"It's right here, unknown believer, what do you have"

Amakusa Shiro didn't look back, but while crawling forward, he was still responding to Roy's inquiry.

After being silent for a while, Roy asked in a solemn tone: "Amakusa Shiro, why are you asking for "relief for all mankind!"

"Where did you ask for it"

"In the Holy Grail!"

"Where are you going"

"Of course under the teachings of God!"


"Absurd! Since he is a believer of the Lord, he wants to rely on the power of heresy to achieve relief. This is a betrayal of Judas!"

Roy scolded severely.

Amakusa Shirou's crawling body paused for a while, he still didn't turn his head, he just smiled reluctantly: "...So you also know the true effect of the Holy Grail, I know from Ubusta Kuhaideon With the existence of the 'Third Magic', I believe that as long as I use the power of the 'Third Magic', I can fulfill my sad wish that I did not give up until death!"

"...for this reason, even if it is a heresy, I am willing to let myself be burned by fire, be bound on a cross and fall into hell. As long as I can complete the relief of all mankind, I will— !"

As a saint of the Crusades, Shiro Amakusa has an extremely firm will, or stubbornness. He will never change his mind just because of Roy's mere words. If he is changed so easily, then he will never change his mind. It's not Shiro Tokisada Amakusa, or the Saint of the Crusades who initiated the 'Shimabara Rebellion'.

Roy took a deep breath, and just as Amakusa Shiro Tokisada's hand was about to touch the energy overflowing from the Holy Grail, he said in a slow but extremely grand voice: "...Look straight at me, Amakusa Shiro! "

This time, Amakusa Shirou didn't refuse, and he couldn't refuse either, and he slowly turned his head under the words that were like the words of a god.

Then, with his eyes wide open, he looked at Roy's right shoulder at the outstretched right hand of God with incredible eyes! That is, all the miracles of the Cross! That is, the true light of redemption for all mankind At this moment, Amakusa Shiro felt that his soul was trembling.

Two lines of heat flowed down from the corners of my eyes, those were tears of excitement, and those were tears of emotion.

"Almighty God, Wang Zhao, please give me another chance...this time I will definitely...will definitely..." With blurry eyes, Amakusa Shiro finally It was confirmed that his devout prayer before his death touched God, and God really gave him a chance again, a chance to truly save all mankind! That chance was not in the Holy Grail of heresy, but in front of him , in the teachings of the Cross! "Son of God, forgive my unclean belief!"

Amakusa Shiro Tokisada struggled to get up from the ground, he turned his back and never again... glanced at the Holy Grail, knelt on the ground with a five-body salute, and let the tears drip into the soil under his feet.

"You are the one who bears the evil of the human beings in the world and can truly redeem the sanctity of mankind..."

"Please allow me, Shiro Tokisato Amakusa to follow you, just like an apostle following the Lord Christ, to witness the relief of all mankind!"

When he cried bitterly.

Chapter 127 Interlude: Astrology and Chaldea (Part 1)

The second member of the burial organization——Name: Shiro Amakusa Belief: Amakusa-style cross sect Biography: ...... Western calendar May 1951 - London, England, St. Paul.




Today's church is in a mess. A warning sign is set up at the entrance of the church. "Church maintenance, no tourists are allowed to visit." It's like being together, these... Contemporary artists are standing under the dome of the church frescoes, discussing something together.

"Extend the fresco from here, and if the pillar is repaired, it can be integrated with the environment of the whole church, and it will not make this new fresco look abrupt."

"This is the design drawing I drew according to your request, let's see if there is any need to modify it."

"Do you know what the new work of the church is about? This church has antiquities for hundreds of years. The paintings on the walls and the dome are masterpieces of the sages of the past. I think that I can also leave a pen and ink in this church, and also Really excited."

"I have inquired about the content of the painting, and it is said that a life story of 'Joan of Arc' is to be added here."

"Hey, this is an English church, why are you painting the French? I really don't know what the bishop here thinks. How can I protest!"


Many artists in the hall were arguing with each other, but the backyard of the church was peaceful and peaceful.

4 Godfather!"

Her Royal Highness was sitting opposite Roy, her whole body was almost paralyzed on the table, her hands were folded, her pointed chin rested on the back of her hands, and the two slender legs under her skirt were swaying back and forth, making her whole person look very No spirit, lethargic.

"What's the matter, is my little goblin sick?"

Roy pretended to be surprised, he leaned over to lift up the smooth bangs in front of Anastasia's forehead, and put his palms on her smooth forehead.

Her Royal Highness patted Roy's arm lightly, and pouted: "...Godfather, stop joking, Father Koto Feng passed away, aren't you sad at all?"

She had a sad look on her face.

"Birth, old age, sickness and death are gifts from the Lord. Koto Feng is not dead, he just ascended to heaven to meet our Lord."

Roy comforted Her Royal Highness softly, and after a pause, Roy teased again: "...Anna, you're not really sad about Koto Feng's passing at all, but because you will never be able to eat... His ramen skills are sad."

"Hey... Godfather, you can't say that, it's very disrespectful to the dead, but I really miss the ramen made by Kotomine, and I feel a little sad that I can't eat it again... My son Kotomine Risei did not inherit his father's craftsmanship at all, which is really disappointing."

Anastasia snorted, her small cherry lips were moist and light, and said regretfully.

"If Kotomine knew about your thoughts, he would definitely die uneasy.

Jump out of the coffin board."

"If he can actually jump out of the coffin board, he can still make ramen for me."

"I found out, Anna... Actually, Yanfeng was mad at you."

Roy and Her Royal Highness were arguing. Not long ago in the afternoon, news came from the Far East Island that the priest Kotomine of Fuyuki Church died of cancer at the age of 66. Roy and Her Royal Highness attended his body. Farewell ceremony, and personally did his last prayers for him.

And his son, Kotomine Rizheng, who is nearly thirty years old, inherited the position of the priest of the Fuyuki Church, and at the same time joined the Eighth Mystery Society of the Sanctuary Church and became a representative.

In 1 year, the Second World War has ended, and the entire human society is in vain. Starting from this year, the level of human science and technology will change with each passing day, and the standard of living will skyrocket, reaching a situation that was incomprehensible to the ancients. And development will also become the theme of this era.

"Pack up, Anna! We'll be flying to France in two hours."

Roy took out his pocket watch and glanced at the time, and instructed Her Royal Highness.

"I see, Godfather."

Her Royal Highness stood up and slightly tidied up her skirt, her decadent look before was immediately.

No, the whole person has become extravagant, elegant and radiant.

"Sir Supreme Bishop, are you and Miss Anastasia going to France?"

At this moment, a white-haired young man wearing a black teaching uniform and a red coat walked in. His skin was healthy bronze, his smile was bright, and he was holding a stack of documents in his arms. His steps were steady and powerful. When I heard the last words of Roy and Her Royal Highness, it was... curiously asked.

"Well, I'm going to France to complete a job, and Anna will accompany me. Amakusa, do you want to be with me? You haven't seen France in this era yet."

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