But soon, she just... covered her mouth and coughed twice, "...cough...cough...this is better than St. Petersburg.



It's developed a lot, it's just... this air..."

Her Royal Highness's throat was itchy due to the haze in the air, she frowned and complained.

With the blessing of the Industrial Revolution, Britain has become an empire on which the sun never sets in the course of a century of development. Colonies are spread all over the planet.

In a country where you can see the sun at any time, today's London is the real world center, the financial system is even more developed, and the world's most dominant currency is the British pound instead of the dollar in this era.

However, due to the industrial revolution, there was no environmental awareness in this era, so that the whole of London was smoky. It was not until the London smog incident in the 1950s that we noticed these... ......

Roy held the box and cane in his left hand, and gently patted Her Royal Highness on the back with his right hand, explaining: "...except for the environmental pollution caused by the Industrial Revolution, The climate here is also humid all the year round, and the residents use coal as the burning material, so it is natural to produce such smog, it’s okay, Anna”

"I'm all right, Godfather! It's just starting to get a little rough."

Although London is full of haze, the toxicity has not yet reached the point where it can kill people. Soon Her Royal Highness is used to the air here, and even if it is true, she will not easily fall down with her heroic physique.

The temperament of the two is too prominent, and even standing on the deck will attract the attention of many people. Anastasia carefully hugged Roy's arm. After that, Yurong was dyed with red glow.

"That's embarrassing. I remember you were very bold that day."

Roy noticed the shyness of Her Royal Highness, and just... said jokingly.

Anastasia snorted, and she lowered her head even more embarrassed. Thinking of her strength in the church that day and the excessive demands of putting Roy on the chair made her shy, and the next day she was even embarrassed. Too unrestrained, it hurts her to be unable to stand up.

But thanks to her own initiative that day, the relationship between her and Roy developed rapidly. It was also at that time that she knew that Roy had already made up her mind, but she chose to tease her to force her to take the initiative, which made Her Royal Highness the princess. Ashamed and angry.

'What a wicked godfather.

'Although I always muttered like this, but my relationship with the godfather has taken a step closer, making Her Royal Highness the princess laugh like a nightmare these few days on the cruise ship, because it was a tourist trip from Russia to the UK, and Roy was on the cruise ship. He also let the Queen's Palace drag him to the ball, listen to the opera, walk on the deck like the hero and heroine of the Titanic, and feel the sea breeze.

Playing around during the day, and staying in a house at night, Her Royal Highness, except...the first time she was very bold in the church, she was very shy every time after that, and she needed Roy to take the initiative to relieve Luo. This made Roy know that he still has a long way to go and needs to be developed.

Stepping off the long backboard, the church's carriage had been waiting on the pier for a long time, but Roy turned around at this time, took off his top hat and bowed slightly. Her Royal Highness also held up the skirt, elegantly. made a curtsey.

On the cruise ship, a young man in his twenties simply smiled and waved to the two of them. He looked at the backboard in front of him, then looked at the city of London in the distance, and shrank back in fear. Shrink your body.

This is a person who was born on a cruise ship and has never stepped on the land. He is also the chief pianist of the cruise ship. Roy's gift is a tribute to his excellent piano skills and his heart full of love. A tribute to the love of music.

"Come on, Anna! From today on, this is our home."

Roy took Her Royal Highness's hand and walked to the church's carriage.

"Well, this is the new home for me and the godfather."

Her Royal Highness smiled sweetly, her beautiful pupils under the silk scarf looked at the seagulls flying on the sea, and murmured, "...even in winter, it is much warmer here than Russia."

"Why did the supreme bishop of the Church of the Holy Church move the church headquarters to the London church headquarters? Shouldn't it be in Rome!"

Roy from St. Petersburg.



Coming to London is like a bolt from the blue for the magician of the London Clock Tower.

"Even if the supreme bishop came to London, this is the headquarters of the Magic Association, the Clock Tower headquarters that we have been operating for 1,900 years, how can you be so afraid of a cleric of the Holy Church!"

Someone said indignantly, but the person who said this did not have a magician to pay attention to him. From this point of view, it was a magician who did not participate in the Tunguska incident. Since he did not even participate in that major event, it means that it is not enough. ..Excellent, that is, when the talents of the clock tower are in short supply, they are qualified to improve their status a little, but such people will soon be overwhelmed by new magic geniuses.


Your Excellency Baluyere, you have some relationship with the supreme bishop. It is better for you to contact him and ask him what it means to come to London. We can also prepare in advance. When he comes here, he is right Albion, the tomb under our feet, is also a huge threat!"

A very high-ranking magician suggested this.

And the monarch who was mentioned.

Ruyeretta had a cold face and said nothing.

Chapter 111 The most delicious clock tower

St Paul.



The cathedral is the largest church in the UK and one of the five cathedrals in the world. It covers an area of ​​8,000 square meters and is built in a gorgeous Baroque style.

This magnificent building has a beautiful design and a quiet and serene interior. Standing on the top of the tower overlooking the city of London, it can be described as an excellent viewing platform.

The church is supported by square stone pillars, and painted with splendid colors everywhere. There are huge frescoes of Christ, the Virgin and Apostles on the four walls, as well as the carved woodwork of the choir seats. It is extremely gorgeous and has religious solemnity. solemn.

Today, this magnificent church with a history of 1,300 years has become Roy's residence in London and is also the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Spirit.

On the top of the tower, Roy changed into the Protestant teaching uniform, that is, the English Puritan costume. The pure white robe was dragged on the ground, and there was a collar like a scarf around his neck. There are hand-painted silk threads everywhere, and a pale gold cross is embroidered on the chest.

The overall feel of the clothes is... solemn, solemn and pure.

This is also Roy's third set of regular teaching uniforms. In the Godkiller world, he mainly wears the red robes of Catholicism, mainly cardinal uniforms. When he came to London, he also changed into Protestant clothes.

Unlike God and the Eastern Orthodox, Protestantism does not have the position of Pope and Patriarch, so Roy can only be called the Supreme Bishop here, which is consistent with his title in the Holy Church.

The difference between this sect and other Christianity is that there is a principle that all believers are priests in the doctrine, that is to say, any believer can contact God without having to go through the clergy. Disconnect.

Moreover, Protestantism also has a core doctrine of justification by faith. In a narrow sense, it means that people are born sinful and have lost their rationality, so people cannot rely on self-consciousness to exercise the so-called justice, that is, what you think you are Justice is not true justice, true justice can only be obtained if the Lord gives you redemption.

Under this doctrine, Roy, who has no original sin, has absolute rationality, that is, pure justice, regardless of...

Whatever he does, what he does is justice, he can be said to be the embodiment of justice, and a partner of justice! "London in this era is really full of vigor, it doesn't look like 80 years later, giving people a shabby old style. a feeling of."

Roy stood on the top of the church tower, stared at the pedestrians passing by in the whole city of London, and sighed sincerely.

As one of the first batches to carry out the Industrial Revolution, and even the United Kingdom, which has become an empire on which the sun never sets, its development is naturally the fastest, but this rapid development also has a disadvantage. It looks old and shabby, and in the 21st century there is also a lack of a modern sense of international city prosperity.

When he was in the forbidden world, Roy was also in London of the same era, but Roy at that time had to worry about how to eat enough every day, and he didn't have the time to mourn that now he has enough strength to be able to In this way, watching the operation of a city with great interest, expressing his own reflections.

"Da da... da da..."

Roy heard the sound of his heels stepping on the long stone ladder from behind. He turned his head slightly and saw Her Royal Highness, the princess in the dress of the Russian royal family, walking through the spiraling stairs. come before him.

Anastasia was supposed to wear the same clothes as Roy, but Roy still let her continue to wear this gorgeous dress, even though it was different for Her Royal Highness to wear teaching clothes, it was only when she was wearing a crown and wearing When he was wearing a court dress, Roy had a sense of excitement that he was tasting the Russian princess and exploring her secret place.

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