In Peter and Paul Church, Roy saw two officers wearing military coats, he took out a bottle of vodka and asked kindly.

"Ah, thank you, Your Majesty, to have a sip of vodka in the cold winter is like... heaven, oh, of course, it's not winter yet."

The two officers rubbed their hands, and after expressing their gratitude to Roy, they bluntly took the bottle of Voltega and blew a couple of sips, until they exhaled a stream of heat containing alcohol, and their expressions became excited. stand up.

That excited look is like a car that has been filled with gasoline, and finally it can start.

"What's the matter with the two of you coming to the church?"

Roy asked mildly.

Facing him, the Patriarch of Dongzheng, the two officers did not dare to be too presumptuous. After they stood at attention and gave a salute, they said solemnly: "...That's right, Your Majesty! More than a month ago, a regrettable incident occurred when a key member of the Romanov family was killed in the private operation of the local authorities."

"...Although we told the people that all the Romanovs died in the catastrophe, but you know that the four princesses didn't actually die, they just disappeared."

The officer's words were very euphemistic, and his sad expression was also very serious, making people think that the massacre of the Tsar's family that happened in July was really just force majeure.

Roy didn't break him, but just said with a smile: "...That... Your Excellency, what do you mean exactly?"

"Because, Your Majesty, you used to have a very good relationship with the Romanov family, because the above asked us to come and ask if you know the whereabouts of the four princesses."

The officer asked like a routine.

"That's what happened in Yekaterinburg in July, and this is St. Petersburg.



, Although I am very sad and regretful, but I do not know the whereabouts of the four princesses, if your Excellency suspects, you can also search this church."

Roy gave up his seat indifferently, indicating that they could conduct a search.

"That's not necessary, Your Majesty! This is the Peter and Paul Church, a holy place for all believers. We all believe in you as the Lord's messenger, so there is no need to search. Thank you for your notification. We are ready to leave. If you have If you have news about the four princesses, please let us know."

The officer shook his head and rejected Roy's proposal, instead preparing to leave.

"If I have definite news, I will inform you. I am also happy to know that the four 44 children were not killed. May the Lord bless them!"

Roy drew a cross in his heart, seemingly praising God piously.

The two officers then said goodbye and left.

"..."Georgi, since that His Majesty agreed to our search of the church, why don't we do it? To be honest, even if the four princesses were not in the church, their disappearance was inevitable. It is related to the Patriarch, we have been searching for so long and have not found those princesses, there must be people."

The officer, who had not spoken before, asked Ji Ji beside him in confusion.

Georgie glanced at Tongli beside him and shook his head secretly, but he couldn't help but explain, he could only say patiently: " many months did the Romanov family be killed?"

"It's July."

"What month is it"

"It's September."

"Who gave the order this time to ask the Patriarch"

"A great mentor!"

The officer suddenly said with a respectful and solemn expression.

"You can guess that the disappearance of the four princesses must be related to the patriarch. How could the great mentor not guess it? But why did the mentor not come to the patriarch the first time the princess disappeared, but after more than a It’s needless to say that he only sent us here after a month, because the tutor has long tacitly agreed that the patriarch will protect the princess, and the search for the princess is just a formality, and the above has long ignored it!”

"...Since it's just a formality, we are still so serious about what we do, and we want to offend people for nothing. From this incident, we can actually guess that the tutor and the patriarch know each other privately and have a good relationship, so The above will acquiesce to the disappearance of the princess."

Georgie looked at his colleague with regret, and felt that he didn't know how to figure out what he wanted.

"That's it, Georgi, you can see it, it's amazing!"

The officer who drank vodka patted Georgie's shoulder vigorously and said excitedly.

......In the church, seeing that the two officers didn't really foolishly search the church, Roy nodded with satisfaction. On both sides, the tacit understanding of the friends of the fate.

"Bring some essentials, it's also time to move."

Roy looked at the church where he had lived for seventeen years. He was really reluctant to leave like this. He walked back to his office and took out a file from a safe protected by a mysterious lock.

Picking up the pen, Roy thought about it, opened the file and began to record on it.

One of the members of the burial organization——Name: Anastasia.


Romanova's Faith: The Life of the Orthodox Church of the Cross: In concise words, the seventeen years of Her Royal Highness's life and the way and method of gaining strength were recorded. In the end, Roy took out the highest bishop of the Holy Church. The seal is stamped on this dossier, so that the contents of this dossier have divine effect.

Her Royal Highness always has an identity and a position by her side, and Roy is just about to re-establish the burial institution. With the strength of Her Royal Highness today, it is more than enough to become one of the members of the burial institution, so that she can also integrate into the church. , It just so happens that Her Royal Highness is also a devout Christian believer, so she doesn't even need to do things like conversion.

.........After writing, Roy put away the file and put it in the safe, which also contained many top-secret documents of the church, which was one of the important items he was about to bring to London. .

"Dong dong——"

There was a sound in front of the door, and Roy didn't have to guess who would come to him at this time, "...Come in, Anna!"

Anastasia gently opened the door and walked in. She was holding a plate in her hand with a cup of steaming coffee on it. After closing and locking the door, Her Royal Highness was light He walked to Roy's desk and said in a soft and pleasant voice: "...Godfather, this is the coffee I made, would you like to taste it?"

Roy looked up and saw that today's Her Royal Highness is not wearing that luxurious crown, she put the coffee cup on the table with her right hand, and hugged 'Wei' tightly with her left hand, because she was in the room and she took off her clothes. He took off his cloak and coat, and just wore a thin single coat.

The neckline of the dress is low, and under the intertwined lace pattern, there is a piece of snow-white jade muscle, and the cross on her jade neck is close to that round deep ravine.

"Thank you, Anna, you wrote a letter before saying that you are learning to make coffee, and now you have finally learned it"

"I can be considered a qualified barista now... Godfather, don't work too hard, you have to learn to combine work and rest."

Anastasia rolled her eyes and chuckled Ding.

Chapter 109 The fighting nation who drinks vodka is invincible!

Anastasia gently held the coffee cup with both hands, and the light ice crystals formed, so that the steaming coffee quickly became... cold. She remembered that Roy liked iced coffee and not A hot coffee drinker, he likes cool things even in the cold winter.

Seeing that Her Royal Highness even remembered the little details that he liked, Roy's eyes flashed with warmth, he picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, under the expectant gaze of Her Royal Highness, nodded and said: "... ..yes, the taste is to my liking.”

With Roy's compliment, Her Royal Highness's smile became even more gorgeous. In order to make the coffee that Roy likes to drink, she has been studying and innovating hard, choosing from different temperatures and varieties of coffee beans. enough coffee to satisfy even a picky guy like Roy.

'Maybe I can open a cafe in the future... no, let's open a ramen shop.

' Anastasia thought wildly. Although her parents are no longer there and her sisters have gone to North America, she sometimes thinks selfishly that the current life is the life she has been longing for since she was eight years old. "Seven Five Zero"

, I follow my godfather every day, I don't need to think about superfluous things, and my godfather is always able to tolerate his own... Little willful, such a simple and one-on-one life is actually... The day the Romanov princess longed most.

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