Roy looked at the artificial intelligence program that was being invaded by his own 'spiritual son', just...with a faint smile, "...this central intelligent program is...set from the very beginning" Pursue the third magic', even if the magicians leave, as long as it is still running, this sad wish will not stop, even if there are no human beings, even if only human beings are left, this task will continue After finishing it, it can be said that the Einzbern family was an artifact created in pursuit of the third magic from the very beginning!”

"...That's why Enolai said that this famous magician with a history of two thousand years was actually delisted from the Clock Tower. The nobles of the Clock Tower would not deal with a group of artificial humans. The real Einzbe The Lun family has long since died out, and today's Einzbern is just a program that runs autonomously!"


At this moment, there seemed to be the sound of a crystal shattering in the air. Under the surprised eyes of Her Royal Highness, Roy used a delicate technique that was almost surgical, without damaging the artificial intelligence. Cut out a piece of 0 from the artificial intelligence crystal in front of me... "Godfather, what are you doing?"

Her Royal Highness the Princess watched in amazement as Roy held the cut crystal in his hand. There was an extremely complex magic circuit running in the crystal, like a heart made of nanotechnology.

"All the information about Einzbern's artificial human technology and the 'third magic' that has been studied in the past 1900 years are actually stored here. Although it has been split by me, its function has not disappeared. This thing has now become 'Einzbern's terminal control device', even if the artificial intelligence program buried deep in front of me is destroyed, as long as the terminal in my hand is still there: Einzbern's artificial intelligence People never stop!"

Roy's cut floated on his palm.

, that is, the control center of the Einzbern family. After thinking about it, his wicked interest increased greatly, and he began to use magic to change the shape of this control center. The control center is just...into a strange form.

If someone in the late twentieth century was here, they would definitely recognize that... the shape is... a remote control! Roy weighed 5.

2's remote control, and said to Her Royal Highness: "...Okay, the control of the Einzbern family has been obtained, as long as there is this center, you can control the Einzbern at will. People of the Lun family can even change their thinking and even exercise fine control over their bodily functions."

"...The androids are nothing but manufactured robots, controlled by the entire center, and I am their 'Skynet'."

Roy smiled, and suddenly felt that this development seemed a bit 'lifan', isn't this remote control one of those artifacts in hypnotic comics or novels, as long as you press the key, it will be It can change the minds of others and even control the heights, but this control center is only effective for the Einzbern family.

Anastasia seemed to understand, she nodded blankly, always feeling that Roy seemed to be doing something terrible.

Chapter 120 Today's Fuyuki City is Still Peaceful

Flying from Germany to the extreme eastern island country is a long journey even in the twenty-first world, requiring more than ten hours of flight time, not to mention that in this era, Roy was sitting on a boring plane. Looking at the monotonous scenery outside the window will only make people feel bored.

Anastasia had fallen asleep long ago. Although she was merged with the heroic spirit and had magic power from the Holy Grail in her body, Her Royal Highness was still a human being and needed to rest and eat. She leaned against Roy's arms and grew The long hair curtain blocked the pair of beautiful pupils, the jade-like little hand tightly tugged at the corner of Roy's clothes, his cheeks were reddish, and he was dreaming sweetly.

Roy took off the cloak behind her and used it as a quilt to cover her tender body. With his right hand, he lightly hugged the girl's slender and soft waist. The two sat by the window of the plane, experiencing the bumps of a long-distance flight.

Roy flipped the ring belonging to King Solomon between his fingers. This time he went to the Far East Island Country not to participate in the Holy Grail War, or the Holy Grail War had no meaning to Roy. If you want, you can completely rub the Holy Grail with your own hands, and you don't need the one underground in Fuyuki City... The Great Holy Grail.

He really wanted to summon King Solomon, who had a relationship with him in another world, but the Great Holy Grail in Fuyuki City did not have the ability to summon the crowned heroic spirit. Although the spiritual veins controlled by the Tohsaka family had enough magical power , but it's not that kind of...a very rare thing, otherwise, if the Tohsaka family, a noble family in the countryside, really controlled that kind of...rare spiritual veins, they would have been snatched away by other magicians. .

According to Roy's estimation, if you want to use the Great Holy Grail of Fuyuki City to start a Holy Grail War that is enough to summon a champion heroic spirit, you need at least that one... The Holy Grail has accumulated about two to three hundred years: magic power, that is to say, unless the Holy Grail is in the Holy Grail After being constructed, it has not been activated. After more than 200 years, when the magic power is sufficient, the only Holy Grail War will be enough to complete the total amount of magic power that can carry the crown strength among the Seven Horsemen.

And this Holy Grail in Fuyuki City has already entered the third Holy Grail War, and it has not accumulated enough magic power at all.

This time Roy went to Fuyuki City to do only one thing, and that was to catch a 'tool man' to work for him, so as to free himself. As the supreme bishop of the Holy Church, Roy needs a lot of money every day. Time to deal with official business, this is not what he is willing to do.

"The information on the third magic of the Einzbern family, 'The Cup of Heaven', has also been obtained. Echidona has accumulated hundreds of years. With these materials, it should be enough to complete the third magic and master the 'mystery of the soul'. Take my 'Golden Supremacy' one step further!"

Roy murmured.

The three elements of human beings can be roughly identified as body, spirit and soul. Magicians can reproduce the same body and spirit, but they cannot construct the same soul information. This is the most difficult part of the miracle of 'resurrection from the dead'. One step, only because 'Secret of the Soul' involves the third magic.

The information of the heroic spirits in the 'realm recording tape' is not a secret at all in the magic world, and even this is one of the research topics of the seance, but the reason why magicians have been unable to summon heroic spirits for two thousand years is because the 'realm recording tape' involves It is the soul information of the heroic spirit, which requires the power of the 'third magic' to connect with it.

The secret of the Holy Grail War is also here.

The ritual of building the Holy Grail, the method of completing the Command Spell, and the land that provides magic power can be completed by other magicians who are powerful enough. The only hardest point is... How to get in touch with the realm record belt' , Einzbern used some of the third magic's 'Winter Virgin' as the core of the ritual to sacrifice, this is the construction of the Great Holy Grail, and the others don't have another Winter Virgin' for sacrifice.

Even if Roy's summoning of heroic spirits is actually a brute force cracking, using the theory of summoning a **** of disobedience, forcibly opening the hole outside the world with power, and connecting it with the 'realm record tape', but this method has no skills at all, and it can't be big at all. The scale summons heroic spirits, so Roy is bound to the 'third magic', in addition to being able to perfect his 'golden supreme sky', only after mastering the third magic can he easily complete the British 'destiny'.

......In the far eastern island country, outside Fuyuki City, a troop with a 'Swastika' armband is stationed here, and the leader is not an imperial officer, but a magician from Romania.



Yug Domirenia, a magical noble family from Romania, the 'Thousands of Trees' family, is a magic family originating from Northern Europe. Just like the name of the family's 'Thousands of Trees', this is a family that divides the family's magic engravings into different parts. The 'root' of the tree, so as to absorb nutrients and make the magic path of the entire Thousand World Tree resonate and enhance the heresy.

To put it simply, this is a family system that does not have a main heir, but is jointly served by all members of the family, and is incompatible with the entire magic world.

Therefore, this family focuses on the bloodline called 'Thousands of World Trees' rather than the so-called inheritance of the magic path, so as long as those... those whose magic circuits have declined, those who have lost their engravings due to accidents, and those who have lost their marks in political struggles The defeated magicians gather together and give them the family name of the 'Thousand World Tree', which is enough to expand the roots of the 'tree': make themselves stronger.

Danick is one of the members of the Thousand World Tree family. He is not a rare genius. He can only be regarded as quite satisfactory in terms of magical achievements, but he is a conspirator who is good at 'politics', because the magician of the clock tower The contempt of the Thousand World Trees' family made him contemptuous when he was studying in the Clock Tower. He was arrogant and persistent by nature and was always looking for an opportunity for revenge.

The opportunity just waited. When he was studying at the Clock Tower, he had the opportunity to enter the "library" of the seance, and found a book recorded more than two hundred years ago, by a man named Ma Qili.

A research note made by the magician of Sorgen, the note clearly explained a magic system called 'Command Spell'.

The reason why this research note is left in the empty corner of the collection room is because the 'Command Spell' is used to control Servants, but it is fundamental to want the information to summon Heroic Spirits from the 'Boundary Record Tape' to the world. It is impossible, then the so-called 'Command Spell' becomes a tasteless thing.

But Danick was interested in the "Command Spell", he was a persistent person, and he was confronting Maqiri after passing through.

After the investigation of the magician Zorgen, he finally found the 'Mato family' after the Zorgen family was renamed, and through the investigation of the 'Mato family', Danick finally confirmed the authenticity of the Holy Grail War.

The nobles of the Clock Tower have no interest in this 'magic ritual' that takes place in a remote area, but Danic thinks this is his chance. He has a 050 desire for the 'Holy Grail', and this desire is not the Holy Grail The victory of the war, he is more extreme than everyone thinks, instead of... participating in the so-called Holy Grail War to win, it is better to directly steal the entire Great Holy Grail system, wouldn't this also get the Holy Grail! In order to complete his ambition, he even committed the taboo of magicians and began to use the military power of the world to achieve his goals. If the newly established German Empire wants to start a war, they need a resource called oil. Romania happens to be rich in oil. It can be said that without the help of Romania, the German Empire could not even fight.

Danic is... taking advantage of this, using the prestige of the Millennium Tree family in Romania for many years, to make the two countries allies, Romania's oil is continuously imported into the war machine, and the German Empire also dispatched troops as a matter of course, Come and support your 'friends'.

"Even with the help of the army and the summoned magician, we can't be the opponent of the Servant, so we should wait until the war is over to steal the 'Great Holy Grail', at most... we need to wait In sixty years, a new Holy Grail War can be started under the control of the 'Thousand World Tree' family!"

"...Those in the Law and Politics Department should also know that I used the army of the world and committed a big taboo for magicians, but I still have a relationship in the clock tower, as long as I pay some price, I can Those people in the law and politics department fooled away, in order to get the Great Holy Grail, it is worth losing something!"

No matter how he thought about it, Danny felt that he had the chance to win. He was in high spirits and felt that the game was stable. The Great Holy Grail was already in his pocket!

Chapter 121: The Fall of the Thousand World Tree

A station outside Fuyuki City that was used as a temporary military camp - "It's so terrifying that it's like a battle of the Second Coming of the Gods!"



Yog Domirenia stared at the scene in Fuyuki City, the information sent by the familiar, with flickering eyes, and exclaimed in amazement.

At the same time, this member of the Thousand World Tree family secretly rejoiced that he was cautious enough to rush into Fuyuki City to **** the Holy Grail without relying on this unit and the dozen or so magicians he had recruited. If he really did this, It is estimated that he will be defeated by anyone in this war in an instant.

But seeing the Holy Grail War actually being able to summon Servants to appear and carry out the battle of the Age of Gods, which can definitely be described as a miracle in the modern magic world, Danick was also very excited.

'Arrogant clock tower nobles, you will definitely pay the price for your arrogance!' Danick clenched his fists, so what if he had to wait for sixty years to recharge after taking the Holy Grail? for sixty years.

'Based on my research and astrology feedback, Maqiri.

Zorgen is not dead. He should be hiding in the Matou family now. This magician who has lived for hundreds of years cannot stay. After taking the Holy Grail, he should destroy the Matou family.

' Just as Danny was planning for his next move, a man in a military uniform with a face as cold as a knife suddenly said beside him: "...This Holy Grail is an interesting thing, The leader must be interested, Mr. Danny, and I hope you will give it to the leader when you take the Holy Grail!"

His icy eyes looked at Danny beside him.

The German officer thought of the man who had just become the leader. He was very interested in these mysterious things, and there were some magicians around him who served him, and even sent expeditions to search for holy relics all over the world. After the strength of the Servants in the war, the officers also have other ideas. If the Holy Grail is dedicated to the leader, if they can find a way to use these Servants in the war, it will definitely help Germany. Bring victory and get yourself promoted! "Don't worry, Mr. Reinhardt! I'll give the Holy Grail to the leader first!"

Danny said in a very noble manner, and the whole person seemed very humble.

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