Roy even saw through the physical conditions of the two people at a glance. In short, as a magician, he was almost sentenced to death. Their magic circuits were irreversibly damaged. Magic is vitality, which means that Regardless of....

Whether it was Tohsaka or the head of the Edelfelt family, their lives have already passed by a lot, not only have they lost the longevity of magicians, but even the lifespan of ordinary people.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the damage to the magic circuit is more painful for the magician than the loss of his life. If the head of the Tohsaka family hadn't left a descendant to the family, he probably couldn't bear it long ago. Suicide.

The air was still silent, and when Tohsaka and Edelfelt couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to ask, Royka held back what the two wanted to say at the most precise moment: "...Are you two going to find Kotomine? If so, why don't you go together...Ah, you don't have to panic, although you are some heretics who are not recognized by the Lord, but I I won't attack you here either."

"...This... man should be the head of the Tohsaka family, the manager of the spiritual veins here, then that lady is... the contemporary twin of the 'Edelfeldt' family, a famous magician in Finland. one"

Roy's gentle language brings people a great sense of trust and security, but no matter what...

Neither Tohsaka nor Edelfelt would let their guard down, they would only be terrified by the trust brought by Roy, they only felt that it was an almost instinctive manipulation of human perception.

The two were silent for a while, but in the end Edelfelt didn't answer, and handed over the initiative to Tohsaka, the... local master.

"The next one is... Tohsaka, the lady next to me is also one of the twins of the Edelfelt family. Who is your Excellency and what does it have to do with Kotomine-san?"

Tohsaka kept speaking as elegantly as possible, and at the same time showed a vigilant look. He couldn't help but use words in his words, so that he and the priest Kotomine of the local church seemed to be very familiar. If the worker knows Kotomine, or has a good relationship with Kotomine, then they will get more security.

Roy didn't care about Tohsaka's words at this level, he just chuckled: "... Kotomine and I are... very familiar, he used to be with me. My subordinates have worked before, so don't be so nervous, I really have no interest in taking action against you, the lady over there also asks you to take back the gem between your fingers."

Roy glanced at Edfield's clenched fist.

'Could he be Kotomine's boss, a senior agent, but he is too young...' Tohsaka guessed in his heart. I don't know it very well, I only know that the other party is an agent who retired from the front line, and went to such a remote place in Fuyuki City to become a priest.

The church is different from the magician. Unless they receive the grace of God, their lifespan is similar to that of a normal person. If they use other means to prolong their lifespan, they will be betrayed by the church as a heretic. Roy's youthful appearance made Tohsaka a little puzzled.

The Edfield family is known as 'the most beautiful hyena on the earth. As one of the contemporary twins, the girl also inherited the family's strength and arrogance. She looked at Roy with brave and fearless eyes and snorted coldly. In one voice: "...Hmph, pretending to be a ghost!"

Although she said this, she also put away the gems in her hand. Although the Edelfeld family has the pride of being a famous magician, they are called 'hyenas' and they also know how to judge the situation. of nature.

Most of the magician's temperament is like this, Roy is not angry, he made a "please" gesture, and he should go to Fuyuki Church first.

Tohsaka and Edelfelt silently followed behind him, keeping a safe enough distance. Now that the Holy Grail War is almost over, they went to the church to report the situation of this war and end the ceremony. Work, especially Tohsaka, as the manager of Fuyuki City's spiritual veins, he must do the finishing work well, otherwise it will be bad to attract the censure of the clock tower.

The Fuyuki Church was not far from the place where the three of them met. The panorama of the church was just a few steps away. Tohsaka was surprised to find that Kotomine, who he knew well, was standing with his young son. Waiting anxiously at the door of the church, after seeing the... mysterious clergyman, Kotomine just... eyes lit up, and he quickly walked forward with his son.

Under the surprise of Tohsaka and Edelfeldt, the father and son of the Fuyuki Church knelt on the ground and threw their bodies to the ground. Kotomine was even more excited to hold the priest...the priest in Protestant clothes. He kissed the ring on his finger lightly, and said reverently and movingly: "...Praise the Lord, so that I can see you again, Your Majesty!"

Your Majesty! Tohsaka and Edelfelt were both stunned, their brains seemed to be overturned, and countless thoughts were rolling and beating there. For a while, the two magicians were struck by a large amount of information. It turned out to be a foggy head, completely forgetting how to think.

............Your Majesty, this is only the title of the Pope of Rome and the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church in the cross religion, and the current Patriarch and the Pope who are magicians have never met , but I also know what it looks like. Those are two old people in the past, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be so young. In this way, they can be called the king by the representative of the... Sanctuary Church. His identity is about to be revealed! That is the president of the Eighth Mystery Society, the honorary head of the Knights Templar, the head of the burial agency, and the supreme bishop of the Templar Church! This gentle-faced young man, could it be? ..the church's ultimate size, the person who made countless magicians and ancestors of the dead apostles terrified, even if he was the head of the Tohsaka family and the head of the Edelfeld family, he was horrified at this time, it was the identity of the other party. If they had to be equal, it would be equivalent to seeing the president of the Magic Association here.

The Eighth Mystery Society, the Knights Templar and the Burial Agency used to be independent of the Clock Tower, Atlas Academy and the Wandering Sea, and it was this man who put the Templar Church more than 20 years ago. All the departments are integrated together, so that the influence of the Church of the Holy Church has reached its peak.

Compared with Tohsaka's horror, Adelfeld had more ideas. Her elders, the Adelfeld twins of the previous generation, were also involved in the Tunguska incident. If it wasn't for Adelphi With the twin characteristics of the Erte family, that elder may have a hard time returning from Tunguska alive, and according to what the elder said privately, this... the supreme bishop of the Holy Church is simply a monster that should not exist in modern times! The body trembled unnaturally, even the proud hyena's tail was tucked at this time, without him, just because the rank and status gap between the two sides is really too strong!

Chapter 124: The Third Holy Grail War Hastily

Roy was not interested in paying attention to Tohsaka and Edelfeldt's thoughts. He accepted Kotomine's excited salute, and the little boy following him with curious and respectful eyes, smiled and said: "... this your son Risho?"

Roy hadn't seen Kotomine for more than ten years since Russia left, although he often wrote to himself reporting the situation in Fuyuki City.

When he left Russia, Yan Feng was still a young man in his thirties, and now he is in his early forties. His sideburns have gradually turned gray, but his figure is still strong and not bloated. Obviously, even after leaving Russia. After the first line, he did not let go of his practice as an agent.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this is the Rizheng I mentioned to you in the letter."

Speaking of his son, Yanfeng's expression also became gentle, with the love of a parent, Yanfeng Lizheng was still a ten-year-old "nine seventy-seven" at this time

Left and right: Little boy, he saw Roy's eyes and looked at him without any fear, and said in a clear voice: "...Sir Supreme Bishop, I am Kotomine Rizheng, and I am the devout of the Lord. Believers, when I grow up, I will be like my father and become a member of the Church of the Holy Church."

Kotomine Rizheng had a cross hanging around his neck, which was a gift from Roy to Kotomine, and he gave that gift to his son.

"You will become an upright person, Rizheng!"

Roy pressed the little boy's head and gave him his blessing.

Kotomine Rizheng thanked him in a daze, while his father was all smiles. His son was able to receive His Majesty's blessing, and that was the happiness of a devout believer like him.

It was only then that he noticed Tohsaka and the others who were frozen in place and did not dare to move, Kotomine greeted him in a very good mood: "... Brother Tohsaka, you are here too. La!"

Tohsaka looked stiff, nodded like a mechanical puppet and said, "...The Holy Grail War is over, I am here to report the results to Kotomine-san, and according to the agreement, the rest of our Command Spells will meet. Hand it over to the church for recycling."

Edelfeldt, who was beside him, also said, " Command Spell will also be handed over to the church, but my sister still has one, she should have returned to Finland at this time, and I and I She is already deadlocked, and it is impossible to go back to Finland to take care of her, if your church wants to recycle, please go and discuss with the Edelfelt family."

Speaking of which, she glanced at Roy without a trace, and there was concern in her eyes. Although she and her sister, who were twin sisters during the Holy Grail War, had a conflict with her sister, and finally left the Edelfeld house on her own initiative, but She still has feelings for the family, but she is really afraid that the church will come to her.

If her sister voluntarily handed back the Command Spell, it would be fine. If her strong-willed sister would rather die than give in, then I am afraid that the Edelfelt family would be in danger. Fighting against the Holy Church in the name of a mere sorcerer would undoubtedly be an act of courting death.

However, Roy interjected at this time, but it made Sister Edfield feel relieved, "'s just a Command Spell, since the Edfield family has taken it, it will be given to you. Come on, you two come to report on the Holy Grail War situation, I am here too, just listen to your report, Kotomine will send it to me in the form of a letter later."

Roy's natural attitude made no one dare to disobey. Even if Tohsaka and Edelfeldt, as magicians, should not be responsible for the church, at this time they did not show any resistance, and they all bowed their heads. 'Yes' softly.

Seeing Roy and Kotomine's family entering the Fuyuki Church, the two hesitated, and being in the same room with such a big man, the pressure in my heart was too great, but when Tohsaka hesitated, the twins of the Edelfelt family On the contrary, his younger sister was very courageous and entered the church first.

For .. Edelfeldt, her current situation is already like this, no matter how bad it is, she is even more fearless because of the idea of ​​​​breaking the jar.

Unlike Edelfelt, Tohsaka is more cautious because he still has the sacred task of inheriting the family, but when he sees the lady, he has already acted. He gritted his teeth and followed.

In the church, Roy stood under the cross, Tohsaka and Edelfelt were just like his servants, standing obediently under the steps of the prayer platform, using blunt but meticulous words, telling the story. Everything that happened in the Third Holy Grail War.

This Holy Grail War is quite complicated, and it is simply unexpected.

The first is the Einzbern family cheating, and it's the kind of... blatant cheating that doesn't even cover it up, and directly forcibly summoned the two major positions of '''' and completed the double cheating Einzbern Jia felt that he had the chance to win and could easily kill 29, but he didn't expect that the one who was trapped would not want it.. Angola, who was summoned with the '' position.

Manuel perfectly embodies the truth that he was... an ordinary human being before his death, even if he appeared as a Servant, he would be weak. It didn't take long for him to appear on the stage... he was killed, the Einzbern family who couldn't do anything about it. I can only rely on ', but the strength of this summoned '' is not strong, and it is basically based on brains. In this Holy Grail War, I can only rely on wisdom to fight defensive battles and barely survive.

Since then, all the Einzberns' schemes have failed.

The second is the participation of the 'hyena' family, the Edelfelt family, who are interested in all treasures. The purpose of this family is to take the Holy Grail as its own, send its contemporary twins to participate, and successfully summon the ''.

This pair of twin magicians used their own magic characteristics to divide the '' into two parts, the light and the dark side, and even the Command Spells used their magic characteristics to deceive the Holy Grail to get six, with the most adaptable job '', and there are six Command Spells in hand, this time the Holy Grail War is definitely won, but no one thought that this pair of twins would actually be in conflict during the war, and they should have been able to survive to the end. ''Also died extremely fast, surpassing the previous 'death speed record'.

If it was just that, the other participants could continue to fight the Holy Grail War, but the Little Holy Grail, which was created by the Einzbern family to activate the Great Holy Grail function, was beaten in a Servant battle. bad, no 2.

5 With the ability of the Little Holy Grail to recycle the souls of the followers, the function of the Great Holy Grail cannot be activated, and the final result is... The third Holy Grail War can only be announced prematurely.

Roy, who controls the Einzbern family center, knows that because of the destruction of the little Holy Grail this time, the Einzbern center finally made a new decision, and that is Einzbern in the next Holy Grail War. The family plans to make the little Holy Grail into an active artificial human, which can greatly reduce the probability of the little Holy Grail being destroyed.

Tohsaka and Edelfeld told me in a eloquent manner, you told me every word, and without any concealment, told everything that happened in the Holy Grail War, and let Roy know the details of the third Holy Grail War.

But no one except... Roy knows that because of the Einzbern family's sleazy operation, the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City has been completely polluted.

Chapter 125 Saint? Tool man?

After Tohsaka and Edelfelt reported everything that happened in the Third Holy Grail War and turned in the remaining Command Spells... they left in a hurry, they were in a hurry, they were in the church, in Roy Let them sit on pins and needles in front of them.

These two have almost lost their ability as magicians, and their lifespans have also been greatly reduced. The Erte family is also a prosperous one, and apart from...

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