However, at this time, Danny had already begun to figure out how to use this German army to obtain the Holy Grail, and then let them disappear without a sound. He would not send out his spoils, although this army was powerful in combat. , but he also has more than a dozen magicians under him. As long as he prepares in advance, the magician will be enough to annihilate this army under a sudden attack.

The officer named Reinhard also nodded with satisfaction. He didn't think there was room for Danny to resist. Ordinary people might think magicians were mysterious, but those who had contact with magicians knew that most of these magicians were also very mysterious. They are all people, even the most powerful magicians can kill them with one shot if they find an opportunity, so what if they are prepared, magicians' magic power is not infinite, when their magic power is exhausted, ...the day they died.

As for the magician's magic workshop and the like, you don't need to care about it. The one who directly bombarded his mother with a cannon was...! Just when a magician, a German fighting horn, suddenly came from the military camp There was a commotion, "...Stop, who are you, please leave quickly, this place has already passed the local government and has been forcibly conscripted as a military camp!"

A broken Japanese voice came from outside, which was learned by a certain German soldier.

Danick and Reinhardt looked at each other, and vigilance flashed in their eyes. Although they had different minds, the premise of all this was to obtain the Holy Grail first. Before the Holy Grail, they were still partners.

As the two supreme commanders of the barracks, the wooden house they built when they walked together, one greeted the German army with gestures to get ready, and the other used magic to inform other magicians in the barracks.

This group of magicians are all magicians hired by Danick. Although their research ability is not very good, they are extremely good at fighting. Danick promised them that as long as they complete this task, they will be allowed to join the Thousand World Tree family and get thousands of dollars. The protection of the world tree, for these magicians who lick their blood with their knife heads, getting the approval and help of a magic noble is something they have always thought of, and naturally It's hard work.

After Danny walked out of the wooden house, he saw that the German troops were ready for battle, with several 3 guns: they were mounted, this is the machine gun that Germany just invented this year, and the other soldiers held up their rifles. Aim at the woman outside the camp.

It was a girl with... soft silver hair, holding a puppet in her arms. She was wearing a gorgeous noble dress and stood timidly in front of the barracks. She had a beautiful and delicate face without any expression, and her temperament Such as the icy ice and snow, it brings people a kind of fantasy fairy, the illusion of the goddess of ice and snow.

A woman, a woman dressed so luxuriously appears in a military camp outside Fuyuki City, no matter how you look at it, it is not a normal development.

"That's a magician!"

Danick whispered to Reinhardt beside him.

At the same time, Danick was also stunned, and began to think about the origin of the magician in front of him. Those people in the law and politics department have already been fooled away by him. How can there be magicians who come here? Are they also interested in the Holy Grail? Regardless of....

What is the origin of the other party, Danick has already decided not to let her go, he is determined to win the Holy Grail, and everything here cannot be exposed! The closer you are, the more you can see the... , but Danny was unmoved. The group of magicians should not be fascinated by the appearance. Don't look at the other party as if they were only seventeen or eighteen years old. , Magicians don't even care about their appearance. For magicians who seek truth, even appearance is nothing but a weapon to pursue their roots.

The 'Russian' at this time, Danick, had already determined the nationality of the other party, and he thought about the famous magic families in Russia, but they couldn't match the number.


This lady is private property, if you leave now, we can pretend we haven't seen you!"

Danny said politely, he was handsome and with his gentle smile, it was enough to make the girl scream.

With the money, but in the mainland, Danick has prepared more than a dozen magicians who came with him. He can't let this female magician leave, which will expose everything in the military camp.

Anastasia only felt that the magician in front of him was laughing so disgustingly, his heart seemed to be filled with filth like sludge, Her Royal Highness frowned, with a look of disgust on her face, and said coldly: ". ...... or quickly get rid of you all and join the godfather, all raise their heads and be overwhelmed by death!"

Her Royal Highness's icy and murderous words were like a blizzard in Siberia. At this moment, Danik only felt that his body and his mind seemed to be stagnant.

The next moment, he saw the violent storm and snow blowing in the sky and the earth with an indomitable momentum, and the sound like a saw resounded in his ears, but at this moment Danny had lost his thinking and lost his life.

He didn't know until his death who this suddenly appeared woman was and why she appeared.

Chapter 122 Tohsaka and Edelfeldt

The tracer bullet just left the muzzle... It lost its ability to move under the freezing cold wind, turned into ice particles one by one and fell to the ground, the 98 bolt seemed to be welded, and the human arm strength again Also... difficult to pull, the military camp on the outskirts of Fuyuki City turned into a world of ice sculptures like a work of art in an instant.

The frozen human beings, the frozen houses, the frozen sky and the earth, the faces of the soldiers showed horror, the magician's face was frozen in doubt for a moment, just a few seconds later, here is the scene from the people. The tumult turned into silence and nothingness.

A unit during World War II, a dozen magicians in modern times are so vulnerable when faced with the power from the Lostbelt and the Age of Gods.


Even in this extremely freezing environment, Anastasia's snow-white face still showed a healthy flush of blush. She let out a sigh of cold air, and with the sound of 'click, click', the camp was completely shattered. .

Without leaving a trace of blood, without leaving a trace, silently, this army from Germany and the magician from the Romanian Millennium Tree family have become history and have been completely forgotten.

Her Royal Highness didn't even look at the withered ice crystals, she just hugged 'Wei'... turned around and left this 133 miles, she felt that this group of people really deserved death and wasted her time, so hurry up now Go to the godfather.

......The city of Fuyuki in the 1930s was a flat wooden house, without any buildings over three floors, and without the famous Weiyuan River Bridge, the nobles of the clock tower said this was the countryside That's right, because the city doesn't see any modernity at all for the time being.

But it is this piece of land that carries the most fascinating thing in this world.

This is the first time Roy has come to Fuyuki City, on this land that even he knows very well.

Walking on the narrow street, Roy felt the spiritual veins flowing under this land, and nodded slightly: "...It is indeed a good spiritual vein, no wonder Einzbern and Zoll were originally The root will find the Tohsaka family, if this spiritual vein is in the European region, it is impossible for a family like the Tohsaka family to control it.”

The Tohsaka family's lineage is not very long, that is, two or three hundred years old, and it is barely a famous magician in the land of the East, but with those of Europa, the magic base... When compared to the Mo Dao family, they really can't make it to the top.

The artificial human family who lost the magician, and the two little-known Magic Dao families jointly created the magic ritual. No wonder the people in the clock tower would dismiss it. Roy thought that if he was a pure clock Tower magician, may not care about a 'game' in the Far East.

In this era, the urban area of ​​Fuyuki City was not large, only the place called Shenshan Town by the locals, and after walking through the Miyuan River on the border of Shenshan Town, it was... a slightly barren land.

After the war, a more modern urban area should be built here, called Xindu, but at this time, the new city has not yet started construction. The church in Fuyuki City, which can be regarded as Fuyuki City, was built on this quiet land. On the east hillside, a church was built.

Roy was wearing a crucifix Protestant dress, with his right in his pocket, and walked to the church slowly. According to the information, the third Holy Grail War was almost over, because the little Holy Grail made by the Einzbern family was accidentally killed. Destruction, so that the Great Holy Grail cannot develop its own functions, this can be said to be an abandoned Holy Grail War.

Compared with the subsequent Holy Grail War, the first three Shengran did not reach the final step due to various reasons, but more people survived.

The appearance of the church had already appeared in front of Roy's eyes, when he suddenly stopped and turned to look behind him.

There was a man and a woman walking together, both of them were not in good condition, barely able to walk without supporting each other.

The appearance of this pair of men and women looks like they are in their twenties and less than 30. Although the man is in very bad physical condition and there are blood stains on his face, he still maintains his elegance as much as possible. ...short black hair, looks very strong, and is looking at the female partner beside him with concern.

The woman should be from the Nordic side, with five senses and water chestnuts: clearly, she is wearing a long dress that is somewhat damaged, and her long golden hair is messy, giving a sense of ferocity of a female leopard, but the expression on her face is slightly different. There is sorrow.

And soon, the man and woman who came with almost support were... When they saw Roy, both of them looked vigilant, their muscles were tense, and the rest of the Command Spell could be seen on the backs of their hands. , proves his identity as a participant in the Holy Grail War, but there is no Servant around the two, and Roy does not feel the 'spirit state of the Servant, which means that their Servants should all be there died in the war.

"Miss Edelfelt, be careful!"

The man raised his hand to stop his female companion and said in a low voice.

The blond woman known as Edelfeld raised her head and looked at Roy who was standing on the upper hand of the two, and said with a wrinkled forehead: " know someone from the church, Tohsaka "

Edelfelt knew that the man beside him should be the enemy, but now the man he had an ambiguous relationship with was very familiar with the church overseer of the Holy Grail War, so after meeting another church cleric, she was very close. This came to my mind at the first time.

The man named Tohsaka shook his head with a heavy expression, he touched his forehead, and said nervously: "...he is not a member of the Fuyuki Church, the clothes should be Protestant, could it be from Agents of London"

Although the Tohsaka family is located in Fuyuki City, in the far east, as a magician, he always needs to understand the important events in the mysterious world. It is impossible for the Tohsaka family not to know about the important news that the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church has moved to London. It is the site of the Cross Protestantism. At the end of the Holy Grail War, seeing a cleric wearing a Protestant costume, it is easy to think of people from the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Grail.

'Could it be that the Church of Sanctuary is interested in the Holy Grail, that's why the headquarters sent someone to contact him, but Kotomine-san said that the Church has determined that the Holy Grail in Fuyuki City is not the holy relic of the Son of God, although the Church will send supervisors, but that It is to prevent the Holy Grail War from causing damage to the society of ordinary people.

The church is not interested in the root cause, so it is much better to be known by the church than to know the true face of the Holy Grail War by the clock tower. Moreover, with the church as the overseer, some of the aftermath of the war can be resolved by the church, and even the church will Sheltering the defeated, from this point of view, the church is like a security mechanism for the Holy Grail War, and it is of great significance to the participants. Even the Einzberns have tacitly accepted the church's supervisory duties.

But it would be bad if the church suddenly became interested in the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City. Although the Holy Grail War was lost this time, the Tohsaka family pursued the root cause and won the Holy Grail War. The family obsession will not disappear. I'm still going to wait until 60 years later, and let my son or daughter participate in the Holy Grail War again! If the Church is interested in the Holy Grail and takes away the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City, where will the Tohsaka family go to play the Holy Grail War in the future! The two magicians had different thoughts, but both were alert to Roy who suddenly appeared in front of them. In any case, the magician and the representative of the church were hostile, even if the appearance of this... cleric had nothing to do with the Holy Grail War , he might also suddenly take action to kill these two heretics.

Chapter 123 The legendary supreme bishop? !

The breeze rolled up the leaves on the ground, and the night wind was a little cool, blowing on the tree-lined path on the outskirts of Fuyuki City. Being stared at by those bizarre heavy pupils, Tohsaka and Edelfelt were both terrified, and their foreheads unconsciously... shed a cold sweat.

The pressure brought by this clergyman is too great, it seems to be the terrible feeling brought by the different levels of life, and the emotion called fear emerges from the deepest part of the gene.

This idea just came up, Tohsaka and Edelfelt just... looked at each other in horror. As magicians, they would suddenly have such emotions, which means that the other party's aura is enough to affect magic. Spirit of the teacher.

Even the Servants of the Holy Grail War didn't give them such a feeling as magicians, maybe it was some kind of 'christening chant' of the agents. Tohsaka and Ai De Felt was suspicious in his heart, and his vigilance rose to the highest level. Now the two of them are in very poor physical condition, but they can no longer withstand a magic battle.

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