"This one is for you, of course, Miss Elquite."

Roy smiled and pushed another folded garment in front of Erquitt.

Considering so many different things from her sister, Erquite was eager to try: "...that's fun, I haven't been a nun yet!"

Elquite grabbed the dress directly, with a very excited tone. When the nun thought it was fun, she stood up and gestured, and found that the nun's dress was just right for her figure, and she immediately took off the straps on the shoulders of the dress. :,Let a touch of fragrance bare the shoulders, and the clavicle like bamboo is white and flawless, infinite.

"What are you doing, Elquite!"

Ertuluqi shouted in shock.

"Change clothes."

"Are you an idiot, how can you change clothes casually in front of a man!"

Eltluqi was angry, did this idiot really have no common sense? Elquite, who was taking off her white dress, hesitated for a moment. She thought about it carefully, what Gaia had instilled in her. In knowledge, there seems to be such common sense.

At this time, Roy said in a timely manner: "...Alterluqi is right, don't change clothes in front of a man casually. Of course, it doesn't matter if you are in front of me."

Seeing Roy making a wrong inducement, Eltluqi just... sneered: "...you said before that cheating fools like this will not be forgiven by the Lord."

"Alter Luqi, you always talk about the Lord, and it seems that you are not far from converting to the church. As the Patriarch of the East, I am very pleased that you can make the famous dead disciple Ji Jun believe in my Lord, my name It will also become a 'Holy', and it will be passed down in the church forever."

Sharper than the words Roy has never been afraid of, Elter Luqi was choked and speechless.

At this time, Elquite wondered: "...Why do you say that you can't change clothes in front of a man, Roy, but it's fine in front of you, because you're not a man?"

Roy opened his mouth in surprise, his lips moved for a long time, but he didn't know what to say.

This foolish princess must have done it on purpose.

"Hahahaha!! I don't know why, but the concubine is suddenly very happy."

Seeing Roy deflated, Eltluqi laughed happily, and then she just... said to Erquite: "...Yes, he's not a man, so you quickly change your clothes. Bar."

It was still before: Stop it, but now Eltluqi is urging it instead.


Erquite felt that the conversation between the two was really inscrutable. She didn't understand a little, but she still obediently let the dress of her dress fall to the ground, revealing her perfect and flawless body, a swan-like neck, and snow-white skin. The slender willow waist and slender jade legs are indeed the perfect ancestor who can become the carrier of the vermilion moon.

Just as Roy was appreciating works of art, the princess of the true ancestor put on the nun's clothes awkwardly, and not long after that, a beautiful nun with a smirk, the true ancestor, appeared in front of the two of them.

Seeing Elquite's bright smile, Eltluqi just... secretly sighed, you are not going to trouble Roja, why have you forgotten everything now, and you live in the church like this She is also going to be a nun, what is it called that the true ancestor will never be a slave, unless she is covered with food and sees Erquite put on a nun's clothes, Eltluqi knows that she can't run away, she stands up directly, Very decisively, he pulled the silk rope of the dress, and when the silky smooth dress fell to the ground, Roy was speechless.

This black princess is different from the white princess, she actually wears underwear! Seeing that Roy wanted to bully her but she was shriveled, she smiled proudly and slowly began to change into nun clothes.

Seeing this, Roy said faintly: "... Hurry up and change your clothes, don't waste time here, your body is really nothing to see, and there is no comparison with your sister at all."


Ertuluqi was angry when she heard the words, and she wished she could just do a second transformation like a magical girl here, so that Roy could see her true appearance, which was definitely not worse than Erquette's figure, but she wanted to. Thinking of transforming like that consumes too much magic power. Her current magic power can't be used up at all, so she can only swallow her anger and quickly put on her dress.

Seeing the two vampires completely turned into nuns, Roy praised as if he had accomplished a great achievement: "...very good, then the church prayer work in the next few days will be handed over to you. already."

"...By the way, I'm a good talker. I know that Eltluqi is afraid of losing face, so I allow you to use a pseudonym. I'll help you think of the name, so let's call it Wuzhi. !"

"My concubine always feels that your name is malicious."

Elt Luqi immediately.

Be vigilant, in the magic world, the name is extremely important, and it will even involve the success of the grand ceremony. She muttered the name in her mouth, and her face was hesitant. Based on her knowledge, she found that the name did not seem to be involved. What a mystery.

"You're thinking too much, Luqi...I'm just doing it with good intentions."

It's fun to tease these two vampires until things are hidden here in Tsarist Russia.

Roy thought to himself, but the smile on his face was very gentle.

"Don't call your concubine's name so affectionately, it sounds so disgusting!"

Eltluqi snorted coldly.

Chapter 35 I am being targeted by the world

"Since the concubine has agreed to your request, now the concubine can leave the house."

Eltluqi tugged at the nun clothes on her body, and saw a silver cross hanging in front of the nun clothes, which made her feel very uncomfortable, although the black princess of the dead apostle was far from the vampire image in people's legends. Far away, not afraid of garlic, silver crosses and the like, but these things still make her feel awkward.

Being confined in a small black room and being restrained, although she did not suffer any physical harm, it had a great impact on her spirit and dignity. Seeing that now she had the opportunity, she couldn't wait to leave the 'loft where she was imprisoned'. ', to breathe free air.

"Wait a minute, you just sit there and don't move, Elterucci.


Roy raised his hand at this time, stopping Eltluce from wanting to leave the house.

"What are you going to do"

Alteluqi was already afraid of all kinds of strange thoughts of this man, and Ji Jun, the dead disciple, looked at Roy vigilantly, but her body was so obedient that she sat motionless on the chair.

"Your shoes are gone. Why don't you put on a pair of shoes. If the nuns in the church don't even wear shoes, the believers will think we will abuse the clergy."

Roy sighed softly, and took out a pair of black leather boots. Although they were not comparable to the pair of high heels that Elterucci wore before, they were also hand-sewn from genuine leather.

Holding her shoes, she walked in front of Eltluqi and knelt down on one knee. Under Eltluqi's nervousness, Roy held up... a slender calf under her nun clothes, revealing her jade feet.

Elterluqi's jade feet are small and well-proportioned, delicate and white, not as big as Roy's palms, because of the tension, the toes are slightly curled up, the nails are not stained with dust, the arches of her feet are taut, and the skin on the ankles is delicate and touching. Can't put it down.

Ancient Red only felt a tickling on her feet, she wanted to kick a few feet, but Roy's hand grabbed her ankle like a vise, making Eltluqi unable to exert any strength, and in the end she did not. He could only wait a while, and let Roy put on a pair of shoes for her with a blushing face.

"There is a relic of the so-called Age of Gods here in Tsarist Russia, what is your reaction from the dead disciples?"

Roy asked suddenly.

The dizzy Eltluqi was conscious at this time. Seeing that Roy had put on her shoes and stood up for some time, but her legs were still straight, she immediately The dead disciple's Ji Jun is... embarrassed to withdraw his legs, sit on the chair with his legs together, and say as calmly as possible: "...I don't know what happened to the concubine at the council of the dead. Concubine and Otten Rocher are not the same at all."

"...What are you doing to inquire about the dead disciples from your concubine? You are preparing to lead the people of the Holy Church to wipe out the dead disciples."

If someone said in the past that they could wipe out the dead apostles in one go, Ertuluqi would definitely not believe it. Thousands of years have passed, the seats of those ...... ancient twenty-seven ancestors have not changed at all. In the past, only the marginal figures of the Twenty-seven Patriarchs will change. From this, it can be seen that although the Holy Church has hit the dead apostles, it is not as good as imagined.

But after seeing the... miraculous powers that Roy showed, Eltluqi raised her vigilance towards the church to the highest level. This man like a god, who loves Ertuluqi couldn't see his length at all, and didn't know what consequences his existence would cause to the Death Apostles.

But things always have two sides. If you use them well... Thinking of this, Eltluqi is news again, and it is very likely that it came from Otten Rocher and his henchmen, This time, the twenty-seven ancestors of the dead disciples have been dispatched on a large scale for the first time in hundreds of years, and there are more than ten or more of the twenty-seven ancestors of Imperial Russia known to the concubine!"

Elterucci still won't do something like joining forces with the Church to snipe the Dead Apostles, it will make her notorious among the Dead Apostles, but use the power of the Church to target her enemy, Otten Roche. With his power, this will only make people admire her formidable wrist.

"...There is such a big disturbance this time, and even the Magic Clock Tower has sent a large number of magicians. As the initiator of everything, Otten Roche definitely has some conspiracy."

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