Nicholas II said tiredly that his mother was a princess of Denmark, and at this time, fleeing this dangerous country and returning to Denmark can also ensure his own safety.

"The direct royal bloodline is almost dead, and now we are the only ones left."

The former tsar said bitterly that in the past year or so, many members of the royal family have been secretly executed, and he has faintly sensed the arrival of the storm.

The Romanov dynasty started from Ivan the Terrible and ended with the death of Nicholas II. The queen of Ivan the Terrible was named Anastasia, and the last princess of the Romanov dynasty was also named Anastasia Ya, I have to say that this is like a reincarnation of fate.

"His Majesty......"

Queen Alexandra worriedly came to Nicholas II's back, and gently pressed his temples with his fingers, trying to relieve him from the huge pressure and fatigue.


Don't worry about my beloved wife, I have already anticipated some things, and made final preparations in advance, but I have been looking forward to the arrival of a miracle, our family can spend the rest of our lives safely, it is I who have affected you, both of you. My fault, if I didn't covet power back then, if I voluntarily let go of power ten years ago and went to imitate my cousin George V's England, neither would we..."

Nicholas II's eyes were red, he said emotionally, grabbed the queen's hand and kissed the back of her hand gently.

"Your Majesty, please don't say these... If you are discouraged, neither I nor the children will blame you."

Queen Alexandra embraced her husband and said comfortingly.

"It is my greatest happiness to be able to marry you in this life. You should have been able to become a queen loved by the people, but it ended up like this because of me."

Nicholas II was excited and said uncontrollably.

Queen Alexandra just shook her head, she didn't say anything, just hugged her emperor paper.

After a long while of Zhao Zhao, Nicholas II calmed down a lot, and he asked in a low voice, "...The children are all asleep."

"Yes, Your Majesty! You require all the children to go to sleep before ten thirty at night, and they have been doing what you asked them to do."

"Yes, they are a group of good children. It's almost half past eleven: 11: 11: Let's go to rest too. As parents, we must lead by example and not go to bed late."

Nicholas II took out the pocket watch in his arms and glanced at it, not expecting that he had been in the study for so long.

Just as the emperor and the queen were about to go to bed, there was a sudden knock on the door of the study.

The couple opened the door and saw the three people standing at the door. They are familiar with the three people, because they are the watchers of the tsar's family, and one of them is the commander-in-chief of the surveillance of the mansion. .

"Excuse me, Mr. Romanov and Ms. Romanov, there is an emergency outside, we need you and your family to take refuge in the basement!"

Chapter 97 Save me... Godfather!

Outside the apartment, two Slavic men in military coats were smoking a cigarette. Some people could be seen sneaking around not far away, and sporadic gunshots could be heard occasionally.

"Sir Yermakov, it has been decided from above"

One of the men exhaled the smoke ring from his mouth and asked the officer beside him.

"Yes, Yurovsky, although there is no clear document issued above, but it has implicitly expressed what we need to do, the local authorities have approved, this is the approval document, these... ...The White Army's invasion just gave us a good excuse."

Yermakov handed a document to his subordinates.

Yurovsky took the file bag, opened it, glanced at it, shook his head and laughed at himself: " ask me to be the executioner."

Although he said that, the man with a determined expression like a knife and axe did not say any other unnecessary words, just nodded bluntly: "...Understood, I will complete the task."

After he finished speaking, he called several guards and walked into the apartment together.

..."Children, get up quickly."

Anastasia was just falling asleep holding a cross, just...was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

Hearing the familiar voice outside the door, she and her sister Maria sat up and shouted to the door: "...what's the matter, what happened to my mother?"

"Maria and Anna, there is danger here, you quickly put on your clothes 687, we need to go to the basement to hide."

"Okay, just wait a moment."

Anastasia and her sister looked at each other, and both of them got up quickly, put on a coat over their pajamas, and hurried out without taking a shower.

Regarding this situation, the Romanov family has long been used to this situation since they were exiled for more than a year. They occasionally encounter so-called dangerous situations that they need to avoid, but in the end they all found that it was just a fright, not actually. Whatever happens, it must be the same this time.

Pushing open the door, Anastasia saw that her parents, sister and brother were already waiting for them. , the other princes and princesses just casually put a coat over their pajamas.

In addition to...the seven members of the Tsar's family, there was also a doctor and servants left behind, and a group of eleven people, under the urging of the guards with guns:, marched mightily to the entrance of the stairs.

Anastasia followed her relatives to the basement. She had a faint fear in her heart. An uneasy gaze swept over the guards and Yurovsky at the head. When the officer's eyes met, Anastasia, who was frightened by the falcon-like gloomy eyes, quickly lowered her head, her body trembling.

Her Royal Highness felt that something was wrong, these guards were all very indifferent, and there was no smile at all. Could it be that the battle outside the mansion was too fierce, which made them feel that in the past year or so, there have been several groups of people wanting to Rescue Tsar I.

In the end, it was unsuccessful, and Nicholas II was even furious about it. The current tsar does not want anyone to rescue him, which will bring disaster to his family.

Anastasia clenched the crucifix in her hand, and walked beside her parents with her neck shrunk. Queen Alexandra noticed her daughter's fear, she patted Her Royal Highness's hand and pointed at her. A forced smile appeared.

Her Majesty the Queen also sensed that the atmosphere was wrong.

In this strange and terrifying atmosphere, eleven people were taken to the basement.

The basement was very narrow and dark, with candles burning all around, the orange-red light shining on people's faces, adding even more ghosts, especially when the candles shone on the guards, making them look like demons crawling out of hell.

Yurovsky walked at the end, he slammed the door shut with a thud, and with the sound of the door colliding, the tsar's family was even more frightened.

"Okay, gentlemen and ladies, please stand in two rows."

Under the commander's stern words, no one dared to resist. There was only one chair in the entire basement. Queen Alexandra was sitting on the chair with Prince Alexei, who had severe hemophilia. Nicholas II Shi Shi stood by the chair, and beside the emperor, the four princesses also stood in a row, and the four servants were assigned to the back by Yurovsky.

This scene doesn't look like refuge, it's more like the prisoner who is about to be executed is brought to the execution ground.

Uneasy fear pervaded this small basement, and the Tsar's family trembled, but under the terrifying gazes of those guards, no one dared to make unnecessary moves.

Anastasia was terrified. She opened the pocket watch behind the cross with her trembling hand. When she saw the photo inside, her fearful heart was a little calmer. Her Royal Highness closed her eyes and began to silently. praying.

At this moment, Nicholas II seemed to be unable to bear the atmosphere and took the initiative to say: "...Mr. Yurovsky, what happened outside?"

The commander stopped Nicholas II's words, he took out a note from his arms, and announced in a cold and stiff voice: "... Attention! Read here... resolution!"

"What happened, what happened, who made this decision!!"

Before the commander could finish reading, Nicholas II just... asked loudly and repeatedly in a panic.

Yurovsky ignored the words of the tsar, and he read the contents of the note again indifferently again, "...Attention!! Here is an announcement of...resolution!"


The moment he read the last word, he took out the revolver at his waist and accurately hit Nicholas II, who was less than two meters away from him, and the tsar immediately fell on his back.


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