Queen Alexandra and her two eldest daughters are sewing clothes. They are not patching the clothes, but sewing some small and precious jewels into the lining of the clothes, so that everyone can There are some precious things in the clothes of the prince and the princess, so even if they face some situations they don't want to see in the future, the jewelry lining these clothes may save a life at a critical moment.

Anastasia also imitated her mother and sister in sewing clothes. Her movements were very slow, and she was not as skilled as her mother and sister. The inner pockets that were sewn were also crooked, and sometimes the needles would stick out. It would pierce her delicate fingers. If it was the past, Her Royal Highness would probably cry when she saw the blood beads, but the sudden change in her living environment in the past few days made her seem to have grown up, and she would cry when she was not moving.

Seeing her young daughter's strong appearance and her beautiful and serious profile when sewing clothes, Queen Alexandra is... heartache: if she can, she doesn't want her child to grow up like this mature.

"Mom, are we moving?"

After Anastasia finished sewing the inner pockets of a piece of clothing, she couldn't help asking her mother.

"Yes, Anna! We have to leave St. Petersburg.



, to Tobolsk in Siberia."

"Then we... can we come back?"

Anastasia asked nervously.

"Sorry, my darling, mother doesn't know if we can come back."

Queen Alexandra wiped her corner:, barely showing a sadistic smile to her little daughter.

"Siberia seems to be far away and it's cold... We... shouldn't be thrown into Siberia to dig potatoes."

Her Royal Highness shrank her neck and said in surprise.


Originally, the sad Queen Alexandra laughed innocently. She shook her head and said, "...Who told you to go to Siberia to dig potatoes?"

"It was said by the godfather... When I was a child, when I was disobedient, my godfather always said 'Anna, if you are disobedient, I will throw you to Siberia to dig potatoes'."

Her Royal Highness lowered her head and murmured, when she mentioned her godfather, she first showed a gentle smile, but when she thought that she might never see her godfather again, she felt her heart aching like a tear, and she just smiled. He was out of breath even talking.

"That's your godfather teasing you, we won't go to Siberia to dig potatoes, don't worry, Anna."

Seeing her daughter's sad expression, Queen Alexandra knew that she was thinking of her godfather. The queen sighed and stood up and said, "...Olga, Tatyana, you guys Continue sewing pockets with your younger sister and younger brother, and I'll see your father."

"Okay, Mom!"

Several princesses and princes said very well-behaved.

Queen Alexandra walked lightly into the bedroom in the back, and saw Nicholas II waiting for a book.

With a gentle expression, she came to Nicholas II and whispered, "...Your Majesty, what are you writing?"

Under the sudden change in the environment, even the queen no longer had the idea of ​​letting go of the czar without the knowledge of the past. She now only wants to live this life in peace with her lover and the children she loves. Maybe when she is old When you grow up, your love as a mother will conquer everything.

"I'm giving these...we can't take it away, but all the wealth that still belongs to us is donated to the church!"

Nicholas II raised his head to look at his wife and replied warmly. There were dozens of beautiful eggs on his table. These... are Romans. The 'Faberge' eggs collected by the Nova dynasty will also be one of the treasures donated by the tsar to the church.

"You...are ready to rebuild the dynasty"

Empress Alexandra grabbed Nicholas II's sleeve and said worriedly that the tsar's behavior was like burying treasures until he could make a comeback one day, just like Napoleon back then.

"Relax, my dear, the Romanov dynasty has perished, I don't have such thoughts, I also know that I have no such ability, for you and the children to survive, I can give up being the tsar, this batch of wealth In the name of donation, I have entrusted His Majesty to keep it, so that if we can come back here one day, this batch of wealth will be enough for us to live the same rich life as before."

............."... The other royals of the Romanov family are not credible, and if one day we do encounter an accident, the other royals will never be There is a good end, but His Majesty can believe that he will not be tempted by this huge group of wealth, his heart is as pure as an angel... There is another batch of more precious treasures hidden in the Winter Palace The treasure of the Romanov dynasty, it has been collected by our family for generations, and even contains powerful mysterious objects inherited from the Romanov bloodline."

"I hand over the location and opening method of that treasure to your majesty, if...if you and I die one day, the children will not be left with nothing, they can also become the daughter's dowry, as Romano The princess of the husband dynasty, as the Grand Duchess who surpasses all European princesses, the dowry of my daughters should not be too shabby."

Nicholas II, who has let go of power, has become more human, and he seems to have become a father, not the **** tsar.

He put the letter in the envelope and sealed it with the unique logo belonging to the tsar. This letter was written in a secret language. Only he and Roy knew the method of decryption, and they would not worry about the contents of it being decrypted by others. See.

"Let's go, my dear, I will send this letter to Peter and Paul Church. I hope we can spend the rest of our lives in this way."

Nicholas II grabbed his wife and walked to the children's room together.

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:: Immediate top-up event time: August 7th to August 9th

Chapter 95 Anastasia's Letter

"Dong Dong Dong——"

There was a soft knock on the door of Roy's office.

"come in."

"Yes, Supreme Bishop!"

A cleric wearing a simple and sacred uniform walked in respectfully from the door. He was wearing a long jet-black uniform and a cross hanging from his heart, telling others his identity - the representative of the Holy Church.

"Supreme Bishop, this is a new letter from Her Royal Highness."

The agent put a fine envelope with good paint on Roy's desk lightly.

Roy took the envelope in his hand, he didn't open it, just asked: "...How is the situation of the Tsar's family?"

"Just left St Petersburg last year.



At that time, the Tsar's family was still very frightened, but this year the situation has been much better, and they have become accustomed to this life without freedom."

The agent said everything he knew in detail.

"The adaptability of human beings is always so strong, and their family can be considered to be enjoying themselves."

Roy shook his head and continued to ask: "... Those... monitors didn't find you?"

"Rest assured, Supreme Bishop! The only ones who can discover us... agents are those magicians and dead apostles, but those... heretics ten years ago Buried by you, they are now huddled in their own territory and dare not come out."

The agent of 31 said that he was full of admiration and fanaticism for Roy. As one of the agents who participated in the Tunguska incident ten years ago, he had seen with his own eyes the greatness of the Supreme Bishop in front of him.

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