Whether it was the complicated magic used by Eltluqi, or the various natural disasters that Elquite imagined, they are not as good as their claws, and their bodies are more threatening.

The two princesses are both vampires. Unlike ordinary people, even their teeth are their weapons. Roy watched the two princesses tearing each other's hair, and fiercely opened their mouths to bite each other's neck, leaving a stump of limbs. The broken arm was restored to its original appearance because of its immortality, which made him amazed.

"This is a woman's fight, and it's really brutal."

He shook his head and clicked his tut 70 times, his leisurely manner of watching a play made Aertuluqi, who occasionally looked here from the corner of his eyes, wanted to jump with hatred.

At the beginning of the battle, Eltluqi's figure changed from a petite loli to a concave and convex, exuding the charm of a mature woman. This is actually Eltluqi's true appearance. The posture, the snow-white flesh, the slender calves under the long skirt and the white jade feet, and the noble temperament in her gestures are enough to make any man fall under her pomegranate skirt.

The pure white dress and the pure black dress swayed in the wind, the blond and black hair fluttered in the beauty, even though the two princesses fought extremely fiercely, but that... the beauty is really unforgettable, the broken jade arm , the shredded throat, the severed calf, the blood spattered like a fountain and the crushed internal organs, constitute a beautiful picture of extreme depravity.

But gradually, Eltluqi was... at a disadvantage, even if Elquite was deceived by Roja, and most of the remaining power was used by her to suppress the blood-sucking impulse, but even if it was a prosperous During the period, Ertuluqi was not his sister's opponent. In addition, the 800-year old injury had not healed. When she started to burst out with all her strength, she could still fight with Erquite vigorously, but as time passed, her momentum became more and more powerful. Insufficient hair.

The tall figure of Ertu Luqi, who incarnated as the Royal Sister, began to shrink a little bit as the battle time was delayed, as if she was forcibly smashed from the Royal Sister to a Lolita by Erquette. , which makes it a little funny.

"The world can't hold it anymore."

Roy raised his head to look at the crack in the world that only he could see, and sighed secretly.

This is... the prototype of the technique of "Golden Supreme Heaven", the degree of firmness is very low, and this is not the real usage of "Golden Supreme Heaven", it will be damaged under the full force of the two princesses. within reason.

The real concept of "Golden Supreme Heaven" is that "everyone is like a dragon, that is, people in the Golden Supreme Heaven can be blessed with the same power as Iraq without losing a single bit of their own power. It can be described as an 'infinitely stronger'. technique.

Compared with the concept of 'everyone is like a dragon', this kind of means of deploying "Golden Supreme" to the outside world is like a child's game. If it weren't for this, Roy would not be at all. To use the golden sky like this is considered a blasphemy to some extent.

Even though the two princesses have a lot of various means, they are not perpetual motion machines after all, no matter...

Whether it's Eltluqi or Erquite, the energy and physical strength are starting to drop. Fortunately, this is a battle in the golden sky. If it was in reality, it is estimated that the two princesses would have been in the city with their full strength. .

Roy felt that it was almost the same. With the current state of the two princesses, they could be completely captured.

Just when Roy finally stood up and was about to shoot, the Black Princess blocked a sharp claw of the White Princess, her petite body flew out, and she was smashed into a rock wall with a groan. Lu Qi spat out a mouthful of blood, and this...dead disciple Ji Jun suddenly said angrily: "...Concubine is not fighting, concubine admits defeat!"

Hei Ji of the Dead Apostle was panting and dripping with perspiration. She had fought with Elquite with all her strength before, and apart from protecting herself... power to shatter this 'other world'.

In terms of the result, it is good, because Eltluce has discovered that the world is on the verge of being broken. If she continues to fight, she can really break this false paradise, but she still decides to admit defeat. After some battles, her strength has been severely reduced, and there is still a mysterious Dongzheng Patriarch here, no matter...

From every aspect, Eltluqi felt that she couldn't win at all, she really tried her best! The fight with Erquite made the dead apostle Heiji dare not keep his hand, so that the consumption of magic power is far greater than the recovery , If the fight goes on like this, Eltluqi even suspects that she doesn't have enough magic power to repair the clothes, and then she may be naked and fight with people, thinking about that scene, she just... shudders.

If it really wants to become like that, it would be better than suicide.

Perhaps Elquite didn't care about streaking and fighting, but she, Eltlucy, couldn't afford to lose face.

"The concubine admits defeat, the patriarch over there, the concubine is willing to listen to you, as long as you can guarantee the basic dignity of the concubine, the concubine will never resist, but the concubine has a condition, you must also arrest the woman in front of you. Get up, otherwise the concubine would rather commit suicide than let you insult the concubine!"

Eltluqi pointed at Erquite in front of her with one hand, she was also ruthless, even if she wanted to become a prisoner, she absolutely couldn't let this stupid woman feel better, because of her reasons eight hundred years ago, she made herself become a prisoner. After 800 years of being a fugitive, she has let herself be captured again, even if she wants to die, she will be dragged into **** with her! Roy originally planned to take down Eltluqi, and then he will slowly train him. Yes, he also knew that with the arrogance of the dead disciple princess, even if he really took her down and did something like this to her, the princess would not give in, but looking at the attitude of Ertuluqi now, as long as he loves her Erquite also catches, she will take the initiative to obey.

"Okay, since the ancient red you said so, then I will fulfill your expectations."

Roy crossed his hands in front of him, like a great priest who fulfilled his wishes for believers.

At this moment, the golden light in Elquite's eyes faded, and the ghastly expression on his face was gone, his dark red pupils appeared again, and a silly smile appeared, "...then you put her Grab it, and I'll listen to you too."

Elquite pointed at his sister, and the innocent words she said made Eltluqi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood again.

"I'm so angry with my concubine, I'm so angry with my concubine! You have to fight against your concubine, right, okay, in that case, as long as you can make this stupid woman cry, let her kneel down and beg for mercy, no matter what...

What means do you use to achieve this, the concubine will listen to you, no matter what...

What are you going to do to the concubine, the concubine will recognize it!"

Eltluqi was so angry that she was already hysterical and a little self-sacrificing.

It was the greatest misfortune in her life to have such a sister on the stall.

"Okay, then me too!"

But Elquite's silly smile completely broke Eltluqi's last restraint.

Roy was almost amused by Elquette's strange brain circuit, he tried his best not to laugh, and maintained a serious expression: "...Although the two Lord Ji Jun's thoughts are very strange, but Since you are willing to sacrifice yourselves to fulfill each other, I have to reluctantly help you achieve it."

......In a quiet prayer room in the church, Eltluqi stared blankly at Elquette, who was beside him and was bound together with him.

Chapter 30 Princess, it's time to take medicine!

Eltluqi sat on the ground, wearing a gorgeous black dress on her petite and tender body, and her crystal high heels had been thrown somewhere in the previous battle, but Heiji of the Dead Apostle was not. Cinderella, even without the slipper, is a noble princess.

It's just that the princess looks a little embarrassed now, her dress is a little messy, and under the black veil, you can see her tender legs and snow-white jade feet are tense, she just sits pitifully like this. In the corner of the prayer room, like those miserable girls who are kept in the attic, as often appear in the newspapers.

Eltluqi curled her legs, one hand over her knee, her delicate chin rested on her knee, and her wine-red eyes were filled with intoxicating melancholy.

The dead disciple's Heiji shook her other hand, and there was a sound of iron ropes colliding. She looked at the iron chain tied to her left jade wrist with a complicated expression. Came from here.

Ordinary iron ropes can't tie Heiji naturally, but this lock is not an ordinary iron rope, but a thousand-year-old lock embodied by Erquite. In the distant 'Millennium City', Erquite falls asleep every time. It will be used at all times: this chain binds oneself, as a punishment for oneself and a **** to prevent oneself from falling.

And Erquite used her experience of tying herself up on her sister.

"Elquite, why do you tie up your concubine!"

Eltluqi has always thought of herself as an elegant princess who rarely loses her manners, but since she met her sister and the... hateful Patriarch Dongzheng, she felt that she could no longer be a princess. of restraint.

Hei Ji of the Dead Apostle looked at the other end of the chain along the Millennium Lock, and that end was right at Elquette's wrist. After the Princess of the True Ancestor had manifested the Millennium Lock, not only did she bind her own Sister, also carried out self-restraint, that is to say, Roy, who was the kidnapper, didn't actually do anything, and Elquite took the initiative to send himself and his sister over.

"Hurry up and let go of your concubine... If you like to be tied, then tie yourself up, don't implicate your concubine!"

Eltluqi completely gave up on Erquite's brain circuit, you have to call her stupid, sometimes you lied to her to be especially vigilant, the first method that Eltluqi used here was. ..Use a soft tone to deceive Elquite, but the final result is undoubtedly a failure, the princess of the true ancestor is very intuitive.

But you have to say that she is smart, what this princess did was just... unreasonable, she was pure stupid and sweet, and she didn't want to deceive her.

"I won't let you go, if I let you go, you'll run away."

Elquite showed a silly and bright smile to Elter Luqi. This… True Ancestor's princess has a stunningly beautiful face, her skin is smooth without any flaws, and her figure is absolutely perfect. The golden ratio among human women, Roy can prove that for such a beautiful princess, even if her smile is a little silly, it will not damage her beauty in the slightest, but Aerteluqi feels that her sister's smile is really a bit embarrassing.

"Why are you so smart at this time, hurry up and let go of your concubine... How about we run first before that **** comes over?"

Eltluqi said that she couldn't think of a patient's mind, she could only plead in a low voice, she had lost face and something before, and now she can see it.

Who would have known that Erquite looked serious at Elter Luqi at this time.

"...You are doing this wrong. Since you have made a promise, you must fulfill this promise. You can't run away."

"...As expected you are a liar, I hate liars the most!"

In the end, Erquite seemed to be thinking of Ya's deception, her eyes turned red for a while... gold, and a murderous aura pervaded her body.

Ertuluqi's face turned pale and blue when Erquite's words said it, it was not the guilt of being called a liar by her, but she thought of what she said in the false 'heaven' before. if.

At that time, Eltluqi was nearly collapsed by Elquite's spirit. She was almost hysterical and told Roy that as long as Elquite was also caught, she would let him do what he promised. The darling Elquite made the same promise in turn.

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