel's desire to completely contaminate it is not an overnight thing, and the internal changes of the Great Holy Grail have triggered the tide of magic, and there are many pure Holy Grail energies that are overflowing from that...magic ritual ground, as long as he can touch this energy , you will be able to complete the Servant's acceptance of flesh, and once again come back to life from this world.

"God, this must be your test, this time I will definitely take all the good in the world into my palm!"

Encouraged himself with devout faith, his legs gradually lost consciousness, Amakusa Shirou fell to the ground, but he would never give up, even if it was crawling or biting, he must go to the Holy Grail, Get the power it overflows! At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps in this big hole, Amakusa Shirou's ears moved, and he could distinguish three people from the footsteps, and he looked behind him vigilantly. When he looked, he saw that there were two men and one woman walking towards him.

But after seeing the three people, Shiro Amakusa was relieved. One of them he knew was the priest of the Fuyuki Church, and although he had never seen the other two, he could sense that they were also crosses. believers.

"I didn't expect that we would meet again, Father Koto Feng... and the two gentlemen and young ladies who I don't know over there. You are also believers of the Lord."

Amakusa Shiro smiled shyly, with the shyness of a young man in his smile. The saint who created the Amakusa-style cross-worship sect was actually only sixteen years old when he died.

Known as a child prodigy in history, the sage who was called an elegant demeanor politely greeted the person who came, and then... grabbed the soil under his feet with both hands, and once again went to the outlet for the overflowing energy of the Holy Grail in front of him. Climb up.

Roy stopped and looked at the... stubborn boy crawling. After a moment of silence, he asked, "... Shiro Tokisada Amakusa"

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