Baru Yere.

Artolohom, one of the candidates for the future monarch of the Clock Tower Creation Branch, the princess of the Baluereta family who has a very high status in the magic world, walked out of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in a daze at this time.

She couldn't help but turn back three steps, staring at the church with a history of more than 200 years behind her, as if waiting for someone to come out, and then gently said to her: '... I'll go back, Miss Inole.

'It's a pity that this is only her expectation and desire after all, it's something that happened in the imagination, the actual situation is what Enolai saw when she looked back, the two tall and tall people standing there like door gods. The two agents looked at her vigilantly, as if they would stop her if she acted too aggressively.

As the princess of the Clock Tower and one of the big figures in the magic world, Enolai was kicked out. Yes, she was kicked out by the church. For a magician like her, this should be a happy event, But Enolai felt inexplicably aggrieved, resentful, and unacceptable.

The princess of the True Ancestor and the Dead Apostle was caught in the church as a volunteer nun. Enola, who had been living in the church during this time, also knew about it, and just last night, the mysterious Patriarch of Dongzheng 22 found her and told her She said that because there are two more noble princesses, Black and White, to do volunteer work, so she... the princess of the clock tower is useless.

In order to save food and help more poor people, the church decided to let her leave here instead of occupying a place to eat in the church.

'It's disgusting that I eat too much!' Inole was indignant.

As a prisoner, being able to leave the church unharmed should have been something that could have been celebrated at a banquet, but for Enole, this was a huge shame in life, and the excuse of being kicked out of the church seemed like she was a substitute Same, because it doesn't work much so it's not needed.

She was suddenly reluctant to leave, and wanted to go back and continue to be a volunteer as a prisoner. Inola didn't know why she had such an idea, was she really angry or something else' Thoroughly understand that the mystery of the age of gods he possesses is simply a miracle in this world. If my father knew that such a person existed, would he let me and him...' The seventeen-eight-year-old girl only felt her face She had a fever, and began to fantasize about all kinds of strange things in her mind. Even if she was a magician, even if she had a noble status, she was only at an age where she was just beginning to fall in love.

'No, no, no, you can't think wildly. As a magician, you want to leave the mystery of the gods and leave a more noble bloodline. It's just...' 'It's just that the other party is also a magician.

'In the end, Enolai, who was in a mess in his head, sighed, if Roy was just an ordinary magician, then the Balu Yereta family would naturally have various ways to recruit him, mastering the mystery of the Age of Gods and possessing extremely excellent Talent, maybe like Bathemello... noble families will be dismissive, but Balu Yereta will definitely accept it. If he can change his surname, he will replace the Atolohom family as one of the clock tower monarchs in the future. It's not impossible.

A gust of cold wind blew and woke Enolai, who was daydreaming. She was carrying her own suitcase, which contained her drawing board. She was now standing in St. Petersburg.



A road intersection in St. Petersburg.



The cool breeze poured into her neckline, causing the girl's delicate body to tremble a little. The magician is just an ordinary person, and when he does not use magic, he will feel the cold outside.

"No, no, what am I thinking about? I should get in touch with my father, tell him what he saw in Peter and Paul Church, and let him know that the Patriarch of the East is definitely not an empty air. If you underestimate him, the whole The clock tower will suffer greatly."

...Moscow, an ancient city with many years of history, will become the capital of Russia in the near future. Although it is not the capital now, it has an extremely important position in the entire Tsarist Russia.

In the Moss School, the first university in Russia with a history of 150 years, several British aristocrats in gorgeous dresses are sitting in a luxurious living room with a red carpet.

These people are standing or sitting, or they are listening, or they are looking out the window, but they are talking about the topic of the mysterious world.

"Lord Tranbergio and Lord Balu Yereta, you really have to give up the nobility of the noble blood, and choose to let those inferior people join your faction and take charge of the clock tower power!"

A middle-aged man holding a scepter, his hair meticulously groomed, and wearing a neat and complicated dress is sitting on a wooden chair trimmed with gold. There were two men in their thirties who were leaning against the windowsill.

"Bathemero, times have changed!"

The man leaning against the window pushed his monocle, he looked at the angry man, and said very seriously: "...the ancient mysticism book "Book of Changes" in the ancient eastern country once Words, the poor will change, the change will pass, the general will be long, and now the mystery is declining, the chance for me and other magicians to pursue the root is very small, modern magicians are mixed, if this goes on, the clock tower will have no fresh blood, and one day We will be completely eliminated!"

"Master Balu Yereta, this is the excuse for you to betray the nobles!"

The man named Bathermelo clenched the scepter in his hand, and he wanted to roar, but the noble blood from the Bathermelo family made him try his best to suppress his anger and maintain his own elegance.

The man leaning against the window was the current monarch of the Creation Division, Balu Yereta, and the man holding the scepter was the monarch of the Law and Politics Division.


"No, Bartholomew, we have not betrayed the nobles. In the magic world, nobles with a longer history naturally possess higher talents, and of course they should hold power, but talents are not only in the hands of nobles. , Among some magicians of the third, second, and even the first generation, their magic circuits may not be excellent, or their family status may not be noble, but there will always be some special young people with special talents."

"...for...these....have talent, but not enough blood...noble young people, we should give them a chance to let the blood of the clock tower can flow!"


Balu Yereta talks about his philosophy.


Bathemello scolded angrily, " are separating the clock tower!"

"Balu Yereta, don't talk nonsense with him, these guys in the forensic department are not pure magicians in my opinion, although they are indispensable, magic is not necessary for them at all, hum, Bathermelo, don't think I don't know why you want to deny it, the decision of me and Balueretta, if we are in the same aristocratic system with you, the Bathermelo family is the most noble, and this is undoubtedly affected by it. With everyone's approval, you, Bathemello, can naturally hold the supreme power of the clock tower."

"...But if Balu Yereta and I leave the noble faction, your power will be weakened. In the two thousand years of the clock tower's history, such a thing has never happened, as Bathamere The current lord of Luo loses the power of Bathermelo in your hands, and you will become a disgrace to Bathermelo!"

Another man sitting on the sofa sneered, his face was thin and his expression was indifferent, he was the monarch of all the basic subjects.



Bathemello was furious, but even he was in the highest position of power in the Clock Tower and couldn't really get angry with the two people in front of him. The two are also the three great nobles.

Barthel Mello, Tranbergio, and Baru Yereta, from the time the Clock Tower was built, have been... the masters of the Clock Tower, except... the courtyard that has not been seen for two thousand years. In addition, the three major families headed by Barthemelo have controlled the clock tower for thousands of years.

Now that the two families have joined forces to weaken and deprive Bathemello of his rights, how could he not be angry.

"Well, my little girl is looking for me. She said she has important information to report."

At this time,

Barreletta said while pressing her ear.

Chapter 38 Clock Tower Twelve Sovereigns

Bathemello saw that Baru Erreta was using magic to contact his daughter, and he did not continue to be aggressive out of courtesy.

Bartholomew knew.

Baru Yereta's daughter Enolai has been missing news for a while, he has been looking for it, and now that Enolai finally has news and takes the initiative to contact, the monarch is naturally overjoyed.

Enola is not.

The only son of Balu Yereta, but he is the one with the highest talent among his children, and the one with the greatest possibility of inheriting the magic engraving of Balu Yereta. Naturally, this monarch is very concerned about Enola.

In order to reach the "root", magicians are ruthless and their three views are completely different from ordinary people, but magicians also have some "taboos" like unspoken rules, that is, they will never hurt their apprentices and heirs.

The meaning of a magician's existence is to reach the root, and the method is to pass on his magic record in the magic engraving from generation to generation, hoping that in the future someone will be able to reach the root through the knowledge inherited in the magic engraving.

Under this concept, the heir and the real apprentice are... the medium of inheriting their own future and their own knowledge. To a certain extent, the lives of the apprentice and the heir are even greater than the magician himself. The magician is not as good as people imagine. So crazy and ruthless, even the spirit of 'sacrifice' is stronger than ordinary people, but the emotional premise of all this is based on the importance of 'magic'.

It is relatively rare for magicians to kill their own disciples, and it is relatively rare for parents to kill children. Generally, it is children who kill their parents, and there are more cases where apprentices kill their masters.


Don't pay too much attention to Bathemello, we are now facing the relics of the gods that are likely to exist in Tsarist Russia. Regarding the matter of Balu Yereta and Tranbergio, we will solve it when we return to the clock tower. ."

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