Roy, who has not resigned from the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church, as the spiritual belief of the believers, presided over the funeral ceremony. There were only four princesses who participated in the funeral of the ... the last tsar. In this special period, no one would dare to Come and really participate in the Tsar's farewell.

Standing on the prayer table, Roy looked back and saw that the four princesses were wearing long black dresses, their eyes were red, and they bowed their heads for their father, their mother, and their younger brother. The last prayer sends them to heaven.

Roy doesn't know whether the queen and the prince can go to heaven, but he knows that with what Nicholas II did when he was alive, he is bound to go to hell. Even if he lives according to the requirements of the doctrine, he has hurt countless people. Lamb of the Lord, let them fall into poverty, into misery 400 "My condolences, Your Majesty."

Roy stepped down from the prayer table and whispered beside the four princesses.

"Thank you for bringing our parents back to the sanctuary and praying for them, so that the corpses will not be destroyed in the wilderness."

The eldest princess Olga folded her hands in front of her and bowed slightly to Roy.

Roy shook his head and said: "...this is what I should do, the carriage is ready outside, this is the ticket to North America, I will send a few agents to take you to North America, along the way Their safety will be protected by them."

Under normal circumstances, as the representative of the Holy Church, he would not do anything unrelated to the mystery. Roy's behavior is considered to be a personal gain, but as the Supreme Bishop of the Holy Church, his order is... Absolutely, no one would dare to disobey.

Now that the First World War has just ended, the defeated countries are about to be sanctioned, and there was the famous sinking of the Titanic six years ago, and the entire European continent is not safe.

"Thank you for everything you have done for us. Now we have lost everything and don't know how to repay you."

Several princesses said gratefully.

"There is nothing to repay, and you have already dedicated your body and mind to the Lord."

Roy evoked a smile, and the slightly ambiguous words made the faces of the princesses turn red, and they turned into awe.

"The authorities are looking for you, and it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. I have already ordered a nuns in North America. Once you get there, you will go directly to the nuns. There will be local nuns to receive you and teach you how to become the clergy of the Lord. ."

"...this is an account at Morgan Bank with millions of dollars in deposits, and it's for you to use."

The US dollar in this era is very valuable. According to the purchasing power of the 21st century, this million US dollars is at least equivalent to hundreds of millions of US dollars.

Nicholas II donated many Russian treasures to the church, but those things are priceless and difficult to convert into cash, so the church will not lose money.

Olga, the eldest sister, took Luo's passbook. This time, she was not rejecting it. She carefully kept the passbook. With such a huge sum of money, she was also a little flustered, but she thought that she had an agent along the way. Protection, and my heart gradually calmed down.

"It's up to you to protect the princesses, and then you don't have to go back here, go to London to report."

Roy said to the four men and women dressed in black godfather behind him.

Today's Russia is no longer suitable for staying too long, and Roy has decided to move the headquarters of the Church to St. Paul in London.




As for what the magician of the clock tower thought after hearing the news, it was not something that Roy needed to think about.

"Yes, Supreme Bishop!"

Several agents bowed their heads and responded, that is... standing aside and no longer speaking, silent like a marble sculpture.

The three princesses did not waste much time. They put on a black thick fleece coat and the same black scarf on their heads, and followed Roy to the back door of the church, where two carriages were already waiting. write.

There were no civil aircraft in this era, and several princesses wanted to travel from Europe to North America, and it took more than a month to arrive by ship.

"Your Majesty, can we speak to Anna?"

Before getting in the car, the second princess Tatyana asked Roy carefully.

"Of course, you can say what you have to say, but you don't have to be sad. You can exchange letters at any time in the future. When this turmoil is over, Anna can also visit you in North America."

Roy said very gentlemanly, took a step back and left space for the four sisters.

"To be honest, after Anna returned to church that day, we thought you had changed a lot."

Olga pulled her youngest sister to her side and looked at her up and down, "...But although Anna's temperament has changed a lot, she is still our... little sister who loves to bully."

Anastasia felt sad in her heart, she sniffled, and cried: "...Sister, you must write to me as soon as you go to North America, although I believe the godfather will You are arranged, but I still want to know your news as soon as possible."

"Since you don't want us, Anna, why don't you go with us."

The three princesses, Maria, blurted out.


As the eldest sister, Olga glared at the third sister, blaming her for her indiscretion, "... Of course Anna has her own ideas if she doesn't want to go with us, and as Your Majesty said, It's not like we'll never see each other again."

"Um...Anna is a thief, a liar."

Maria muttered softly.

Olga ignored Maria, she held her youngest sister's hand, winked at her, and said ambiguous: "... Come on Anna, if you are not sure yourself, just ask Sisters, come and help, sisters can sacrifice themselves for Anna."

After saying that, Olga first laughed out loud 'giggling'.

Anastasia's face was flushed, and her mouth was reluctant. Although she had gained unimaginable power, in front of her three sisters, she was still just that... naughty, bullying, and loved by her sisters. 's sister.

"Go, don't keep your majesty waiting, we won't be able to leave at this rate!"

Olga gave Anastasia a nudge, and the three princesses took one last look at their sister, and said goodbye to her and boarded the carriage.

in St. Petersburg.



Under the cold wind, the agent drove the carriage away, and Her Royal Highness stood at the intersection like this, staring blankly at the carriage disappearing into the distance.

"It's cold outside, go back to church, Anna..."

Roy stepped forward at this time, put on the white cloak with cross stars for her, and stood beside Her Royal Highness the princess and said warmly.

Anastasia came back to her senses, she turned her head sideways and stared at Roy's face in a daze, bit her lip and gently grabbed his big hand, saying emotionally, "...Please keep holding on tight. My hand, godfather...please stay where I can see...please always answer me whenever you hear my voice...because I , I don't want to lose any more, you are my only..."

Chapter 108 The new identity of the princess

Entering St. Petersburg in September.



It has gradually become cold, and many people are wearing thick coats, but although the Russian winter is always long and cold, it is this harsh climate that helps the Russians defeat many strong enemies, such as Napoleon, twenty. Deutschland a few years later.

"Comrade, do you want a glass of vodka?"

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