Not far from Bathermelo, an old man in his fifties walked over. The old man had not spoken during the previous confrontation between the 'three great nobles'. When the situation eased, he came to persuade him.

"I understand,.


The monarch of the Law and Politics Department nodded, even though he was extremely angry, he was still indifferent to his anger and anger. This is the basic ability of a great noble.

The old man's name is Lufreus.


Ulysses was the monarch of the seances and the father of the future Kenneth fiancee.

This... the monarch of the seances is already very old, even his apparent age does not match his real age. Magicians have many magics that can prolong their lives. For... some little magicians may not be able to do it, But as the family of the Twelve Sovereigns of the Clock Tower, they have plenty of resources to accomplish the magic of life.

Of course, there is a limit to this kind of continuation of life, unless it is to change the form of life and not be a human being, under normal circumstances, the continuation of magic can only allow a magician to live for three hundred years before dying naturally.

Inheriting descendants is one of the most important tasks of a magician, so even those magicians who have lived for hundreds of years will continue to have children. Magicians can be said to be old and strong, and it is normal to be a father when they are more than 100 years old.

"Did the Animusfia family still not send anyone this time?"


Bartholomew asked.

Among the twelve monarch families, the Law and Politics Department, the Basic Department, the Creation Department, the Astronomical Department, the Spirituality Department, and the Mineral Department are relatively close together, and they are also the actual rulers of the clock tower. , as the highest point of the nobility, Bathemello will naturally seek help from other families in the faction.


Bathemello, you also know that the Fia family of the astronomical department does not like to participate in the power struggle of the clock tower. Even if they want to reach the root or return the source to the age of gods, they must use their own methods of the astronomical department to achieve it, Animus The Sphia family seems to have a new plan.

What kind of 'human security agency' is going on, I don't know the specific situation, that's the secret of the Animusfia family."

"...But the remains of the Age of Gods that appeared in Tsarist Russia this time are very important. It may even be another spiritual tomb, Albion, and it may even preserve the secrets of the Age of God. Almost all twelve monarchs of the entire clock tower will Participating in it, the astronomical department is no exception, and they sent a large number of magicians who are also the contemporary masters of the long-established family and the astronomical department."

"You know, all our magicians would be willing to sell their souls if the mystery could be brought back."

The monarch of the serenity department said calmly, in fact, it is impossible for Bathemello to not know this information. He was just using this way of changing the subject to ease the atmosphere in the room, and the monarch of serenity department was also happy. A peacemaker.

Now is not the time... for infighting at the Clock Tower.

At this time,

Baru Retta finished contacting with his daughter Enola, and asked Enola to quickly leave St. Petersburg.



Arriving in Moscow, the Magic Association is ready to make some moves.

The monarch of the Creation Division thought for a while, and told the information about the church from his daughter.

"The Orthodox Patriarch who is rooted in this land is known within the Church as the 'Angel on Earth'"

Bathmelo put his hand on the scepter and asked with a frown.

At this moment, they are not enemies who are engaged in various political struggles for the power of the clock tower, but the twelve monarchs of the clock tower together.

The other monarchs in the room also straightened their bodies. Almost half of the clock tower's power was gathered in this small room, so that so many monarchs could appear at the same time, even a 'crown decision' would be difficult to do. arrive.


Palmero, my daughter also studied law and politics, you should know her, know that she has enough knowledge of magic, and will not lie about such things, she told me that the body of the Patriarch of the East It is full of 'true ether', like the great source of the age of gods, and his power comes from 'Archangel Michael'."

"...It is absolutely impossible for a modern magician to perform the magic of the gods. We are completely different from the magicians of the gods in terms of body structure, and we can fill the body with the great source and exercise Michael's magic. Power, this is almost impossible for a magician in the age of gods. Michael is called in the "Bible" as a 'god-like one', sitting on the right seat of God, and his power is... 'Yahweh' By extension, if anyone can exercise the power of Michael, it is undoubtedly the power of God."


Balu Yereta said heavily.

Many monarchs looked at each other in dismay, exercising the power of the gods in modern times is something that has never been heard since the beginning of the AD two thousand years, especially that the power of the powers exercised is not ordinary gods, but the presence of gods. God's.

It's definitely not that the church's secret method borrowed the power of 'Michael'. If the church could really show Michael's divine power, it would have wiped out all the dead disciples and magicians long ago, and they wouldn't have been fighting for thousands of years.

The eyes of many monarchs turned to one of them, and that one was the monarch of the inheritance department.

Brisisan, the ancestors of the Brisisan family were the disciples of the magic king Solomon. This family also has the most information about the age of the gods, and because it is related to Solomon, there is also a strong connection between Brisisan and the church. deep.

The monarch of the Inheritance Section just shook her head slowly under the gazes of many monarchs. There is no record of her exercising Michael's power in the family history documents, which is impossible for even King Solomon to do.

"Forget it, unless we see the Patriarch of the East with our own eyes, we can't guess just by guessing here. Since even the princess of the true ancestor and the princess of the dead disciple have fallen into the hands of the Patriarch, no matter... ..

Whether he has mastered the power of Michael is beyond doubt."

"...But our action this time is not to fight with the church, but to explore the ruins of the Age of Gods, but if there is a big person like the king of Zhao in the church, we should pay more attention. For us, the dead apostle should be even more frightened."

"Send this news out and see what's going on with the Dead Apostle. We can also find an intervention point in the actions of the Dead Apostle."

As the nominal ruling institution of the Clock Tower, the Law and Politics Section, Bathemello said decisively.

"Let Enolai go, she will definitely tell the clock tower what she has seen and heard in the church, so that the clock tower will throw a rat at the church, and I don't need to show up too much, the clock Those people in the tower will definitely spread the information to confuse the situation, and I can see the movements of the Dead Apostles clearly through this chaotic situation, and at the same time, I can also see if there is any inhibitory participation."

St. Petersburg.



In the Peter and Paul Church, Roy is leading the believers in prayer. Since he cannot obtain information by extraordinary means due to restraint, he should use human methods to carry it out. If it is about various conspiracies and struggles, Roy is really not afraid. No matter who, even without using any extraordinary power, he can play with those monarchs when he goes to the Clock Tower.

Roy's eyes looked outside the church, where Eltluci, who was wearing a nun's uniform, was doing volunteer work.

Chapter 39 You are getting more and more proficient, Lord Ji Jun!

There was a long queue outside the church, and today was the day for the relief meal.

One day a week, the church will prepare some food for the poor people to eat for free. Although the relief meal is only some thin porridge, it is enough to manage the rations for the day, at least on this day, people will not go hungry.

No matter how filthy the inside of the church, this relief is always a good thing.

Even St Petersburg.



In this capital of Tsarist Russia, there are a lot of poor people. Many workers have to work six days a week and work more than fourteen hours a day, but their wages are pitiful. the day it broke out.

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