"...This world is not yet solid, you can break it from the inside, but the ancient red, you don't have the strength to break through it now, if your subordinates are all here, I do I can't lock you all, but unfortunately, as you entered the "Golden High Heaven", your breath could no longer be sensed. Those two knights and a cat should have left St. Petersburg by this time.



go find you."

Roy didn't care to explain the truth of "Golden Heaven" to Eltluce, and used this inescapable fact to oppress her spirit.

The current golden sky is still a long way from perfection. If it is a complete golden sky, in Roy's concept, it should be a universe that exists within itself. Unless someone can surpass the universe, otherwise It is absolutely impossible to escape.

"A parallel world has been created... This is simply a means of magic. The two idiots, Lord Rezovol and Lord Brad, were deceived like this!"

The ancient red cursed in a low voice, and at this moment, the environment of this ruined 'Millennium City' changed again, the deep vermilion moon turned into pure brilliance, and the surroundings were holy and peaceful.

Eltluqi looked around, her breath was suffocating, twelve doors appeared in her sight, twelve angels stood on the doors, inlaid with countless jewels, a huge city. Across the white clouds, there is the Pearl Gate, the Golden Street, the Jasper Wall, and the Tree of Life. Standing in this holy city, as a dead apostle, she only felt a kind of fear rising from her heart, making her I couldn't help but wanted to kneel on the ground and ask the Lord for forgiveness.

Having read the "Bible", Eltluqi knows that this is the heaven recorded in the "Bible", and the angel standing high in the sky actually created a 'heaven!' And as a dead apostle, standing in this holy place She could only feel a mountain-like pressure on her thin back.

"Just in time, an acquaintance of yours came here..."

Roy whispered, and after hearing his words, Eltluce also noticed something and looked beside him, where a pure white figure appeared like a wave of water.

......In the real world, the True Ancestor's Princess stepped into the Peter and Paul Church behind several surrogates. When Her Royal Highness had just stepped into it, she felt that the world began to change, and the surrogates beside her disappeared. The shadow of the church also disappeared, and she suddenly appeared in a strange place.

Chapter 28 Concubine is too difficult

The Princess of the True Ancestor was confused, her brain capacity was completely unable to understand why she had stepped into the church, why did she run to such a strange place.

If this is a magical barrier or some kind of dangerous place, then Elquette's fighting instinct will also give her a warning, but "Golden Sky", as Roy said, this is not a simple knot Instead, it created a parallel world where even the executioner of the True Ancestor could not be hostile to the natural environment.

Except...the pure white brilliance made her a little unaccustomed to being the True Ancestor, Elquite didn't feel any discomfort, and she and her older sister, Eltluce, were a little uncomfortable. The difference is that the ignorant and ignorant True Ancestor Princess has no idea that what this world shows is the paradise recorded in the Bible.

She was stunned on the spot, her blood-red pupils were stunned, until the murderous intent and hostility beside her suddenly appeared, making this... the True Ancestor Princess, who was made as a 'weapon', immediately.


Elquite bowed slightly and made an attacking gesture, and then quickly looked at the place where the killing intent came from. When she saw Eltluqi's pair of cold eyes that seemed to freeze everything, she sighed. That is...pointing to her with his finger, his moist red lips parted slightly, he used the same beautiful and beautiful voice as Eltluqi, but with a mature and charming voice: "...Ah, you Yes...you ran from me, who took my hair from..."


Roy seemed to hear the sound of the death disciple's Ji Jun's teeth being shattered. Eltluqi's anger rose from her heart, and her naked jade feet were tense, which showed that she was in a very bad mood now. Jun thought that his sister didn't know her on purpose, but when Eltluqi looked into Elquitna's eyes of the same color as hers, her anger was... discouraged.

What reflected in Erquite's pupils was really a piece of distressed thinking. She remembered Eltluqi, and the scene where she was once ordered by the True Ancestors to hunt and kill Eltluqi was still vivid in her mind. Knowing that this is her sister, but she really forgot the name of Ertuluqi, or this... the princess of the true ancestor did not remember it.

'Why did the concubine get angry with this idiot.

' Ertuluqi took a deep breath, secretly warned herself not to be angry, and then... coldly said: "...My concubine's stupid sister, remember, my concubine's name is Erte. Lucy.

Brenstadt, the Black Lady of the Dead Apostles who will ruin your tool!"

Hearing her words, Erquite nodded repeatedly like a chicken pecking at rice, with one hand on his waist just... glaring at Eltluci, imitating her tone: "... .... um, I see, you are a stupid sister, hurry up and give me back my hair, or I will kill you here too!"


Being taught her own words by Erquette made Ertuluqi anxious again. She found that she was more angry today than in the past 100 years. She stared at Erquette's face for a long time, as if observing herself. Is this younger sister really stupid or wise and stupid, and finally the dead apostle Heiji laughed out loud, "...hahahaha! It turns out, it's so funny, so funny, the once perfect 'weapon' also appeared. A flaw!"

"...The concubine still clearly remembers that when I first met you, you didn't say a word, didn't even have a trace of affection, it was... a killing tool made by the true ancestors, at that time, the concubine decided To kill you for insulting the name 'Brunstadt!"

"But now the concubine suddenly regrets it, it turns out to be such a cute idiot, it seems that Roja deceived you to **** blood is also beneficial, at least your tool appeared!!"

Eight hundred years ago, Elquite was created by the True Ancestors in the form of Zhu Lan. It was used as a tool for the True Ancestor's execution to kill those... The Fallen True Ancestor, because it is a tool, there is no need to transmit it. knowledge.

And Hei Ji Ertuluqi is also one of the targets of execution. At the beginning, Erquite and Roja went to hunt down Ertuluqi together. The two sisters fought a battle, and finally lost their hair. Terluqi was seriously injured at the cost of ending.

After that, Ertuluqi was on the run. She slaughtered a large number of humans and sucked blood to regain her strength. The Baiyi Gong faction among the dead disciples did not want Heiji to regain her strength. Let Eltluqi's injury never heal.

It can be said that the current situation of Ertuluqi is caused by Erquite.

And when Eltluqi mentioned Roja, Elquite's stupid face immediately became solemn, and his whole body exuded a pure killing intent that was deeper and purer than that of Eltluqi, and the wine-red pupils almost dripped. Bleeding, "...Where is Roja, those people told me that as long as I go with them to meet their patriarch, they will tell me where Roja is!"

At this moment, Eltluqi's heart moved, and the wise dead disciple Ji Jun immediately found a way to solve the problem in front of her. She pointed at Roy, who was floating in the air without saying a word, and tempted like a devil whispering. : "...that person is the Patriarch of Dongzheng you are looking for, why don't we make a deal, Erquite."

"...We are all locked in this strange world now and can't get out, why don't we join forces to break this cage, and after we leave this world, I can help you catch him together and ask him questions from him Roja's whereabouts!"

Although her sister is stupid, her strength is indisputable. If Erquit was still the same...killing tool 800 years ago, Eltluqi would never make this proposal, but since Erquit was the same... With special emotions and humanity, she can change from a killing tool to a 'tool person' that can be used.

But it was obvious that Eltluqi still looked down on her sister.

"Are we locked up?"

Elquite looked around and scratched her head in confusion, because she didn't feel the world's hostility towards her at all.

Ertuluqi almost vomited blood when she heard the words, her fingers were trembling, and she suddenly wanted to cry.


At this moment, Roy said with a chuckle, "...Miss Elquite, your sister Eltlucy was once the target of your murder, and she even took your hair away. , how about this, Miss Elquite, help me catch her and give it to me, and I will tell you all the news about Roja."

"...In the past few hundred years, Miss Elquite, every time you wake up and hunt down Roja, our church has given you a lot of help, presumably we should be more... Trust me."

Erquite thought for a while, it seemed that the Church of Sanctuary had always been there hundreds of years ago: helping her lead her to find Roja, although she didn't like those people in the church, compared to Eltluce, she was still very much better. Really the church is more credible.

Thinking like this, she looked at Roy, tilted her head, and asked innocently: "...you really have news about Roya"

"I'm not going to deceive you, love? Miss Elquite! This time Roja's reincarnation is a little special. He doesn't need a lot of slaughtering humans to recover his strength, so even Miss Elquite is very good. It's hard to find him, but I have met him and cast a tracking spell on him."

Roy was persuading, and while he spoke, he took out a piece of clothing, presumably this... the princess of the true ancestor could smell the 'stench' that belonged to Roja.

Sure enough, when Erquite saw the piece of clothing in Roy's hand, her expression changed immediately. This... the princess of the true ancestor suddenly turned into an emotionless killer. She stood in front of Eltluqi earnestly and again. Indifferently said: "...I want to catch you and give it to him, so that I can find Roja!"

'Are you stupid!' Eltluqi wanted to point at her sister's nose and curse, but at this time, she felt that her brain was hurting, and she didn't want to say a word of pain.

Whether she was really confused by Erquite, was it really stupid or fake.

Why does a concubine have such a sister, it is too hard to kill a concubine!

Chapter 29 Both were arrested


The legendary battle of 800 years ago is repeated in modern times.

This paradise, transformed by Roy's "Golden Heaven", is on the verge of shattering, the streets made of gold have been reduced to pieces, and the city gates and city walls studded with jewels and jewels collapsed in an instant, even if the fruit of life and wisdom were planted. The tree of life was also broken in two.

The White Princess of the True Ancestor and the Black Princess of the Dead Apostle were slaughtering each other heartily in this unknown world. Roy was sitting on a piece of waste brick, holding his chin with one hand and admiring the heroic fighting of the two princesses. I have to say that as long as the person is beautiful, even if the fighting method is brutal, it will still make people feel like a dream and picturesque.

A True Ancestor, a hybrid of a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle, compared to those... extraordinary abilities, the two princesses obviously believed in their body as a 'vampire', no matter what. ...

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