'I hope this kind of day lasts forever, without anyone else to disturb it.

' She secretly prayed to the Lord.

"Italians love espresso, and honestly even I'm not sensitive to that... taste."

Roy was dealing with the documents on the table and the official business of the church, while Anastasia pulled a chair and sat quietly beside Roy with her delicate and graceful chin on the edge of the table. , look at Roy, and look at the document he is approving.

Roy doesn't like adding too much sugar and milk to coffee, that is, cappuccino, mocha... coffee type he doesn't like to drink, but Italians like... pure espresso is too bitter and also Not liked by Roy, he prefers American coffee, which is between the two, but American coffee has not yet appeared at this time, but Her Royal Highness has made a more suitable taste, maybe it should be renamed Russian "The godfather does so much work every day."

Anastasia looked at the pile of documents on the table, just... sighed.

"In addition to... the internal work of the Orthodox Church, the most important thing is... the various approvals of the Church of the Holy Church. There are too many departments involved in the Church of the Holy Church, and they will eventually be summed up to me, to be honest. I have begun to regret integrating the Church of the Holy Church."

Roy threw the pen in his hand on the table, leaned against the back of the chair and stretched out, "... Now no one can help me divide the work, and I don't know when I will find a few tools for overtime work. Someone help me with the work, or Anna, do me a favor"


Her Royal Highness, looking at so many documents, was already having a headache, she shook her head repeatedly: "...I won't do this kind of thing, let's leave it to the godfather."

"Can't help me share the work pressure, what's the use of you, my little goblin"

Roy laughed at Her Royal Highness.

Anastasia puffed up her cheeks angrily, she stretched out five slender fingers, and replied with a straight face: "...I pour coffee for the godfather every day, cut fruits, and your clothes are also I have always washed it myself, and I haven't handed it over to other priests, so how can you say that I'm useless."

Her Royal Highness, who was once assigned to Siberia and Yekaterinburg, learned many household chores that ordinary girls can do during that tragic year and a half. Although life in that year and a half was very tiring, it also washed away Anastasia. The flashy temperament in the past has learned to work hard and bear hardships and stand hard work.

"If you can't help me share the work... it's useless. You should have been digging potatoes or digging in Beria in the first place."

"The godfather is so bad."

Anastasia raised her small hand and lightly hammered Roy's arm, making a coquettish sound, but the corners of her curved eyes were full of smiles.

Such self-willed, bickering with the godfather is the daily routine that Her Royal Highness is most grateful to the Lord.

Roy patted Her Royal Highness's little hand, he pressed his head, frowned slightly, and the sequelae of the Human Principles Correction that he used two days ago are still there: Although it does not affect his strength, this kind of The headache has been gone for a long time.

"Godfather, are you alright?"

Her Royal Highness asked with concern.

"It's nothing, it'll be fine in a day or two, you don't have to worry."

"Then I...help Godfather relax"

Roy thought that Her Royal Highness wanted to press her head, although it was of no use, his headache was mental rather than physical, but Roy saw that Her Royal Highness was so serious, it was not good to brush her. He nodded and said, "...then I'll leave it to you."

Roy closed his eyes and waited for Her Royal Highness's service, so that Romanov's Royal Highness could do this kind of service, except... Roy, only her parents could do it Arrived.

Anastasia stood up, she looked at Roy who closed her eyes, hesitation and hesitation flashed in her azure blue eyes, she felt that her lips were dry, and she could control the ice and snow, and she found that her body was actually out of tension. Sweat, felt a burst of heat, and the beating speed of the heart seemed to jump out of the mouth at any time, but in the end, this nervous emotion was turned into firmness under the stimulation of some kind of drink.

Roy, who was closing his eyes, felt his hand being lifted, and immediately... felt a burst of softness. He opened his eyes and looked, and saw Her Royal Highness standing in front of him with his head bowed, she put 'Wei Fang' On the table beside her, she held her own hands with both hands and pressed it against her heart.

The girl's development is good, and she can handle it.

Roy didn't have any embarrassment or embarrassment, he just stared at Anastasia and said in a gentle voice without any harsh reprimands: "...what are you doing, Anna.. ..."

Her Royal Highness's body trembled, she endured the discomfort, and said without flinching: "...I don't have the good-looking sisters and mother?"

This is the question she has always wanted to ask.

Roy was stunned for a moment, shook his head, and said sincerely: "... Of course not, although I am sorry for Her Majesty Queen Alexandra who has passed away, I am also sorry for your sisters who have left for North America. , but Anna, you are the most beautiful and special one, I swear to the Lord for that."

Anastasia raised her throat, almost so nervous that her broken heart calmed down a lot, she sighed and gritted her teeth: "...then why do you do this to your mother and sisters, godfather.. ....doing that kind of thing...and being indifferent to me"

"You know it, Anna..."

Although Roy didn't particularly hide from Her Royal Highness, he didn't expect her to know so much.

Anastasia turned her head to look at a box in this office, and she said a little unhappily: "...the things in that box are the personal belongings of many noble ladies and young ladies. things."

Seeing her jealous little entanglement, Roy just... smiled and said, "...not happy."

He thought it was really interesting to tease this little girl. Roy was not slow, how could she not feel her hazy feelings for him.

"Well, I'm a little unhappy..."

Her Royal Highness embroidered her eyebrows tightly, admitting her true feelings, but soon she was...with her brows stretched out, "...but now I'm a little happy, because the godfather belongs to me alone. !"

Her Royal Highness, who was originally a cowardly squirrel, suddenly possessed courage. Her petite body was filled with the courage and fearlessness unique to women of the fighting race, and her voice became louder and asked: "...Godfather, do you like me? 4.


Saying this, she unbuttoned the thin clothes one by one, and the snow white reflected Roy's eyes, like a beautiful fairy standing in the ice and snow, sucking people's souls away.

But Roy didn't look at the beautiful scenery at this time, he said with hindsight: "...you've been drinking."

The alcohol smell of vodka permeated the room, and the fighting power that the fighting people who had drank vodka could break out of the limits of human beings, it was obvious that Anastasia's body was so thin, but the strength in her hands It was like a female bear, when Roy didn't respond, he pressed him directly on the chair and couldn't move.

Roy struggled for a while, and found that he really couldn't do it if he wanted to break free without hurting her... At this time, Her Royal Highness was already fearless, she pressed Roy on the chair, her eyes were Thick fiery and fearless, he declared loudly: "...you are mine now, godfather!"

No matter how timid and shy we are usually, as long as we drink vodka, there is nothing we can't do as a fighting nation!

Chapter 110 Our new home


With the sound of the whistle, a cruise ship docked in the Port of London.

Even if there was a regrettable incident that the Titanic sank under a glacier six years ago, cruise ships are irreplaceable as the most suitable ocean-going transportation in this era.

In the luxury guest room on the top floor of the cruise ship, a young man and woman walk out of it.

The man wears the characteristic British clothing of the early 20th century, a white shirt with a bow tie, a vest over the shirt, and a plaid suit and trousers over the jacket. He wears a top hat and holds a gentleman's walking stick in his right hand. , the left hand is carrying a small wooden box, the leather shoes are stepping on the floor of the cruise ship corridor, and there is a crisp echo.

Next to the man was a noble girl in a long snow-colored dress. She was wearing a silk scarf that covered her upper face. Her waist-length silver hair was pulled up high, and her graceful body The posture is elegant and extravagant, the exposed cherry lips and the delicate snow-white chin have a charming elegance, which makes it difficult to look away.

The two walked very close, and the silent warmth looked like a newly married couple.

"Finally in London, Anna..."

On the deck of the cruise ship, there are seagulls circling and chirping, the port is full of pedestrians, the workers at the dock are carrying the goods, and the guests of the lower class are just after disembarking... Join the family waiting here, the first class Guests are greeted by butlers, carriages, etc.

It was naturally Roy and Anastasia who came to the UK from Russia by cruise ship. Roy did not let any agent follow him along the way. He took Her Royal Highness with him as if he was on a newlywed tour and came on a luxurious cruise ship. New job in London.

"This is London..."

Anastasia stood on the high cruise ship, looking curiously at the busy port and the city of London in the distance. This was the first time she left Russia. The seventeen-year-old girl naturally has a strong sense of everything. of curiosity.

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