For..these....the poor, all they long for is to be able to eat, and the one-day meal saved by receiving the relief meal at the church, for..these ............For poor families, it may be a savings to make warm new clothes for their children.

You must know that the winter in Tsarist Russia was always very cold, and every year many people were frozen to death in the streets.

Aertuluqi was wearing a nun's uniform. She stood at the door of the cold and windy church with a sad face, with a stiff smile on the corner of her mouth, serving a spoonful of rice for every poor person who came to receive the relief meal.

Because of her extraordinary beauty and natural charm, the line in front of her was always the longest, so that in the end, the main work was done by her, and the other church members just laid hands on her.

"As expected of Mian 113, Heiji, who is a dead disciple, can be returned to the arms of the Lord, making her feel the suffering of the world and know the mercy of the Lord."

"Yeah, only your majesty can do it, and your majesty is the angel given to us by the Lord..."

"This... Lord Ji Jun was reluctant at the beginning of cooking, but he is also very skilled now."

"The Lord Ji Jun of the Dead Apostle is indeed extraordinary. The amount of food for each spoonful is strictly in accordance with the requirements of the church, and neither more nor less is given."

Several agents chatted while working. As priests, they also needed to participate in social labor, and contact with believers during labor would make their faith more firm.

"Recently, the church is getting cleaner and cleaner. I'm embarrassed for it."

"Miss Elquite is really working hard, the floor of the church is really clean, maybe this is... the true ancestor, this energy and strength is... different from human beings."

"Your Majesty said that Miss Elquite's character is not suitable for communicating with others, so she was asked to clean up, while the ancient red was good at communication, so she asked her to contact the believers, saying that this is to make the best use of everything."

"I really hope these two princesses can understand your majesty's painstaking efforts and repay the sins they have committed in the past, Amen!"



Ertuluqi's forehead jumped as she listened to the whispers of the Four Elements, the smile on her face couldn't change, and she continued to make meals for the people in line.

As a dead disciple, Hei Ji, she has been a volunteer for several months, and she doesn't know where her two knights and a pet have gone, and they haven't found her for so long. I have given up, let's divide our luggage and go back to our hometown.

However, Eltluqi was also secretly glad that Wall and Brad didn't find her, she still had great doubts about... the Patriarch of the East, for fear that her two knights were not his opponents.

If someone said that the four top ten ancestors joined forces, they were not a single opponent. In the past, even Aertuluqi would laugh at it, but now she is really beginning to doubt it, because that man is too much mystery.

"Miss nun, please help me make some porridge. If you can, can you give me a little more. My granddaughter is still young, and she has not eaten enough for the past two days."

A thinly dressed old lady hunched over her body and handed a somewhat dirty lunch box tremblingly.

The agent on the side quickly took it. Anyway, this 'snun' is also a dead apostle Heiji. Now she is only helping the church as a volunteer, and she can't do some dirty work. There are some homeless people, is it possible to let the great ancient red really touch these... It is impossible for a homeless person to think about it.

Elter Luqi came back to her senses under the old lady's call, and subconsciously showed a business smile. She glanced at the old lady's legs, where a little girl wearing a coat full of patches was standing there. The little girl's face was yellow and skinny, her big watery eyes looked at Aerte Luqi, the aroma of the rice porridge made her swallow her saliva, and murmured her sister'.

Although Aertuluqi, a dead disciple, has no sympathy for human beings, she has no problem with emotional intelligence. She knows who can give more food and who can't. Under the eager eyes of the little girl, she hangs up With a stiff smile, he said, "...No problem."

Aerteluqi used a spoon to make more food for the poor grandson and grandson. The old lady held the steaming lunch box in her hand, feeling the warmth on it, and moved: "...since I was crowned After arriving here, the church will give relief to us poor people every week, he is really the gospel given to us by God, may the Lord bless your majesty, and may the Lord bless you, Miss Sister."

The old lady drew a cross on her chest, and the delegates on the side stood up straight and drew a cross after hearing her words, with a faint expression of admiration for His Excellency Patriarch Dongzheng.

Eltluqi smiled dryly, and she also drew a cross with her very skilled, but she was secretly slandering, it was like cursing her to death, let God bless a vampire, then the vampire is really not far from death.

"I've been seeing Miss Sister working here for the past few months. I don't know your name, Miss Sister."

Before leaving, the old lady remembered something and asked.


The ancient red habitually wanted to say her name, thinking that her ancient red line would not change her name, sit or change her surname, but she was a dignified Heiji. When she said her name, she had to say her name generously, but she struggled for a while. Afterwards, she still said dryly: "...My name is Bonzhi Mist..."

It would be a shame for Brunstad if it was known that Heiji of the Dead Apostle was forced to volunteer at the church, so please don't reveal your real name... "Miss Bonmist Branch, you Must be favored by the Lord, such kindness and beauty."

"Ha ha......"

Eltluqi could only continue to laugh stiffly.

......In the afternoon, the work of distributing the relief meal was finished, and Eltluqi just... returned to the church, and habitually picked up a clean rag and started wiping those on the prayer table... decorations, wiping her hands just... stiff in the air, grievances welled up in my heart, and suddenly I wanted to cry.

Why did I become more and more skilled, and my body instinctively began to work in the church, and I was about to become the shape of the church... No, it should be about to become the shape of that bastard. ............The skilled behavior is all forced by that bastard! "Miss Sister, how can you stop, you still have a lot of work to do today."

Just when Eltluqi thought of that man, the man's voice just happened to be heard behind her.

Chapter 40 The ancient red who gave up his dignity

Eltluqi's hand froze, she gently put down the silverware in her hand, turned her head angrily, just... saw a few meters behind her, a man in a patriarch's robe. The man was looking at her with a raised eyebrow and a smile.

"You are really amazing, and you even take the believers to pray. I have been taught for so long and I can't learn it!"

Standing beside Roy was Elquite, who was also wearing a nun's uniform. The Princess of the True Ancestor showed a hearty smile and said to Eltluce carelessly.

"Shut up, it's not something to be praised for!"

Eltluqi glanced at her sister and shouted sternly.

"I'm praising you!"

"If you don't speak, it's... the biggest compliment to the concubine!"

Eltluqi is really helpless to Erquite, and at the same time secretly slandered why this idiot stayed in this church: he didn't leave for several months, and he was kept here like a pet. , Aren't you going to kill Roja, why don't you go! Of course, Eltluce also knows that with Elquit's IQ being fooled by Roy with just a few words, it is estimated that he will not be able to find the east, west and northwest. Fortunately, the Patriarch of the East was probably afraid of being infected by mental retardation, otherwise Erquite would have lost his virginity many times.

"What the **** are you doing with your concubine?"

Ignoring Elquite, the dead apostle Heiji put all his attention on Roy. Compared with his own idiot sister, this man doesn't care...

Whether it is wisdom or force is a bit out of the ordinary, let Eltluqi be careful every time he talks to him, a slight negligence may be sold without knowing.

"Lucy, how was your life here?"

"what do you say"

Eltluqi snorted lightly, thinking that Roy was looking for something, and then... turned around and continued to wipe the accessories on the table, ignoring him.

"It seems that you have a good life, at least here you don't have to pay attention to the surrounding environment even when you are resting, in case you encounter the enemy's pursuit of you."

Roy's words made Eltluqi's delicate body pause for a moment, and these words hit the depths of her soft heart, but the ancient red still forced herself to argue: "...concubine is here. I don’t have a good rest, and I have to guard you from doing anything outrageous to your concubine at any time.”

"You don't have to guard me at all, Luqi... Anyway... You can't guard me in your current state. What I really want to do to you, you can only cry and accept it."

Roy's words were very unpleasant, but Eltluqi knew that he was telling the truth, so she was just indignant, but did not refute too much.

"Continue to my room tonight, let's discuss the technique of the piano..."

Roy said with a smile.

"You came to concubine just to say this"

"Of course not, what I'm saying is that it's been a few months, whatever. . . .

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