Ertuluqi put her finger on the mouth of the sandalwood and thought, she was the one who was thinking seriously... Heiji, the dead apostle who has been in the world for thousands of years, and who is unknown to everyone in the mysterious world.

"You knew there was a conspiracy here, maybe even a conspiracy against you, but you ran out yourself"

Roy shook his head and said with a smile.

Erquite, who was sitting on the side, looked boredly at Roy and then at Eltluqi. She had no interest at all in what the two of them were talking about, anyway... what kind of power does it have for her? There is no such thing at all, as the executioner of the True Ancestor, all the dead are her enemies.

"Although the concubine is known as the real leader of the dead disciples, and there are also a large number of dead disciples, the situation of the concubine among the dead disciples is not very good. Because of the injuries for hundreds of years, the concubine can only hide and hide. , And Otten Roche and his allies are magicians who existed in the age of gods, and the management for thousands of years is not... joking, the concubine only occupies the status of 'the daughter of the king of the moon'. , In terms of power comparison, the concubine is still inferior to Otten Rocher."

Eltluqi laughed at herself, she didn't like her 'emperor father' at all, and even hated her, but now she has to use the identity of 'the daughter of the true ancestor' to raise the flag, It's downright ironic.

"...Otten Roche is almost a blatant provocation of the concubine. If the concubine does not respond, it will only make the dead disciples who follow the concubine riot, so I know that there is a problem here, The concubine also has to show up, the dead disciples have long lost the emotion of 'entertainment', only by fighting for power, killing each other and competing for territory can the dead disciples feel happy."

"The clock tower is similar. As the head of the three aristocrats, the Bathermelo family and Otten Roche also have a grudge for more than a thousand years. Before the Dead Apostle was... a member of the Bathermelo family, to... that family, the existence of this Dead Apostle is a shame to... the family, so it must be eradicated."

"...The Magic Association will not let go of everything related to the Age of Gods, and will inevitably dispatch a large number of magicians, so the concubine concluded that... the 'Relics of the Age of Gods' must exist, if it does not exist, Ao Teng It is impossible for Roche to use it to stir up the situation."

Ertuluqi said in a deep voice, the attitude of pointing the country arrogantly, as well as the wisdom that sees through everything, is the true style of Heiji, the dead apostle.

............ Immediately, this...Ancient Red looked at Roy with those intoxicating eyes, and said slowly: "...Then your church What is the church's plan, are you going to lead the Church of Sanctuary to wipe out the magician and the dead apostles?"

"For two thousand years, the Church of the Holy Church has not had a unified voice. Instead, it seems to be united, but in reality, it goes its own way. Such an organizational form has not kept up with the times. It needs a unified voice."

In Roy's pair of pupils, there seemed to be some terrifying beast brewing, he chuckled and whispered: "...No matter....

Dead Apostles, magicians, or the Church of the Holy Church, they should all be wiped out."

Eltluqi suddenly shuddered, which made Ancient Red feel very incredible, she would show a deep fear just because of the other party's simple words, just like a mortal facing the deep sea and being caught by some incompetent. ...........The voice of terror that was stated was whispering in my ear.

"The current form is still too chaotic, Eltluce, just stay in this church, and I will let Erquite watch you."

Roy's words made Eltluqi a little angry. This man really believed in Erquette's promise and didn't believe her, because he was afraid that she would run away.

Roy ignored Heiji's thoughts. He stood up and was about to leave. At this time, he thought of something and asked: "...By the way, Eltluqi, do you need to play the piano?"

"Why does a concubine play the piano"

Elter Lucid frowned.

"Isn't it a pity... This church is very big, you can walk around here as you like, as long as you don't leave without permission."

After speaking, Roy just... left the prayer room where the two princesses were imprisoned.

Walking in the corridor of the church, Iwass's voice came from behind him, "...You are not in a good mood, Roy."

Hearing the voice of the Holy Guardian Angel, Roy took a deep breath and said, "...I'm being targeted by this world, Aiwass!"

Chapter 36 You're Naughty, Iwass

A light and soft light shone through the window of the church corridor. The Patriarch of the Orthodox Church stood silently in the corridor, facing the Holy Guardian Angel who no one could see behind him, only he knew of his existence: "...I After re-entering this world, I found that my clairvoyance could not be used, the clairvoyance I thought was 'King Solomon' and my clairvoyance existed at the same time, resulting in a contradiction."

"...but now I have begun to doubt the assertion that King Solomon' taught me clairvoyance as a technique, rather than digging out his own eyes and giving them to me, so this kind of both at the same time Contradictions that exist only to manifest themselves are irrational."

Roy lowered his head slightly, raised one of his hands and gently stroked his long ear-length hair, and there was a dark strand on his silver-white hair.

"This is the 'hair knot' when I married Yu Meiren. In modern times, a wedding in Qin and Han Dynasties is... a kind of magic ceremony, in which there are "zero nine three"

With a mysterious meaning, after coming here again, as long as Yu Meiren and I are still in the same world, we should be able to sense each other's existence, even if the detailed location cannot be determined, but this sense should not disappear. ."

"...At first I thought it was too far away, and this kind of hair knotting ceremony is not a complicated big magic, magicians can easily do it, coupled with the mysterious decline of modern times, so that 'The speed of information transmission is too slow to be able to sense the poppies, but now that this 'magic ritual' has not responded for so long, I can only be sure that this is the special target of the world."

Roy told Aiwass what he had noticed in an unpleasant mood. He didn't need Aiwass to help him make plans. Now Roy has grown up enough to solve any problem by himself. The reason why I told Aiwass is because only Aiwass knows all his secrets in this world, and he can only speak freely when he is with this Holy Guardian Angel.

If you tell this to other people, who knows if there will be a chain reaction of 'inhibition'.

"It's a human issue again"

Although Aiwass has a lot of mysterious knowledge, human principles are just beyond her understanding. The last time Roy returned to the Qin and Han Dynasties... he was cursed by human principles, so the first thing she thought of was... . Humanity.

"It's not human principles. Since I put the world back on the right track, as long as I don't use the 'human principles to burn', the human principles will always 'protect' me. It is better to say that it is because of the 'human principles'. "Blessing" will prevent me from being targeted more and keep me strong in luck."

"...this is the restraint, the deep consciousness from this planet and the human collective is targeting me, they are like putting on a dark eye patch on me, blocking my sight, letting me My surroundings are full of mists and unknowns, so that I cannot use any mysterious means to obtain information, but can only use logic and reasoning like an ordinary person to obtain all the information I want to know."

Roy shook his head. He knew that it was very troublesome to be targeted by the restraint force. If it was an ordinary magician, he could almost decide that his life was over. Power has been protecting him, keeping him from getting into more trouble.

Humanity and human subconsciousness are completely different things. The human restraint of Yeshi represents the survival of human beings, that is, the physiological and safety needs, the essential needs in the 'Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory', while the human principle is It symbolizes the right direction of human progress and is a kind of human self-realization.

Humanity can be said to be a sublimation of human restraint, but the premise of all this is the existence of human beings, that is, Alaya consciousness is the foundation of existence, and humanism is the upper building.

"Because my existence makes this planet and the whole life feel a sense of crisis, the restraint is aimed at me like this, but my own existence is not like a normal magician can be erased by restraint, and there are people who care about it. The restraint will appear very lazy and can only be targeted with this kind of paediatric-like means.”

Roy was thinking while talking to Aiwass. The Holy Guardian Angel didn't say much, she just listened quietly as a listener, letting Roy complain, Aiwass just looked at him tenderly. .

"The last time I was targeted by Humanity during the Qin and Han Dynasties, it was my own problem after I used the 'Humanity Burning Style', but at that time, the attitude of restraint was dispensable to me. This time I didn't provoke restraint. But instead, it is specially targeted. The biggest difference between the original me and the current me is... I came to the edge of the 'abyss, and entered the peak of the '7'."

Having said that, Roy stopped talking, because he knew that this was probably the answer. He has reached the peak of human beings. If he uses any aggressive angelic technique with all his strength, it will be enough to affect the entire planet. , a catastrophe that threatens the very existence of primates and the will of the planet.

"When this world was in the age of the gods, those... ordinary gods will be ignored, but as the 'initial gods', even if there are not many, there are definitely people who have reached the 'peak of people'. For example, my master craftsman, Skaha, although she was born with insufficiency, she has reached this level through her acquired efforts, and in this era of mysterious decline, no such existence has appeared in the world. They are not going to the world. The outside of the world is... to the Inner Sea of ​​Stars..."

Roy thought back carefully, even if there are all kinds of dead disciples, all kinds of magicians, and all kinds of mysterious abilities on this planet now, but there is absolutely no one who can easily destroy a planet or a planet like Roy. Humans are extinct monsters, people with such abilities have long been driven out of the world by the restraining force." If you think about it like this, it is only natural that Roy will be targeted by the restraining force.

"This kind of restrained world is really troublesome, forget it, let's take a step by step, just see how much restraint can do to 'drive' me away, and how much they are willing to pay, it is estimated that restraint is also a headache now Well, because I'm not... a native of this world!"

"...But even if I can't use mysterious means to probe and sense, the 'destiny' is still there: I don't have to worry too much, just wait for the 'destiny' to arrive."

Roy tugged the only black strand of hair on his head again, and his whole body seemed much more relaxed.

Soldiers will block water and cover soil,,,,, because the most basic appeal of restraint is to ensure that the planet and primates will not be destroyed, so restraint will never force Roy too much, at most... give him Add a little block, and Roy has nothing to do in this world.

2 quests are just final preparations for going to the 'Magic Forbidden World'.

Roy walked through the promenade and entered the church, and then he found many clergymen, regardless of...

Whether it was an agent or an ordinary clergyman, his eyes were filled with the fanaticism of believers. He was stunned, and turned his head thoughtfully to look at Aiwass floating behind him.

Ordinary people can't see Aiwass's figure, and can completely see through its existence. At present, Roy has only seen one Skaha, but Aiwass can also let others see him, these...... ......The reason why the clergy suddenly looked at Roy so frantically was because they saw that there was an angel behind Roy.

"You're being naughty, Iwass."

Roy joked.

"I'm trying to learn everything a human being should have, and doing this kind of boring thing is not a human's expertise."

Aiwass smiled and blinked at Roy, full of humanity.

Chapter Thirty-Seven Barthémello, Times Have Changed


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