"Boom boom boom boom boom----"

The bombardment sound like a modern missile washing the ground resounded in this inherent barrier, and the magical and mysterious explosion swept a terrifying storm, and even the permafrost storm that never stopped was blown away.

On one side... the palace wall completely collapsed and turned into ruins, but compared to this huge palace, the collapse of this wall is nothing.

For this result 'Emiya Shirou' had long expected, the imperial castle that the other party summoned is too huge and solid, unless it is 'that kind of... the world-breaking Noble Phantasm can summon the princess with one blow The palace is shattered, otherwise even King Arthur's holy sword will be difficult to shatter with a single sword.

"Boss, this is really giving me a problem."

Emiya Shirou's face was full of bitterness, and then he saw a giant black shadow appear above the castle.

Inside the castle, the princess holding the puppet in her arms had a stern face. She felt very dissatisfied that the palace where she entertained the godfather was smashed... She was very dissatisfied with the city wall. She gently hugged the elf in her arms and whispered: " ...Open your eyes, Wei! Slash our enemies with a thousand swords!"

As her voice fell, a pair of strange eyes appeared on the dark face of the elf from the Slavic mythology, and at the same time, the dark shadow distorted like a giant suddenly appeared on the castle.

"Wei, see everything, penetrate everything, and dedicate your strength to my frost!"

With the high voice of Her Royal Highness, the spirit of the deep sea giant in Celtic mythology, the mystery finally opened its eyes.

0 sucks!"

At that moment, Emiya Shirou, who was stared at by the dark giant's eyes, sighed, and then stopped making any defenses.

He only felt that when the sight fell on him, a feeling of weakness that he had never had before swept through his whole body, making him fear the cold to the extreme, as if the air-conditioning had become a means of murder enough to shatter it.

This is the root of the 'Dead Eye', the power of Balor, the king of deep sea giants. If the 'Dead Eye' is to see the opponent's dead line, and then need to use the method of contact to make the enemy meet death, then the dimension The power of ' is... to force the enemy's weakness, and then use the weakness to break the enemy.

'In versatility and scope, it is far superior to the Devil's Eye of Death, but it is not comparable to the real Eye of Balor. However, because Anna is not connected to the root, she cannot understand the death of all things, and it is not comparable to the root-type in terms of killing individuals. , but this is also an exceptional Noble Phantasm, as expected of the elf of the devil's eye!' Just as Roy was estimating the power of Her Royal Highness, the Blizzard that belongs to the Lost Belt in the inherent barrier blew up again and was involved in the 'Emiya' In Shirou's infinite sword system.

Emiya Shirou, who was forcibly given a weakness, couldn't hold on any longer, and his body gradually cracked in this blizzard, turning into pieces of ice crystals.

And with his death, Anastasia also lifted the inherent barrier, the exotic landscape disappeared, and she and Roy reappeared in Yekaterina's museum.

Chapter 106 "I am Alaya"

After continuously unfolding the inherent barrier and using the Noble Phantasm, Anastasia did not feel any fatigue, and this magical power completely surpassed that of the ancestor of the dead apostles.

Taking the Holy Grail as the core, the huge magic power in the Holy Grail can meet the needs of the main god's spiritual base, and allow Her Royal Highness to launch an attack far exceeding that of ordinary servants. Although the total amount of magic power is not infinite, the Holy Grail will also automatically absorb from the source. Magic power, as long as magic power is not poured out, is always in danger of being depleted.

"Godfather, how am I doing?"

When Her Royal Highness saw that the guardian was dead, she walked to Roy with the puppet in her arms. Her long hair covered a bright eye, and she raised her head as if she was praying for praise. of little children.

"Well done, Anna...but you have to learn to save, you don't need to waste so much magic power against an enemy of that level."

Roy's palm fell on Her Royal Highness's face. Her face was very small, about the size of Roy's palm, and her soft jade muscles were as tender as a child.

Obviously he can fight with a level, but he has to use a big move. Roy warned Her Royal Highness some important points about the battle in a serious tone.

"Because I haven't tried it, I want to see how far I can do it."

Her Royal Highness retorted in a low voice, she raised her jade arm, picked up the puppet in her arms, and said in a gentle and elegant voice: "...this child is called 'Wei', and it was given to me by the godfather. child."

Perhaps knowing that her words were somewhat ambiguous, Anastasia's snow-white face was dyed with a shy glow, her eyes wandering but extremely bold.

Roy was dumbfounded by her teasing, and he nodded solemnly and said, "...Well, since it's Anna and I's child, you have to treat her well."

Her Royal Highness lowered her head, she hugged 'Wei' tightly, but was embarrassed by what Roy said.

At this moment, Anastasia's expression changed suddenly, she raised her head and looked towards the end of the corridor, her blue pupils shrank, and she approached Roy nervously, "...he, how did he still!"

At the end of the corridor of the museum, the guardian of restraint appeared again, like a ghost.

"It's really haunted!"

At this time, even Roy's face sank. This is also the most annoying situation for him. Even in the face of... an enemy who needs to do his best to defeat, it is better than such a weak, but let you fly like a fly Inexhaustible harassment.

"Godfather, what are we going to do"

Her Royal Highness was a little at a loss, facing this kind of thing that could never be killed, it was simply annoying.

Roy pondered for a while, and when he saw the shadow attacking again, he said to Her Royal Highness: "...Hide behind me, Anna! This is the guardian of Alaya, it seems I also need to think differently and use 'threat' to make Alaya honest."

Her Royal Highness did not understand the meaning of Roy's words, but she would definitely be able to solve any problem. She obediently took a wrong step back and hid behind him, and the magic power like frozen ice crystals lingered.

ready to provide support.

"The Lord has revealed that I am a prophet, 'I am Jesus'!"

Roy watched the red shadow in front of him coming step by step. He read out the words and activated the "human principle correction formula"! This is no longer King Solomon's "human wisdom" technique, which arrived when Roy arrived. After reaching the pinnacle of human beings, he also improved this technique. It can be said that this is an extremely rare technique that even Aiwass cannot master, and uses 'humanity' to compile and attack a great technique! Luo Yi has always used the "Human Principle Amendment Formula" to extract infinite magic power from the Human Principle, which is more like a passive function, and now this is Roy's initiative to activate the "Human Principle Amendment Formula".

Anastasia's eyes widened, she was surprised to see an extremely complex pattern of spells appearing behind Roy, and there seemed to be seventy-two faintly: golden pillars standing in the center of the human mind. Among them, the seventy-two: the pillars of the gods are the heretics of the devil, but they were made up after they were attributed to the rule of Yahweh', from heresy to the Bible! "The time of birth has come, by which to correct all phenomena !"

In the 'Human Law Burning Out', this is the mighty force that can penetrate the planet, and in the 'Manpower Correction', this is the true use of the art! Her Royal Highness seemed to hear the rushing sound of the river in her ear, as if listening to When it comes to the grinding sound of the wheels, it is not a real sound, but a mysterious appearance.

"The wheel of history is roaring", "the torrent of history is rolling down", new things will definitely replace old things, and those who stand in front of the wheel of history will be crushed by it.

The "Human Principles Correction Formula" strikes with the concept of "Human History" and "Human Principles"! At this moment, Roy is transformed into a "prophet", as if he was leading the ignorant human beings to the correct one in the ancient world. direction, that is the direction of 'humanity'.

The origin is the directionality of individual human beings, while the human principle is the directionality of the entire human group. When starting the "Human Principles Amendment Formula", Roy briefly obtained the power to correct human principles. At this moment, he is the A prophet in the religious sense is a beacon that guides the progress of mankind. It represents the development requirements of all mankind, the direction of the correct human rationale, and the most fundamental interests of the whole mankind.

And when a person's will is followed by the entire human race, it is Alaya! Under the torrent of human rationality, under the wheel of human history, the guardian of Alaya disappeared silently, The contradictions of the world arise from this. The moment the concept of 'alaya' resisting human beings appears, it collapses completely, and Roy also takes advantage of the moment when alaya's consciousness collapses, represented by 'humanity'. Directionality, corrects the collective unconscious of human beings.

As long as human beings still exist, it is impossible for alaya consciousness to be truly eliminated, but Roy has used the momentary blank of alaya consciousness to collapse to complete the revision of the spell, so that the inhibition is no longer considered Anastasia' The existence of it will cause great harm to human beings.

"If it's Gai, it's more troublesome, but if it's Alaya, then I, who have 'human care', can influence one or two a little......,...... I didn't intend to use such a troublesome and dangerous technique, it would probably lead to the wrong direction of human rationality, but since the restraint is so chattering, I have no choice but to do this. Fortunately, this body is from Aleister. , even the possibility of carrying 1.8 billion people is completely possible."

Roy shook his head and whispered.

In this era, the total population is only 1.8 billion. The most dangerous part of the "Human Principles Amendment" is that it needs to bear the entanglement of the possibility and fate of all human beings with one person's strength. Star approached, his own power was enough to allow him to have infinite possibilities, otherwise he would immediately use the "Human Principles Amendment Formula".

Consciousness dissipates and merges into the human whole.

But even so, Roy felt a little pain in his head, and his spirit was a little unstable, because when the technique was activated just now, he had almost 1.8 billion thoughts to divide and think.

"Godfather, are you alright?"

Seeing Roy covering his head with his hands, his face rarely showed a look of pain, Anastasia just... eyes were flushed, she anxiously grabbed his arm, and asked worriedly.

"It's alright, Anna... I'll recover after a few days' rest. The lackeys of restraint won't make trouble this time. Let's go back to church first."

Roy gave Her Royal Highness a gentle smile that signaled her peace of mind.

Chapter 107 You are my only one

In the Peter and Paul Church, a farewell ceremony is taking place, and the ashes of Nicholas II, Queen Alexandra and Prince Alexei are finally brought to the church by the authorities, and they will be buried in this holy place, together with All the tsars of the past are buried together.

"Almighty God the Father, you are the source of life, you have saved us through your Son, look upon the Romanovs and accept them in eternal light, who believe that your Son rose from the dead, may they In the coming resurrection, you will also share in the glory of your Son, because of Christ our Lord, you are the Son, he is God, and you and the Holy Spirit, the everlasting King, Amen!"

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