Well, instead of taking off all the clothes, Roy felt more comfortable with half-covering or exercising with clothes on.

Under Roy's piercing gaze, Anastasia blushed inexplicably, her silver hair flew up, and the long hair curtain blocked a beautiful eye. It is holding a file.

"Godfather, this is the dossier sent by the Diocese of Egypt and Northern Europe for your review."

Roy took the file, opened it, glanced at it, and then... took out his own seal and stamped it.

After seeing that... seal, Her Royal Highness felt a strange feeling from the bottom of my heart, because Roy once took that... seal and secretly covered some places on her body that people couldn't see, because of its mysterious effect, Even she takes days to wash off the traces of the seal.

"Very well, the establishment of Diocese No. 0 has been completed. In the future, this diocese will be under my direct jurisdiction, and the rest will be handed over to other bishops."

Roy closed the dossier, and this document will also be kept as a secret archive of the church.

"Why split the parish in three"

Her Royal Highness walked to Roy's side and asked in confusion.

Roy knew that although she had obtained the power of heroic spirits, she still had a limited understanding of the mysterious world, that is... Explained to her: "...The Magic Association used to refer to the clock tower in the past, but in fact The Magic Association is divided into three parts, the Clock Tower is only one of them, and the other two parts of the Association are Atlas Academy and Wandering Sea."

"...Atlas Academy is located in Egypt, and the Wandering Sea is in the sea of ​​imaginary numbers. If its main activity location in the present world is in northern Europe, the important stronghold of the Magic Association is still up to me. It would be better for this... Supreme Bishop to sit in the seat himself."

After hearing this, Anastasia suddenly said: "...So it is, then the godfather will come to London because the Clock Tower is the strongest of the three parts of the Magic Association"

"On the contrary, it is the most delicious Gong."

Roy laughed and groaned.

"Ah, then why does the godfather come to live here?"

Her Royal Highness was startled, feeling that she was confused by Roy.

Roy laughed and said: "...Okay, okay... One is because people from Atlas College and the Wandering Sea generally don't appear in the world, they are not very dangerous, and these people in the Clock Tower are It's more evasive. To be honest, they are the most arrogant but the most arrogant. I really despise them... The second is... no matter...

Egypt or northern Europe, where is there a comfortable place to live in London, I can't let my little goblin live a miserable life."

Her Royal Highness listened to Roy's words, but she insisted: "...I am not such a willful princess. When I was in Siberia and Yekaterinburg, I also persevered in such difficult days. "

'Besides, as long as the godfather is there, it doesn't matter...

How bitter the days are sweet.

' she thought secretly, but she was too embarrassed to say it out of shyness.

At this moment, an agent came hurriedly, bowed to Roy and said, "... Supreme Bishop, a magician is visiting you, and she said she is.

Balu Ereta!"

Chapter 112 The Lady Sovereign of the Clock Tower


Baru Yere.

Artolohom, a beauty less than thirty years old, the daughter of the former monarch of Balu Yereta, one of the eleven monarchs of the Clock Tower today.

Baru Yereta.

It is rare in the history of the clock tower to inherit the throne of the monarch at the age of less than 30. Although Enolai is extremely talented in magic, the most important thing in the clock tower is the genius magician. , Every era has the appearance of the favored son of heaven. She was able to inherit one of the three major nobles of the clock tower, not relying on her own magic talent, but the main reason is that she lived in a special period.

'But if I can, I don't want to inherit the monarchy right now, which completely disrupts my life plan.

' Although he sighed, since this was his father's request, Enola had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Stand in Sao Paulo.



In the entrance hall of the cathedral, Enola's body was standing upright, and his muscles were tense. At this moment, the pride of the three great nobles of the clock tower did not appear on him at all.

No wonder she was so cautious and fearful, this is the largest church in the UK, and is the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church today, especially since the clock tower is still being suppressed by the Church of the Holy Church, and even Enola believes that even if As a monarch, if he died here, the clock tower will also reveal the matter lightly. Except...the current clock tower is really difficult to compete with the Holy Church, the most important thing is The reason is because Enolai is the victim of the clock tower political struggle.

If there is one word to describe the atmosphere of the 757 Clock Tower, it would be 'Why not, the first place in infighting.

’ Today, the clock tower is at an absolute disadvantage in front of the Church of the Holy Church. It can be said that unless the Church of the Holy Church is involved in the foundation of the clock tower of Albion, the spiritual tomb, it will not matter. . . .

What happened, the monarchs of the Clock Tower would pretend not to know.

Even if there was no one in the church hall, Enola's heart beat faster and his expression was tense. The portraits and sculptures of Christ, the Virgin, and apostles all around seemed to be watching her, standing in this hall regardless...

Whoever has only grandeur and holiness in their hearts, has awe and devotion to God, Enolai understands that this is actually a kind of psychological magic.

And apart from these dead objects, Enolai knew that she was really being watched by many people. As the headquarters of the Holy Church, the most important thing here is an agent. Enolai believes that as long as she has a slight change, She will be torn to shreds by these...agents, even if she is the monarch of Balu Yereta, she is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of such a group of terrifying agents.

No, let alone her, even if the monarch of Bathemello came here, he would have to surrender in embarrassment.

Time passed by minute by minute, and drips of sweat dripped from Enola's bright and clean forehead, but she didn't even dare to wipe it with her hands, for fear of causing unnecessary misunderstandings. At this time, she was even glad that she drank water when she went out. It is relatively few, and it will not produce more physiological reactions. As the leader of one of the three major nobles of the clock tower, it is a shame for a magician to have such an idea.

The monarch of Balu Yereta laughed at himself.

At this moment, Enolai suddenly felt that all the eyes watching over her had disappeared, her rigid body loosened, and a breath of relief was exhaled from her chest.

When I looked up, I saw that... it's been ten years.

But a figure she will never forget is coming.

A flash of thoughts flashed in Enolai's eyes, but soon the king was...with a stern expression, the whole person became solemn, and saluted the figure walking in front of him in pure white teaching uniform: " ...Dear Highest Bishop of the Church of the Holy Church, I am Enola.


Artolohom, the monarch of the Creation Division, is here to visit your Excellency on behalf of the Clock Tower of the Magic Society!"

Compared with ten years ago, Roy brought more pressure to Ino, not because of Roy's increase in strength or her imposing aura, but just because Inola's current status has already been created. The head of the division, even if she is the monarch's replacement, is still not qualified to represent the clock tower and her family, so she can face Roy with a more relaxed mood.

But now she is one of the monarchs, and she has completely represented the face of the clock tower. When facing Roy, the highest bishop of the Holy Church, she was under so much psychological pressure that she even wanted her to see a doctor .

There is no way. It is an extremely difficult task to maintain the pride of the clock tower monarch and the three nobles, and to respect the... Supreme Bishop in front of him, so as not to cause unpleasant disputes between the two sides.

In his heart, he cursed the clock tower magicians and other factions who were looking for trouble for him, but Enola's superficial expression was a little bit of pride hidden in the restraint.

Roy looked at the girl he hadn't seen for ten years in front of him, and felt that she had changed a lot.

Ten years ago, although Enola was a magician, she had the youth and beauty of a young girl. She wore a long skirt every day. Even in those days when she was locked in the church, she was more lively and active.

But today's Enolai has already undergone a huge change, not a change in appearance. For those magician families of the monarch faction, they have enough technology and resources to live for three hundred years, as long as these magic If the teacher thinks, their appearance can be maintained in a young state.

The Inola in front of her has matured a lot, not physically, but in temperament. She wears decent and expensive trousers and vest shirts, which is a fashionable change for women in this era. It looks like a knight's uniform. Everyone was handsome.

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