"There are watchers spying on the jewels that Her Royal Highness may be hiding, but those... watchers have been secretly executed by our personnel."

"You have done a good job. In the past year and a half, the situation in this country is really chaotic."

"Yeah, Supreme Bishop... The Duma Provisional Council was overthrown in less than ten months, but the situation is now stable."

The agent sighed and remembered the scene when a group of people rushed into the Winter Palace more than half a year ago and disarmed all the temporary members of the Duma. Step down.

"The Duma Provisional Council will continue to participate in the war on the European battlefield despite the people's resistance. This outcome has long been expected..."

Roy looked back at the sky outside the window, and whispered like a warning: "...the iron curtain has been drawn, the red ghost is standing up, its hands cover the sky, if it is not necessary, our holy The church should not conflict with them."

"I will pass on your will to others, Supreme Bishop!"

"Well, the time is almost up. This country is no longer suitable for the central axis of the church. Soon I will publicly resign as the Patriarch of the Eastern Orthodox Church and transfer the headquarters of the Church of the Holy Church to the United Kingdom... Actually The most suitable location for the church headquarters is in North America, but the mysterious gathering place is still in Europa, and the Atlantic Ocean will make the church's orders unable to be directed."

Roy tapped the table with his fingers, and thought for a moment that there was nothing left to order, that is... to the agent in front of him: "...that's it, you can step back and finish my work. Order."

"Yes, Supreme Bishop!"

As the agent left, the church office became quiet again. Roy got up and made a cup of coffee for himself. He picked up the letter from Anastasia, but instead of opening it, he put it on the desk. I picked up another... stack of letters, these... letters were all sent by Her Royal Highness over the past year.

...March of the year - "Dear godfather, please forgive me for leaving without a word, the nightmare came suddenly, I don't know what happened, only that a group of soldiers rushed into the court, my father was no longer the tsar, I am no longer a princess, which makes me sad, because you are the godfather of the princess Anastasia, but now I am no longer a princess."

"...I'm scared, I'm scared, but every time I pick up the cross that you gave me to pray, and see your picture, infinite courage comes upon me, I believe this It's your protection for me, except...that day I was afraid to cry, and then even in the face of any fear, I never cried, I hope you can praise me for my bravery."

"Mother told me that we are going to Tobolsk in Siberia, I don't know if I can come back to see you again, goodbye, my favorite godfather, please don't forget me, I'm glad I sent that egg to you."

There were a few shriveled marks on the neat letter, like the remnants of a girl's tears.

...November - "You know the English poet Rob.

Browning? He wrote a work called ".

", the little girl there was only sixteen years old when she died, there was a man who loved her, although he had never seen her, but he knew that she was doing well, and she knew him, he had never admired her , and now she's dead, but he still thinks they'll spend it like this in the next life, no matter when it will be."

"...Sorry, Godfather, reincarnation is not a crucifix doctrine, you must be very unhappy when you see this, but I'm only sixteen...only sixteen... ...I don't know if she will die at sixteen like that little girl, but she is happy because there is a man who loves her and she loves, do you love me godfather, I'm nervous and scared I want to know the answer, if there is an afterlife, I want to continue to be with the godfather... I'm sorry..., Lord, please forgive my willfulness, I'm sorry... Godfather, please forgive me too."

"Life in Tobolsk is not good, the people monitoring us are rude, I don't like them ... but it's like St. Petersburg.



What happened there again, the people who... watched us are gone, father, mother, Maria and Alexei were taken, I don't know they were taken Where to go, there are only three of us sisters left here."

This letter should have been written when Anastasia was most hopeless and helpless. Her letters are full of wrong sentences and words, as well as fearful melancholy, and even expounding her own fear and fearlessness of death , and even use a poet's story as a metaphor for his present self.

... May of 2008 - "We left Tobolsk and were sent to Yekaterinburg, where we met our father, mother and Maria again, although we were still not free, we were able to have a family. I am already very happy to be reunited, I think this must be your blessing."

"...Life without freedom is boring, but I have found a way to make my parents and sister happy, I learned to act, my parents and my sister said that I have a talent for acting, and I can make fun every time They laughed and said I might be a performance artist, and I'm so happy."

"By the way, godfather, I want to tell you good news, I am not that Anastasia who knows nothing, I can share the pressure of life for my parents and sisters, I have learned to cook, clean , sew, make tea, and even wash my own clothes. I have been able to take care of myself and my family. They all say that I have grown up. I am very happy. You like coffee. I am working hard now. Learn how to brew delicious coffee, and I'll definitely learn it."

"...Alexei's illness is very worrying, but with the blessing of your amulet, he has never been sick. My parents asked me to express my gratitude to you. Yesterday I went for a swing with Maria I was on the swing and I was laughing and how beautiful the landing was! Really! I was talking to my sisters about this a lot yesterday so they were bored, but I kept saying and saying...  It's wonderful that one can simply yell happily, no matter the weather."

"I remember that wonderful moment when you appeared in front of me, like a short-lived phantom, like a spirit of pure beauty... In the backcountry, in the dark life of captivity, my years were so quiet Disappeared, no divinity, no inspiration, no tears, no life, no love, now the soul has begun to awaken, then you reappeared in front of me, with it, everything woke up again, with divinity, There is inspiration, there is life, there is tears, and there is love."

"I'm seventeen, the age to be a mother..."

"...dedicate this Pushkin poem to my beloved godfather, your everlasting goblin - Anastasia.



This is the last letter, Roy put the letter in his hand lightly on the table.

"It's 1918..."

He sighed, and it has been seventeen years since he returned to this world, and time has passed really fast.

St. Petersburg.



when will spring come

Chapter 96 When the Avalanche

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent! - Voltaire, a famous French thinker... In July of the year, at the home of a businessman in Yekalinburg.

Seven members of the tsar's family live here temporarily. Since the provisional parliament of the Duma was overthrown again last year and a great teacher became the leader of the country, the tsar's family has been brought here from Siberia.

As in the past, the life of the tsar's family is still under surveillance, there is no absolute freedom, but there is no danger to their lives for the time being. The parliament has fallen and has left, and the new watchers are not as greedy as the old ones, interested in the jewels that the Tsar's family may be hiding, but their surveillance is more severe.

Napoleon can make a comeback after being exiled. Although this... Nicholas II is not as great as the consul, this new kingdom is still as weak as a child. It has paid a huge price to escape from the war. The old nobles were making trouble inside, so the Tsar's family's surveillance became extremely strict, for fear that they would contact their former subordinates.

This kind of strict monitoring of the czar's family is also accustomed to. Although this house in Yekaterinburg is not as splendid as the palace, it is enough for a family of seven to live in. There is ample space for activities, and the clothes on the body are not Gorgeous palace costumes, but in this cold country, the rustic clothes they wear like military coats make people feel warmer.

If you can't eat caviar like you did in the past, someone brought it from the Black Sea after a long journey, but the level of three meals a day is far beyond ordinary people, you don't need to worry about the possibility of starvation, no matter...

Whether it is the past emperors, queens or princes and princesses, they are not so picky and self-willed, and they will refuse the food of the common people.

"As long as it is like this, I am satisfied with living a prosperous and peaceful life as I am now."

Nicholas II said this, and now he feels a sense of relief, leaving the position of the tsar, only his family is left in his life, but people feel a kind of happiness that has never been there before.

It's just that Nicholas II vaguely felt that things would not end like this. During his twenty years as the tsar, he had committed too many mistakes, and his hands were stained with the blood of countless innocent people. , also has the blood of countless soldiers. In the short period of time when he was the tsar, he experienced the Russo-Japanese War and the First World War in the world. A country that was already backward in technology and economy, in these two times The consequences of defeat in the war are all borne by ordinary people.

But the czar's family is still in the palace. A family full of sins, can they really live the rest of their lives in peace? In the avalanche, not a single snowflake is innocent. , even if they are not direct executioners, but their food and clothing costs are all composed of the blood and flesh of innocent people, which no one can veto.

Nicholas II also knew clearly that the reason why he was still alive was because the remaining power of the tsar was still there, and the new regime did not want his death to bring the turmoil of the old forces, but the new regime would definitely find a way to bring about the turmoil of the old forces. His last feudal **** was wiped out.

All that's missing now is an excuse.

"Mikhail is dead..."

In the study, Nicholas II sat on a chair and told the news calmly and painfully.

Mikhail is his younger brother, Gula II wants to keep the power of the tsar, so he is ready to pass the tsar's position to his younger brother, but the wise Mikhail refuses the dangerous position and is assigned to the tsar's family When he arrived in Siberia, Mikhail was also dispatched to Perm, but he did not expect that Mikhail did not escape this catastrophe.

"When did His Royal Highness Prince Mikhail die"

Queen Alexandra, who was standing beside Nicholas II, asked worriedly.

"Just died last month, and I only know the news now... My mother has left here and returned to Denmark, I don't blame her, she is no longer able to save us at this time, She is so old, she should be enjoying her life, and it is our children's sin to let her go through such a thing."

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